<![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> /about/news/ en Tue, 22 Oct 2024 23:53:37 +0200 Thu, 11 Jul 2024 14:25:53 +0200 <![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> https://content.presspage.com/clients/150_1369.jpg /about/news/ 144 New discovery hope for people with neurodevelopment disorders /about/news/new-discovery-hope-for-people-with-neurodevelopment-disorders/ /about/news/new-discovery-hope-for-people-with-neurodevelopment-disorders/651899A global collaboration involving University of Manchester scientists has discovered the gene whose variants potentially causing neurodevelopmental disorders in hundreds of thousands of people across the world.

A global collaboration involving University of Manchester scientists has discovered the gene whose variants potentially causing neurodevelopmental disorders in hundreds of thousands of people across the world.


The  findings of the University of Oxford led study, published in , are an exciting first step towards the development of future  treatments for the disorders which have devastating impacts on learning, behaviour, speech, and movement.


While most NDDs are thought to be genetic and caused by changes to DNA, to date around 60% of individuals with the conditions do not know the specific DNA change that causes their disorder.


Nearly all genes known to be involved in NDD are responsible for making proteins. However the team discovered that the gene RNU4-2 instead makes an RNA molecule that plays an important role in how other genes are processed in cells.


The study estimates that these specific changes in the RNU4-2 gene can explain 0.4% of all NDD cases globally, potentially impacting hundreds of thousands of families across the world.


While previous studies have only looked at genes that make proteins, data from the , used by the team meant they could sequence entire genomes enabling changes in genes that don’t make proteins, like RNU4-2, to be analysed as well.


The study was led by Nicola Whiffin, Associate Professor at the Big Data Institute and Centre for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford.


The team found mutations in RNU4-2 in 115 people with NDDs, many of whom had the exact same variant which adds a single extra base at an important position in the RNA.

The second haJamie Ellingford is  Senior Research Fellow at The University of Manchester and Lead Genomics Data Scientist at Genomics England

He said: “This is a really powerful discovery which shows just how far we have developed as a global scientific and clinical community.

“It provides evidence of how we now have the capability to pinpoint all types of differences in people's DNA which can be drivers of disease, and can rapidly connect families and researchers from across the world.

“The University of Manchester has an excellent track record at the cutting edge of human genomics research and the discovery of new types of diseases.

This finding builds upon jointly led work at the University of Manchester and the University of Oxford to understand the impact of DNA differences in the part of the human genome that doesn't directly encode for protein, once called "junk DNA" because of its unknown role.

“The close alliances between computational science, genomics and clinical discovery at The University of Manchester will hopefully enable future discoveries like this that help families and other researchers better understand genomic diseases."

Nicole Cedor, mother to 10-year-old Mia Joy, said: “When Undiagnosed Network told us about three years ago that there was nothing else they could do, we resigned ourselves to the fact that we may never find out.

“So, you can imagine our shock to get this news. With the information we have gained, we are getting blood work to check iron levels, getting a DEXA bone scan next week, and we have a referral in for endocrinology.”

“We are so grateful to each person on the research teams that worked tirelessly to find this diagnosis.  It is one thing to write papers and crunch all that data, then another to see a family with a precious unique child who is living it day by day.  This where the data meets real life. We like to refer to RNU4-2 as "renew", as our family is being renewed by this new information and hope for the future.”lf goes here.

Professor Whiffin said: “What is most remarkable about this discovery is how often changes in this gene result in NDD. Most protein-coding genes involved in NDD are thousands of DNA bases long. RNU4-2 is around 50 times smaller but changes in this gene are almost as frequent a cause of NDD as these protein-coding genes. Including RNU4-2 in standard clinical genetic testing will end diagnostic odysseys for thousands of NDD patients worldwide and provide long-awaited hope to families.”

Thu, 11 Jul 2024 16:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_stock-photo-dna-helix-gene-molecule-spiral-loop-d-genetic-chromosome-cell-dna-molecule-spiral-of-blue-light-1559659808.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/stock-photo-dna-helix-gene-molecule-spiral-loop-d-genetic-chromosome-cell-dna-molecule-spiral-of-blue-light-1559659808.jpg?10000
Brain implant firm wins £12m funding with Graphene@91ֱ nanotech /about/news/brain-implant-firm-wins-12m-funding-with-graphenemanchester-nanotechnology/ /about/news/brain-implant-firm-wins-12m-funding-with-graphenemanchester-nanotechnology/445024A collaboration between two Barcelona institutions and the Nanomedicine Lab at The University of Manchester - aimed at treating brain disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease - has secured £12m in funding.

A collaboration between two Barcelona institutions and the  at The University of Manchester - aimed at treating brain disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease - has secured £12m in funding, one of the largest investments to date in the European medical nanotechnology industry.

is a spin-out company from the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology () and the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (), partners of - and supported by - the European Commission’s programme.

INBRAIN’s work involves the decoding of brain signals by implanting innovative, flexible nanoscale graphene electrodes, developed in conjunction with researchers at 91ֱ’s Nanomedicine Lab and the  (NGI).

These signals may then be used to produce a therapeutic, personalised response for patients with epilepsy, Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders.

This new investment is co-led by Barcelona-based venture capitalists Asabys Partners and Alta Life Sciences, joined by: Vsquared Ventures, a deep tech-focused early-stage venture capitalist based in Munich; TruVenturo GmbH, Germany’s most successful internet company builders; and CDTI, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Fruits of long collaborationProfessor Kostas Kostarelos

Kostas Kostarelos, Professor of Nanomedicine at The University of Manchester , the NGI and co-founder of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, said: ‘’This investment for INBRAIN is a testament that graphene-based technologies and the properties of 2D materials have a unique set of propositions to offer for clinical medicine and the management of neurological disorders.

