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WATCH: Europe in union to make falls prevention flash mob video

  • More than 500 people took part
  • Falls are dangerous but preventable

A video featuring more than 500 people in ten countries taking part in a flash mob is demonstrating exercises that can help reduce the risk of falls in the over-65s.

Co-ordinated by the University of Manchester, members of the public and researchers working on the issue all joined the flash mob event on International Older People’s Day (1 October).

The idea is to let people know that falls aren’t an inevitable part of ageing and that with a few simple exercises and precautions, the risk of injury can be greatly reduced.

The countries represented were England, Germany, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Sweden and Wales (and the Australians also got in on the act in their role as advisors to the project).

For more information on the ProFouND Stay Strong, Stay Steady Campaign and guides to exercises you can take, click .

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