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Two new books in Feminist Global Politics co-edited by Dr Cristina Masters

Dr Cristina Masters has co-edited two new volumes published by Rowan & Littlefield: Writing Saved Me: When the International Gets Personal and Ripping, Cutting, Stitching: Feminist Knowledge Destruction and Creation in Global Politics.

Writing Saved Me

Both of these new books explore different and usually unscrutinised aspects of academic writing and research, and thereby provide new insights into methodology and global politics.

is a collection of writing in academia that usually does not make it to the public space, but which provides insights into global politics and the neoliberal university.

Ripping, Cutting, Stitching

is a ‘collective mediation on writing, methods, violences, and un/becomings in global politics’ that aims to ‘offer a theoretically creative work which engages extensively with the visual and affective to un-discipline knowledge and modes of expression.’

is a Senior Lecturer in International Politics.

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