“This did not happen suddenly, though, or by a stroke of good luck in the lab,” he added. “It is the culmination of many years of persistent and consistent work between at least three research institutions, one of which is the Nanomedicine Lab in 91ֱ, the other two in Barcelona, all working closely and cooperatively under the critically important funding of the Graphene Flagship project.”

The Graphene Flagship is the European Commission’s €1bn research funding spearhead and a key partner of ICN2, ICREA and Graphene@91ֱ, with a mission is to accelerate advanced 2D materials research and commercialisation.

High costs of brain disease

The high incidence of brain-related diseases worldwide and their huge annual cost - around £700bn in Europe alone, according to a 2010 study by the European Brain Council - call for greater investments in basic research in this field, with the aim of developing new and more efficient therapeutic and diagnostic tools.

Existing brain interfaces are based on metals such as platinum and iridium, which significantly restrict miniaturisation and signal resolution, and are therefore responsible for considerable side effects.

As a consequence, there is a 50% rejection rate of these implants in candidate patients. INBRAIN Neuroelectronics has a disruptive technology proposition, based on the novel material graphene, that overcomes the current limitations of metal-based neural interfaces.

Graphene electrodes allow miniaturisation to nanoscale, with the potential to reach single-neuron resolution. The extraordinary properties of graphene - which is light, biocompatible, flexible and extremely conductive - are harnessed in much smaller devices, which are safer to implant and can be programmed, upgraded and recharged wirelessly.

Driven by artificial intelligence, the implant can learn from the brain of the specific patient and trigger adaptive responses to deliver a personalised neurological therapy. In addition, the use of big data management will permit remote monitoring of the device and data processing.

Better patient outcomes

Carolina Aguilar, founder and CEO of INBRAIN (pictured centre with team, above), said: “Patients with chronic conditions are alone with their diseases, at most they see their physician 1-4 times per year for a follow-up. With less invasive and more intelligent neuroelectronic therapies, we aim to provide safer and real-time adaptive therapies to empower them and improve the outcomes that matter to them.

“This way patients can better deal with their condition between follow-up visits, by getting the right therapy and support when they need it.”

The technology has already been validated in vitro and in vivo, with extensive biocompatibility and toxicity tests mainly performed in 91ֱ using preclinical models. This significant investment will be dedicated to bring the technology to human patients, with the execution of multiple clinical trials in collaboration with key neurosurgical and neurological groups in Europe, including various NHS hospitals.

 is one of The University of Manchester’s  - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons

Mon, 29 Mar 2021 10:14:44 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_202103fg25inbrainpresscrop1200px.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/202103fg25inbrainpresscrop1200px.jpg?10000
Introvert? You may just be bad at recognising faces /about/news/introvert-you-may-just-be-bad-at-recognising-faces/ /about/news/introvert-you-may-just-be-bad-at-recognising-faces/358056Although most of us can distinguish between and remember hundreds of different faces, some people are better at it than others. “” can accurately identify faces even when they have only seen them briefly previously. At the other extreme, “” are significantly impaired at recognising faces in many everyday situations.

For the majority of us though, our face recognition ability falls between these extremes. But why are there such huge individual differences? How do these abilities affect us and where do they come from? Psychologists have started to investigate such questions, and found several answers. For example, we have discovered that it is linked to personality.

Face recognition differences may reflect processing or structural differences in the brain. For example, people with prosopagnosia between brain regions in the face processing network.

Another idea is that face recognition ability is related to other more general cognitive abilities, like memory or visual processing. Here, though, findings are mixed. Some research between face recognition and specific abilities like visual processing. But other research .

Yet another possibility is that individual differences in face recognition reflect a person’s personality or their social and emotional functioning. Interestingly, face recognition ability to measures of empathy and anxiety.

Empathy reflects a person’s ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. In 2010, researchers asked volunteers to try and remember the identity of a number of faces presented one at a time. They were later presented with the same faces mixed together with new faces and were asked to state whether each face was “old” (learnt) or “new”. The performance was measured by the number of learnt faces correctly identified as being familiar. The researchers found that those who rated themselves as high in empathy at a face recognition memory task than those with low empathy skills.

Actor Brad Pitt struggles to recognise faces. 

Research has also found that people who report significantly have better face recognition skills than those who are have higher anxiety.

Interestingly, more recent research has suggested the link between anxiety and face recognition ability may be , and may be particularly (social anxiety).

Situational anxiety may also play a role. For example, face recognition may be impaired when an eyewitness is asked to try and identify the face of a suspect viewed in a stressful situation.


In our own work we have considered the relationship between extroversion and individual face recognition ability. Extroverts are known to be superior at decoding social information and to be more involved in social activities than introverts. It may therefore be that extroverts are more skilled at recognising different identities.

In a previous study, researchers collected data from a group of 20 highly extroverted and 23 highly introverted volunteers (from an original sample of 339 volunteers). They found that extroverts in a face recognition memory task compared with the introverts.

In our own work we looked at 100 volunteers . The volunteers were shown famous faces and were asked to try and identify them by giving their name or some other identifying information.

Volunteers were also asked to say whether two unfamiliar faces belonged to the same person or different people – a task dubbed face matching. While there was no relationship between extroversion and face matching, there was a positive relationship between extroversion and famous face recognition. So to answer our own question, although there is individual variation, extroverts do tend to be better at recognising faces.

