<![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> /about/news/ en Wed, 23 Oct 2024 01:20:50 +0200 Sun, 10 Apr 2022 15:01:29 +0200 <![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> https://content.presspage.com/clients/150_1369.jpg /about/news/ 144 Trial reveals benefits of text message support on children’s bedtime routines /about/news/trial-reveals-benefits-of-text-message-support-on-childrens-bedtime-routines/ /about/news/trial-reveals-benefits-of-text-message-support-on-childrens-bedtime-routines/501511A proof-of-concept study of an intervention which sends support and information to parents at bedtime by text message has been shown to improve the quality of their children’s sleep.

A proof-of-concept study of an intervention which sends support and information to parents at bedtime by text message has been shown to improve the quality of their children’s sleep.

Devised by researchers at The Universities of Manchester,  the system - costing under £2 per family for a week- was also shown to improve the overall quality of bedtime routines as well as parental mood.

The 50 first-time parents with children aged 1-3 were recruited to study received a variety of text messages for seven consecutive nights providing information on achieving optimal bedtime routines. The messages were co-designed with the parents.

A focus group of 25 of the parents was also held after the study was completed to gather feedback on the intervention.

They provided expressed their support and desire to see an intervention like the one trialled more widely available.

The results, obtained from pre and post intervention questionnaires, are published in the journal .

Funded by the Medical Research Council, the study team examined 6 key areas for achieving good bedtime routines: brushing teeth before bed; time consistency for going to bed; book reading before bed; avoiding food/drinks before bed; avoiding use of electronic devices before bed; and calming activities with child before bed including bath, shower, and talking.

As a result of the study:

  • ·The children’s sleep increased by an average of 8% with less night-waking episodes and with children feeling better the next day after having a good night’s sleep
  • ·The overall quality of bedtime routines improved by an average score of 4.8% with parents achieving more optimal, bedtime routine activities such as brushing teeth before bed, minimising consumption of sugar before bed, reading a book or storytelling before bed, avoiding use of electronic devices and interacting with their children more in calming, beneficial activities
  • ·Parental mood was improved by an average score of 5.8% with parents reported feeling less tense, less fatigued and reporting higher self-esteem

Text messages have been used extensively within health behaviour change programmes, though they have never been used to deliver a standalone intervention for bedtime.

Dr Georgios Kitsaras who led the study said: “We know that there is strong link between the quality of bedtime routines and children’s sleep.

“We also know that poor sleep hygiene affects children’s development, school performance, mood and cognitive functioning and development as well as the wellbeing of parents.

“Organisations like the and are all engaged in this debate- but up to now, there has been sparse evidence of how best to help parents achieve better bedtime routines.

“Parents are on the receiving end of, at times, conflicting information and so we need to untie conflicting signals and messages parents receive.

“This lack of a clear consensus-based definition of limits health professionals’ ability to communicate best practice effectively with families.

“So any intervention which is shown to be effective is most welcome and could make a real difference to families.

“The low cost of the intervention, its adaptability and practicability also make it important in times of strained healthcare budgets and healthcare staff under pressure.”

He added: “The preliminary data from this low cost intervention is very encouraging:  we saw beneficial effects across three key outcomes: children’s sleep quality, bedtime routine quality and parental mood disturbance.

“And parents felt less tense, less fatigued, less confused, less angry while also reporting higher vigour and self-esteem.

“The impact on tooth brushing was particularly encouraging as  poor oral hygiene practices can increase the likelihood of tooth and gum disease.

“In England alone, 30% 3 year-olds and 25% of 5-year-olds have active dental disease, leading, at times, to extraction under general anesthetic

“It is therefore essential to ensure that all children have good oral hygiene practices and limit their exposure to sugar at all times, including at bedtime.”

Bedtime Routines Intervention for Children (BRIC) project: results from a non-randomized feasibility, proof-of concept study is published in

Mon, 11 Apr 2022 16:43:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_stock-photo-cute-little-boy-is-sleeping-in-front-of-his-teddy-bears-122848462.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/stock-photo-cute-little-boy-is-sleeping-in-front-of-his-teddy-bears-122848462.jpg?10000
Suicidal thoughts follow bad night’s sleep in people with depression /about/news/suicidal-thoughts-follow-bad-nights-sleep-in-people-with-depression/ /about/news/suicidal-thoughts-follow-bad-nights-sleep-in-people-with-depression/274463A study by University of Manchester researchers has shown for the first time that a bad night’s sleep is associated with suicidal thoughts the next day in people with depression.


A study by University of Manchester researchers has shown for the first time that a bad night’s sleep is associated with suicidal thoughts the next day in people with depression.

Researcher Donna Littlewood says her observational study of 51 patients with depression and suicidal thoughts highlights the need for treatment of sleep disorders in people with mental health problems.

The patients were given movement monitoring Actigraph watches and asked to fill in a sleep diary and assessments of their suicidal thoughts over seven days.

That data revealed that poor sleep quality and short sleep duration were both associated with higher feelings of suicidal thoughts the next day.

This link between poor sleep and increased suicidal thoughts remained even after other factors such as symptoms of depression and anxiety had been taken into account.

However, there was no association between suicidal thoughts during the day and poor sleep the following night.

The study, published in Psychological Medicine, was funded by the Medical Research Council and University of Manchester Doctoral Research Fund.

Ms Littlewood said: “Suicidal thoughts result from a complex range of multiple different factors. In this research we chose to specifically look at the role of sleep disturbance.

“Sleep plays a hugely important role in our physical and mental wellbeing.

“When we sleep, our bodies recover from the physical and mental exertion of the day.

“Many people with mental health problems experience sleep problems, but sleep can be treated effectively using psychological and pharmacological interventions.

“This study highlights that it is important for clinicians to provide treatment for sleep problems, when working with people who experience suicidal thoughts.”

The paper Short sleep duration and poor sleep quality predict next-day suicidal ideation: An ecological momentary assessment study is published in


Fri, 27 Apr 2018 12:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_sleepnight.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/sleepnight.jpg?10000