Social Statistics

Sociology at 91直播 (including Social Statistics) is ranked first in the UK, based on the percentage of overall research activity that is world leading (4*), and second based on research power (REF 2014).

Research activities within the Social Statistics discipline area are both methodological and substantive. They focus on a wide range of subject areas including social inequalities, population dynamics and survey methodology. PhD students join a thriving research programme and receive high-quality training and supervision tailored to their particular needs.

Our courses provide a firm grounding in advanced quantitative methods, taught within an applied social science framework.

The course has a strong connection with the Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research (CMIST), reflecting our commitment to interdisciplinary, integrated research. The courses are also recognised by both the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the North West Doctoral Training Centre, from whom we receive a large number of Advanced Quantitative methods (AQM) and CASE awards each year.


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