We do not yet understand the importance and reason for these findings, however. It may be that extroversion causes superior face recognition or that people who are better at identifying faces become more extroverted as a result.

If so, then a person’s inability to learn and recognise faces may lead them to become more introverted, to avoid potentially embarrassing social situations. Alternatively, introverted people may meet fewer people and therefore never develop good face recognition skills.

It may also work both ways. If you are slightly worse at recognising faces to start with you may end up meeting fewer people, and therefore becoming even worse at it over time. It could also be that both extroversion and face recognition are related to yet another factor that we still don’t know about.

In future work, we need to consider how our findings with extroversion fit together with research on empathy and anxiety. We also need to consider how much practical impact these issues have on face identification in applied situations – from identification by police officers to .

Our own ongoing work is looking at the impact of wider individual factors like altruism and optimism on face recognition. It may be that we soon find even more explanations for why some of us are just better at recognising faces than others.


, Senior Lecturer in Experimental Psychology, . This article is republished from under a Creative Commons license. Read the .


Mon, 09 Sep 2019 15:56:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_stock-photo-mosaic-of-satisfied-people-157248584.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/stock-photo-mosaic-of-satisfied-people-157248584.jpg?10000
Spending lots of time online may be changing our brains, research reveals /about/news/spending-lots-of-time-online-may-be-changing-our-brains-research-reveals/ /about/news/spending-lots-of-time-online-may-be-changing-our-brains-research-reveals/340298Using the internet, for social media, browsing information and entertainment may affect our brain’s structure, function and cognitive development according to an academic review by an international team of researchers.


Using the internet, for social media, browsing information and entertainment may affect our brain’s structure, function and cognitive development according to an academic review by an international team of researchers.

The team from Western Sydney University, Harvard University, Kings College, Oxford University and University of Manchester say the constant stream of prompts and notifications online may decrease our capacity for maintaining concentration on a single task.

Having the world at our fingertips, they say, may also affect our attention span, memory processes, and social interactions.

In the first review of its kind, published in World Psychiatry - the world’s leading psychiatric research journal, the researchers investigated leading hypotheses on how the Internet may alter cognitive processes.

They examined the extent to which the hypotheses were supported by recent findings from psychological, psychiatric and neuroimaging research.

And they combined the evidence to produce revised models on how the Internet could affect the brain’s structure, function and cognitive development.

The report was led by Dr Joseph Firth, Senior Research Fellow at NICM Health Research Institute, Western Sydney University and Honorary Research Fellow at The University of Manchester

“The key findings of this report are that high-levels of Internet use could indeed impact on many functions of the brain. For example, the limitless stream of prompts and notifications from the Internet encourages us towards constantly holding a divided attention – which then in turn may decrease our capacity for maintaining concentration on a single task,” said Dr Firth.

“Additionally, the online world now presents us with a uniquely large and constantly-accessible resource for facts and information, which is never more than a few taps and swipes away.

“Given we now have most of the world’s factual information literally at our fingertips, this appears to have the potential to begin changing the ways in which we store, and even value, facts and knowledge in society, and in the brain.”

However, the report also found that the vast majority of research examining the effects of the Internet on the brain has been conducted in adults – and so more research is needed to determine the benefits and drawbacks of Internet use in young people.

The World Health Organization’s 2018 guidelines recommended that young children aged 2-5 should be exposed to one hour per day, or less, of screen time.

Dr Firth says although more research is needed, avoiding the potential negative effects could be as simple as ensuring that children are not missing out on other crucial developmental activities, such as social interaction and exercise, by spending too much time on digital devices.

"To help with this, there are also now a multitude of apps and software programs available for restricting Internet usage and access on smartphones and computers – which parents and carers can use to place some ‘family-friendly’ rules around both the time spent on personal devices, and also the types of content engaged with,” he said.

“Alongside this, speaking to children often about how their online lives affect them is also important – to hopefully identify children at risk of cyberbullying, addictive behaviours, or even exploitation – and so enabling timely intervention to avoid adverse outcomes.”

, Deputy Director and Director of Research at NICM Health Research Institute, Western Sydney University and senior author on the report, is concerned over some of the potential impacts of increasing Internet use on the brain.

“The bombardment of stimuli via the Internet, and the resultant divided attention commonly experienced, presents a range of concerns,” said Professor Sarris.

“I believe that this, along with the increasing #Instagramification of society, has the ability to alter both the structure and functioning of the brain, while potentially also altering our social fabric.

“To minimise the potential adverse effects of high-intensity multi-tasking Internet usage, I would suggest mindfulness and focus practice, along with use of ‘Internet hygiene’ techniques (e.g. reducing online multitasking, ritualistic ‘checking’ behaviours, and evening online activity, while engaging in more in-person interactions),” said Professor Sarris.

Co-author and director of the digital psychiatry program at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and a clinical fellow at Harvard Medical School, Dr John Torous added: “The findings from this paper highlight how much more we have to learn about the impact of our digital world on mental health and brain health. There are certainly new potential benefits for some aspects of health, but we need to balance them against potential risks.”

Oxford research fellow and study co-author, Dr Josh Firth added: “It’s clear the Internet has drastically altered the opportunity for social interactions, and the contexts within which social relationships can take place. So, it’s now critical to understand the potential for the online world to actually alter our social functioning, and determine which aspects of our social behaviour will change, and which won’t.”

The research paper can be accessed in the June issue of World Psychiatry online at 

Fri, 07 Jun 2019 17:57:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_computer-160576.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/computer-160576.jpg?10000
Research reveals stronger people have healthier brains /about/news/research-reveals-stronger-people-have-healthier-brains/ /about/news/research-reveals-stronger-people-have-healthier-brains/273423A study of nearly half a million people has revealed that muscular strength, measured by handgrip, is an indication of how healthy our brains are.


A study of nearly half a million people has revealed that muscular strength, measured by handgrip, is an indication of how healthy our brains are.

Dr Joseph Firth, an Honorary Research Fellow at The University of Manchester and Research Fellow at NICM Health Research Institute at Western Sydney University, crunched the numbers using UK Biobank data.

Using data from the 475,397 participants from all around the U.K, the new study showed that on average, stronger people performed better across every test of brain functioning used.

Tests included reaction speed, logical problem solving, and multiple different tests of memory.

The study shows the relationships were consistently strong in both people aged under 55 and those aged over 55. Previous studies have only shown this applies in elderly people

“When taking multiple factors into account such as age, gender, bodyweight and education, our study confirms that people who are stronger do indeed tend to have better functioning brains,” said Dr Firth.

The study, published in Schizophrenia Bulletin, also showed that maximal handgrip was strongly correlated with both visual memory and reaction time in over one thousand people with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia.

He said: “We can see there is a clear connection between muscular strength and brain health.

“But really, what we need now, are more studies to test if we can actually make our brains healthier by doing things which make our muscles stronger – such as weight training.”

Previous research by group has already found that aerobic exercise can improve brain health.

However, the benefit of weight training on brain health has yet to be fully investigated.

He added: “These sorts of novel interventions, such as weight training, could be particularly beneficial for people with mental health conditions.

“Our research has shown that the connections between muscular strength and brain functioning also exist in people experiencing schizophrenia, major depression and bipolar disorder – all of which can interfere with regular brain functioning.

“This raises the strong possibility that weight training exercises could actually improve both the physical and mental functioning of people with these conditions.”

Baseline data from the UK Biobank (2007-2010) was analysed; including 475,397 individuals from the general population, and 1,162 individuals with schizophrenia.

The paper ‘Grip strength is associated with cognitive performance in schizophrenia and the general population: a UK Biobank study of 476,559 participants’ is published in Schizophrenia Bulletin,  .

Fri, 20 Apr 2018 09:48:22 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_muscles.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/muscles.jpg?10000
Can’t name Princess Di? Blame the left side of your brain /about/news/cant-name-princess-di-blame-the-left-side-of-your-brain/ /about/news/cant-name-princess-di-blame-the-left-side-of-your-brain/254653Scientists have discovered that the left side of the brain controls the verbal expression of our long-term ‘semantic’ memory which contains facts, meanings, concepts and knowledge.


The study – led by University of Manchester psychologists – is the first of its kind to assess the similarities and differences in how the left and right sides of the brain process semantic memory.

The research, led by Dr Grace Rice and Professor Matthew Lambon Ralph from The University of Manchester, was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Medical Research Council.

The team – working with neuropsychologists at Salford Royal and The Walton Centre for neurology in Liverpool – worked with 41 patients who had part of their brains removed to treat their long-standing epilepsy.

The patients – who now experience fewer seizures and are able to go back to work and learn to drive as a result of the surgery - had their verbal and visual semantic memory tested.

The surgery removes part of the brain that causes the seizures, but also removes tissue which researchers believe is involved in storing semantic memories. Twenty of the patients had surgery to remove part of the brain, called the anterior temporal lobe, on the right side, and 21 had surgery to remove the left anterior temporal lobe.

To test their verbal semantic memory, the team’s assessments included testing patients’ ability to name pictures and celebrities (including Brad Pitt, Princess Di and the Queen), and their ability to match words in terms of their meaning.

And to test their visual memory, the patients were asked to identify emotions of people in photographs and say if a face was familiar to them.

The test results were compared with 20 more people who did not have any neurological problems.

Dr Grace Rice, from The University of Manchester said: “Popularly, there is a lot of interest in whether there are similarities or differences between the left and right sides of the brain.

“Our research for the first time shows that - at least for semantic memory - both sides of the brain play an important role in visual and verbal semantic memory.

“But there is a significance difference when it comes to verbal expression of this knowledge, which was effected more by surgery to the left side of the brain.

“Our research provides an important insight both into what effects this particular kind of epilepsy surgery has on behaviour, but also helps us to understand where in the brain memory is stored.”

‘The roles of left vs. right anterior temporal lobes in semantic memory: a neuropsychological comparison of postsurgical temporal lobe epilepsy patients’ is published in the journal Cerebral Cortex and is available 

Wed, 24 Jan 2018 16:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_princess-diana-at-accord-hospice.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/princess-diana-at-accord-hospice.jpg?10000
New research points to talking-therapy treatments to manage osteoarthritis pain /about/news/new-research-points-to-talking-therapy-treatments-to-manage-osteoarthritis-pain/ /about/news/new-research-points-to-talking-therapy-treatments-to-manage-osteoarthritis-pain/82118Scientists have shown for the first time that the abnormalities in the way the brain experiences pain may be to blame for the chronic pain suffered by osteoarthritis patients.

The findings by -funded researchers at The University of Manchester suggest the need for new therapies to target brain mechanisms to enable the brain to cope more effectively with chronic pain, including mindfulness-based talking therapies.
Chronic pain can affect up to 30% of the population at any one time – with most complaints relating to arthritis. Patients can become more disabled as their pain spreads to other areas and find it difficult to cope as it interrupts sleep and other normal daily routines. 

, from The University of Manchester’s Human Pain Group based at , said: “The extent of pain experienced by sufferers of arthritis has always been thought to result from the direct consequences of joint destruction. However the extent of pain is often poorly related to the amount of damage and can spread to nearby regions of the body where there is no evidence of arthritic disease. We wanted to look at what might be causing this.”  

“Currently it is not understood why patients with arthritis have such variability in how much pain they experience but, in spite of this, we continue to spend large sums of money using potentially damaging anti-inflammatory drugs.”  

Researchers thought that the spreading and intensification of pain in arthritis may be similar to that experienced by sufferers of fibromyalgia, a widespread chronic pain condition associated with psychological distress and sleep disturbance – where there is currently no consensus about the cause of the pain. Earlier research had suggested that patients with fibromyalgia have abnormalities in the way in which the brain deals with pain so the 91ֱ team looked at the overlaps in how pain is processed in the brain, between osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia to help them understand why some sufferers of arthritis can experience much worse pain than others.

The study, published in recently , measured brain waves in response to short painful laser pulses to the skin in patients with osteoarthritic or fibromyalgic pain and those with no pain. They found that while anticipating the painful pulse a brain area called the insula cortex increased its activity and this predicted the extent and intensity of the patients’ own chronic pain.  

Dr Christopher Brown, Honorary Research Associate, Human Pain Research Group, The University of Manchester, said: “Increased activity in this brain area has been linked to a number of phenomena, including body perception and emotional processing, which might explain the greater pain perception in some patients.

“Interestingly, responses during pain anticipation were reduced in an area at the front of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These reduced responses corresponded to less ability to develop positive ways of coping with the pain in both groups of patients.  

“We think that boosting activity either directly or indirectly in this area of the brain is likely to result in better coping and better control of pain responses in other areas of the brain.”

The study suggests there are common abnormalities in the way the brain expects pain in fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis - which can be considered potential common brain mechanisms for these conditions. 

, from The University of Manchester, added: “More research is needed but this suggests we should be putting more resources into a common approach to developing new therapies that target these potential brain mechanisms. 

“Our previous work has shown that brain responses to pain expectation can be altered by relatively short and inexpensive mindfulness-based talking therapies in patients with different types of chronic pain. Our current findings therefore provide both a new target for development of new therapies and some optimism for simple interventions to improve the brain’s control of chronic suffering endured by many patients with chronic pain conditions.”

Professor Alan Silman, medical director of Arthritis Research UK, which funded the research, said: “This research provides a fascinating insight into the way the brain processes the pain of osteoarthritis, and goes some way to explaining why so many people with osteoarthritis with similar levels of joint damage experience such varying degrees of pain.

“Focussing research on targeting abnormal brain mechanisms rather than more conventional approaches looking at joint damage could be a major step forward, that could reduce people’s dependency on anti-inflammatories and painkillers.”


Notes for editors

For further information or to request an interview with one of the authors, please contact Alison Barbuti, Media Relations Officer, The University of Manchester, 0161 275 8383 or email Alison.barbuti@manchester.ac.uk 

The paper entitled: “” by Christopher A. Brown, Wael El-Deredy and Anthony K. P. Jones was published in the European Journal of Neuroscience in  February.

Author affiliations: Human Pain Research Group, Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health, University of Manchester, 91ֱ, UK and School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester, 91ֱ, UK. 
Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_iron_bird_13.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/iron_bird_13.jpg?10000
Research opens avenues in combating neurodegenerative diseases /about/news/research-opens-avenues-in-combating-neurodegenerative-diseases/ /about/news/research-opens-avenues-in-combating-neurodegenerative-diseases/82826

Scientists at The University of Manchester have uncovered how the internal mechanisms in nerve cells wire the brain. The findings open up new avenues in the investigation of neurodegenerative diseases by analysing the cellular processes underlying these conditions.

and his team at the Faculty of Life Sciences have been studying the growth of axons, the thin cable-like extensions of nerve cells that wire the brain. If axons don't develop properly this can lead to birth disorders, mental and physical impairments and the gradual decay of brain capacity during aging. 

Axon growth is directed by the hand shaped growth cone which sits in the tip of the axon. It is well documented how growth cones perceive signals from the outside to follow pathways to specific targets, but very little is known about the internal machinery that dictates their behaviour.

Dr Prokop has been studying the key driver of growth cone movements, the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton helps to maintain a cell's shape and is made up of the protein filaments, actin and microtubules. Microtubules are the key driving force of axon growth whilst actin helps to regulate the direction the axon grows.

Dr Prokop and his team used fruit flies to analyse how actin and microtubule proteins combine in the cytoskeleton to coordinate axon growth. They focussed on the multifunctional proteins called spectraplakins which are essential for axonal growth and have known roles in neurodegeneration and wound healing of the skin.

What the team demonstrate in this recent paper is that spectraplakins link microtubules to actin to help them extend in the direction the axon is growing. If this link is missing then microtubule networks show disorganised criss-crossed arrangements instead of parallel bundles and axon growth is hampered.

By understanding the molecular detail of these interactions the team made a second important finding. Spectraplakins collect not only at the tip of microtubules but also along the shaft, which helps to stabilise them and ensure they act as a stable structure within the axon.

This additional function of spectraplakins relates them to a class of microtubule-binding proteins including Tau. Tau is an important player in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, which is still little understood. In support of the author's findings, another publication has just shown that the human spectraplakin, Dystonin, causes neurodegeneration when affected in its linkage to microtubules.

Talking about his research Dr Prokop said: “Understanding cytoskeletal machinery at the cell level is a holy grail of current cell research that will have powerful clinical applications. Thus, cytoskeleton is crucially involved in virtually all aspects of a cell's life, including cell shape changes, cell division, cell movement, contacts and signalling between cells, and dynamic transport events within cells. Accordingly, the cytoskeleton lies at the root of many brain disorders. Therefore, deciphering the principles of cytoskeletal machinery during the fundamental process of axon growth will essentially help research into the causes of a broad spectrum of diseases. Spectraplakins like at the heart of this machinery and our research opens up new avenues for its investigation”

What Dr Prokop's paper in the Journal of Neuroscience also demonstrates is the successful research technique using the fruit fly Drosophila. The team was able to replicate its findings regarding axon growth in mice which in turn means the findings can be translated to humans.

Dr Prokop points out fruit flies provide ideal means to make sense of these findings and essentially help to unravel the many mysteries of neurodegeneration.

Dr Prokop continues: “Understanding how spectraplakins perform their cellular functions has important implications for basic as well as biomedical research. Thus, besides their roles during axon growth, spectraplakins of mice and humans are clinically important for a number of conditions and processes including skin blistering, neuro-degeneration, wound healing, synapse formation and neuron migration during brain development. Understanding spectraplakins in one biological process will instruct research on the other clinically relevant roles of these proteins.”

The recently published paper represents six years of work by Dr Prokop and his dedicated team.

Notes for editors

The paper is entitled ""

It was published on 4 July 2012 in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Images for this story are available from the press office and Dr Andreas Prokop is available for interviews.

Please contact:

Morwenna Grills
Media Relations Officer
Faculty of Life Sciences
The University of Manchester

Tel: 0161 275 2111
Mob: 07920 087466
Email: morwenna.grills@manchester.ac.uk 

Fri, 20 Jul 2012 01:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_8538_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/8538_large-2.jpg?10000
3-D movie shows what happens in the brain as it loses consciousness /about/news/3-d-movie-shows-what-happens-in-the-brain-as-it-loses-consciousness/ /about/news/3-d-movie-shows-what-happens-in-the-brain-as-it-loses-consciousness/83213

University of Manchester researchers have for the first time been able to watch what happens to the brain as it loses consciousness.

Using sophisticated imaging equipment they have constructed a 3-D movie of the brain as it changes while an anaesthetic drug takes effect.

, Professor of Anaesthesia at 91ֱ Medical School, will tell the European Anaesthesiology Congress in Amsterdam today (Saturday) that the real-time 3-D images seemed to show that losing consciousness involves a change in electrical activity deep within the brain, changing the activity of certain groups of nerve cells (neurons) and hindering communication between different parts of the brain.

He said the findings appear to support a hypothesis put forward by Professor Susan Greenfield, of the University of Oxford, about the nature of consciousness itself. Prof Greenfield suggests consciousness is formed by different groups of brain cells (neural assemblies), which work efficiently together, or not, depending on the available sensory stimulations, and that consciousness is not an all-or-none state but more like a dimmer switch, changing according to growth, mood or drugs. When someone is anaesthetised it appears that small neural assemblies either work less well together or inhibit communication with other neural assemblies.

Professor Pollard, whose team is based at 91ֱ Royal Infirmary, said: “Our findings suggest that unconsciousness may be the increase of inhibitory assemblies across the brain’s cortex. These findings lend support to Greenfield’s hypothesis of neural assemblies forming consciousness.”

The team use an entirely new imaging method called “functional electrical impedance tomography by evoked response” (fEITER), which enables high-speed imaging and monitoring of electrical activity deep within the brain and is designed to enable researchers to measure brain function.

The new device was developed by a multidisciplinary team drawn from the Schools of Medicine and Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Manchester, led by Professor Hugh McCann and with support from a Wellcome Trust Translation Award.

The machine itself is a portable, light-weight monitor, which can fit on a small trolley. It has 32 electrodes that are fitted around the patient’s head. A small, high-frequency electric current (too small to be felt or have any effect) is passed between two of the electrodes, and the voltages between other pairs of electrodes are measured in a process that takes less than one-thousandth of a second.

An ‘electronic scan’ is therefore carried out and the machine does this whole procedure 100 times a second. By measuring the resistance to current flow (electrical impedance), a cross-sectional image of the changing electrical conductivity within the brain is constructed. This is thought to reflect the amount of electrical activity in different parts of the brain. The speed of the response of fEITER is such that the evoked response of the brain to external stimuli, such as an anaesthetic drug, can be captured in rapid succession as different parts of the brain respond, so tracking the brain’s processing activity.

“We have looked at 20 healthy volunteers and are now looking at 20 anaesthetised patients scheduled for surgery,” said Professor Pollard. “We are able to see 3-D images of the brain’s conductivity change, and those where the patient is becoming anaesthetised are most interesting.

“We have been able to see a real time loss of consciousness in anatomically distinct regions of the brain for the first time. We are currently working on trying to interpret the changes that we have observed, as we still do not know exactly what happens within the brain as unconsciousness occurs, but this is another step in the direction of understanding the brain and its functions.”

The team at 91ֱ is one of many worldwide investigating electrical impedance tomography (EIT), but this is its first application to anaesthesia. Professor Pollard said that a huge amount of research still needed to be done to fully understand the role EIT could play in medicine.

“If its power can be harnessed, then it has the potential to make a huge impact on many areas of imaging in medicine,” he said. “It should help us to better understand anaesthesia, sedation and unconsciousness, although its place in medicine is more likely to be in diagnosing changes to the brain that occur as a result of, for example, head injury, stroke and dementia.

“The biggest hurdle is working out what we are seeing and exactly what it means, and this will be an ongoing challenge.”


Notes for editors

Professor Pollard’s presentation at the European Anaesthesiology Congress will take place on Saturday, June 11, at 15:15 hrs (CEST), abstract no: 7AP1-6.

fEITER was invented at The University of Manchester and developed with funding from The Wellcome Trust (from 2005 to 2011). fEITER has patent protection in Europe with patents pending in the USA. The technology is available to license from UMIP, The University of Manchester’s IP commercialisation company.  

Pictures of the images produced by fEITER are available for journalists to use.

Euroanaesthesia 2011, the European Anaesthesiology Congress, is taking place from June 11-14 at the Amsterdam RAI Convention Centre (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). A total of 847 abstracts will be presented at the Congress, and 5,500-6,000 delegates from more than 90 countries around the world will be attending.

For further information contact:

Emma Mason

Tel: 01376 563090
Mob: 07711 296 986
Email: wordmason@mac.com

Or Aeron Haworth
Media Relations
Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences
The University of Manchester

Tel: 0161 275 8383
Mob: 07717 881563
Email: aeron.haworth@manchester.ac.uk

Sat, 11 Jun 2011 01:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_7143_large.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/7143_large.jpg?10000
Meditation reduces the emotional impact of pain /about/news/meditation-reduces-the-emotional-impact-of-pain/ /about/news/meditation-reduces-the-emotional-impact-of-pain/83533People who meditate regularly find pain less unpleasant because their brains anticipate the pain less, a new study has found.

Scientists from The University of Manchester recruited individuals into the study who had a diverse range of experience with meditation, spanning anything from months to decades. It was only the more advanced meditators whose anticipation and experience of pain differed from non-meditators.

The type of meditation practised also varied across individuals, but all included ‘mindfulness meditation’ practices, such as those that form the basis of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), recommended for recurrent depression by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in 2004.

“Meditation is becoming increasingly popular as a way to treat chronic illness such as the pain caused by arthritis,” said Dr Christopher Brown, who conducted the research. “Recently, a mental health charity called for meditation to be routinely available on the NHS to treat depression, which occurs in up to 50% of people with chronic pain. However, scientists have only just started to look into how meditation might reduce the emotional impact of pain.”

The study, to be published in the journal Pain, found that particular areas of the brain were less active as meditators anticipated pain, as induced by a laser device. Those with longer meditation experience (up to 35 years) showed the least anticipation of the laser pain.

Dr Brown, who is based in 91ֱ’s School of Translational Medicine, found that people who meditate also showed unusual activity during anticipation of pain in part of the prefrontal cortex, a brain region known to be involved in controlling attention and thought processes when potential threats are perceived.

He said: "The results of the study confirm how we suspected meditation might affect the brain. Meditation trains the brain to be more present-focused and therefore to spend less time anticipating future negative events. This may be why meditation is effective at reducing the recurrence of depression, which makes chronic pain considerably worse.”

Dr Brown said the findings should encourage further research into how the brain is changed by meditation practice. He said: “Although we found that meditators anticipate pain less and find pain less unpleasant, it’s not clear precisely how meditation changes brain function over time to produce these effects.

“However, the importance of developing new treatments for chronic pain is clear: 40% of people who suffer from chronic pain report inadequate management of their pain problem.”

In the UK, more than 10 million adults consult their GP each year with arthritis and related conditions. The estimated annual direct cost of these conditions to health and social services is £5.7 billion.

91ֱ co-author said: “One might argue that if a therapy works, then why should we care how it works? But it may be surprising to learn that the mechanisms of action of many current therapies are largely unknown, a fact that hinders the development of new treatments. Understanding how meditation works would help improve this method of treatment and help in the development of new therapies.

“There may also be some types of patient with chronic pain who benefit more from meditation-based therapies than others. If we can find out the mechanism of action of meditation for reducing pain, we may be able to screen patients in the future for deficiencies in that mechanism, allowing us to target the treatment to those people.”

The paper, '', was published in the journal Pain. doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2010.04.017


Notes for editors

For further information contact:

Aeron Haworth
Media Relations
Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences
The University of Manchester

Tel: 0161 275 8383
Mob: 07717 881 563
Email: aeron.haworth@manchester.ac.uk

Wed, 02 Jun 2010 01:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_iron_bird_13.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/iron_bird_13.jpg?10000
Vitamin D may lessen age-related cognitive decline /about/news/vitamin-d-may-lessen-age-related-cognitive-decline/ /about/news/vitamin-d-may-lessen-age-related-cognitive-decline/83853Eating fish – long considered ‘brain food’ – may really be good for the old grey matter, as is a healthy dose of sunshine, new research suggests.

University of Manchester scientists, in collaboration with colleagues from other European centres, have shown that higher levels of vitamin D – primarily synthesised in the skin following sun exposure but also found in certain foods such as oily fish – are associated with improved cognitive function in middle-aged and older men.

The study, published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, compared the cognitive performance of more than 3,000 men aged 40 to 79 years at eight test centres across Europe.

The researchers found that men with higher levels of vitamin D performed consistently better in a simple and sensitive neuropsychological test that assesses an individual’s attention and speed of information processing.

“Previous studies exploring the relationship between vitamin D and cognitive performance in adults have produced inconsistent findings but we observed a significant, independent association between a slower information processing speed and lower levels of vitamin D,” said lead author Dr David Lee, in 91ֱ’s School of Translational Medicine.

“The main strengths of our study are that it is based on a large population sample and took into account potential interfering factors, such as depression, season and levels of physical activity.

“Interestingly, the association between increased vitamin D and faster information processing was more significant in men aged over 60 years, although the biological reasons for this remain unclear.”

“The positive effects vitamin D appears to have on the brain need to be explored further but certainly raise questions about its potential benefit for minimising ageing-related declines in cognitive performance.”


Notes for editors

The eight centres testing volunteers for the study are all enrolled in the European Male Ageing 91ֱ (EMAS) and are located in Florence (Italy), Leuven (Belgium), Lodz (Poland), Malmö (Sweden), 91ֱ (UK), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Szeged (Hungary) and Tartu (Estonia).

EMAS is funded by the Commission of the European Communities Fifth Framework Programme.

For further information contact:

Aeron Haworth
Media Officer
Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences
The University of Manchester

Tel: +44 (0)161 275 8383
Mob: +44 (0)7717 881563
Email: aeron.haworth@manchester.ac.uk

Thu, 21 May 2009 01:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_iron_bird_13.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/iron_bird_13.jpg?10000
£39M research centre honours 91ֱ Nobel Laureate /about/news/39m-research-centre-honours-manchester-nobel-laureate/ /about/news/39m-research-centre-honours-manchester-nobel-laureate/83867

A £39M research centre that will make 91ֱ home to one of the largest biomedical complexes in Europe will be officially opened today (May 7th).

will house 300 scientists in 50 research groups, mainly focussing on neuroscience and immunology, from the University of Manchester's Faculty of Life Sciences and Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences.

The 6000 sq metre facility connects the Core Technology Facility, Michael Smith and Stopford Buildings, thus creating a linked complex housing more than 300 research groups. The complex is adjacent to the Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility and the Central 91ֱ and 91ֱ Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust and is therefore sited at a focal point in the University's 'biomedical corridor'.

The building is named after , who won in Physiology or Medicine while he held the Chair in Physiology at the University of Manchester. Professor Hill shared the 1922 Nobel Prize with Otto Fritz Meyerhof for work on the generation of heat by muscles.

One of the pioneering physiologists of the 20th Century, AV Hill made outstanding contributions in the field of muscle physiology and was regarded as one of the founders of Biophysics. In the 1930s he played a leading role in the establishment of the Academic Assistance Council (AAC), later to be known as the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning (SPSL), which rescued many German refugee academics from Nazi persecution and provided employment and financial support. During the Second World War, he accepted an invitation to stand for Parliament representing Cambridge University, and used his considerable influence in support of many worthy causes.

AV Hill's grandson Nicholas Humphrey, a Professor at the London School of Economics, Dr Ralph Kohn, a University of Manchester alumnus and winner of the Queen's Award for Export Achievement who founded the Kohn Foundation, will officially open the building. A replica of AV Hill’s Nobel Prize medal, kindly provided by Blundell’s School, which he attended, will be on display at the opening.

Professor Humphrey said: “My grandfather loved laboratories. But he could never have imagined a lab of this magnificence!”

Dr Kohn said: “I am deeply honoured to officially open the building named after such a great man as AV Hill, who was an outstanding physiologist, humanitarian and parliamentarian, together with his grandson Professor Nicholas Humphrey.”

The Deans of FLS and FMHS Professor Martin Humphries and Professor Alan North said: “This facility will further enhance the major programme of biomedical research established in 91ֱ over the past ten years.

“The operations group behind its design spent eighteen months considering not only how this building will operate, but also how the 'biomedical corridor' – incorporating the teaching hospitals – can be better integrated. Benefits include the clustering of core equipment, easily accessible resources for researchers and enhanced opportunities for collaboration.”

The building houses a number of internationally-recognised groups examining novel approaches for treatment of human disease. For example neuroscience research group which is investigating the causes and possible prevention of brain damage from stroke. The researchers have found that if the immune system has been stimulated by infection, it can attack the brain following a stroke. This has important implications for the elderly who are most at risk of stroke and frequently suffer from infection and other conditions, such as atherosclerosis, that stimulate the immune system. The team believe their findings could change the way stroke patients are treated in the future. For example, anti-inflammatory drugs that are currently being tested in human trials may be able to dampen the activated immune system and so reduce brain damage.

immunology research group have discovered how parasitic worms subvert the host's immune system to allow them to survive. One in five people in the developing world (1,000 million) suffer from parasitic worm infection, which results in anaemia, tiredness and general morbidity. Dr Else's group is now trying to identify the molecules made by the worms which allow them to subvert the host's immune system.

And recent arrival is researching human developmental biology and stem cells with the aim of understanding the process so that it can be re-enacted in regenerative medicine, specifically to help diabetes sufferers.

Notes for editors

The official opening of the AV Hill Building will take place at 5pm on Thursday 7th May.

The AV Hill Building represents an investment by the University of 

£39M and includes £11.6M from SRIF. The delivery of this four-year project was overseen by the Directorate of Estates and the building was designed by Wilson Mason. The project sponsors were Andrew Loudon and Julian Davis and client group Simon Merrywest, Gary Porteous and Louise Hewitt. The stunning complex recently won the Best Corporate Workplace in the North regional heat of the British Council for Offices awards and will compete in the final in October.

High-resolution images of the building are available - photographer Oliver Foxley must be credited.

For more information, photographs or to arrange an interview with 

Professor Martin Humphries, Professor Alan North, Dr Ralph Kohn or Professor Nicholas Humphrey contact Media Relations Officer Mikaela Sitford on 0161 275

2111, 07768 980942 or Mikaela.Sitford@manchester.ac.uk.

Thu, 07 May 2009 01:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_4639_large.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/4639_large.jpg?10000