<![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> /about/news/ en Tue, 22 Oct 2024 22:47:27 +0200 Sat, 10 Jul 2021 12:12:56 +0200 <![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> https://content.presspage.com/clients/150_1369.jpg /about/news/ 144 Diabetes monitor is ‘game changer’ /about/news/diabetes-monitor-is-game-changer/ /about/news/diabetes-monitor-is-game-changer/258221A new method of measuring blood glucose levels in people with diabetes is a significant advance in the management of the disease, according to an independent assessment by University of Manchester, 91Ö±²¥ University NHS Foundation Trust and Derby Teaching Hospitals experts.


A new method of measuring blood glucose levels in people with diabetes is a significant advance in the management of the disease, according to an independent assessment by University of Manchester, 91Ö±²¥ University NHS Foundation Trust and Derby Teaching Hospitals experts.

The FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitor has been available on prescription in the United Kingdom from November 2017.

It works through a white disc adhered to the arm which connects remotely to a small monitoring device.

It is designed to replace the recommended 4-10 painful finger-stick blood glucose tests required each day for the self-management of diabetes.

The disc is replaced every 14 days and can also be purchased by people with diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes can occur at any age but typically presents in childhood and requires lifelong insulin therapy. Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed in people over 30-year-old and is initially treated without medication or with lifestyle modification and/or tablets.

People with Type 1 Diabetes should measure their blood glucose many times a day so they are able to adjust their insulin dose.

Having a blood glucose which is too high increases the risk of diabetes complications such as eye disease, foot ulcers and kidney disease.

Glucose levels which are too low can make the person with diabetes feel unwell and unable to function. If left untreated, low glucose can cause coma and seizures.

Dr Lalantha Leelarathna, is a researcher from The University of Manchester and a Consultant Diabetologist at 91Ö±²¥ Royal Infirmary, 91Ö±²¥ University NHS Foundation Trust.

He said: “Despite major progress in the care of people living with Type 1 diabetes, many fail to achieve their target blood sugar level – and that risks major complications.

“A key barrier in achieving near normal glucose levels is this need for frequent fingerstick blood glucose monitoring and that’s down to pain and inconvenience.

“Our review concludes that The FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitor works well for both adults and children.

“The studies show it is accurate, comfortable and easy to use. It is associated with a reduction in low blood sugar levels, improvements in glycated haemoglobin levels and adverse events are low.

“Our assessment of the available evidence shows that for most patients, it is a game changer.”

Dr Emma Wilmot from Derby Teaching Hospitals said: “From our perspective, the FreeStyle Libre is a significant advance in the management of diabetes. Many users describe it as ‘life changing’.

‘The challenge in the UK is to now ensure that it reaches people living with diabetes. We are delighted that this device became available on the NHS drug tariff in November 2017.

“However, it is clear from the Diabetes UK map of access that this does not necessarily mean that it will make it into the hands of those who might benefit:

‘The development of a postcode lottery for access would further add to the variation in diabetes care across the country and may adversely impact on outcomes.’

The Diabetes UK map of access is available 

The paper, , is published in Diabetic Medicine

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 13:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_freestyle-libre.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/freestyle-libre.jpg?10000
Scientists create functioning kidney tissue /about/news/scientists-create-functioning-kidney-tissue/ /about/news/scientists-create-functioning-kidney-tissue/257011Scientists have successfully produced human kidney tissue within a living organism which is able to produce urine, a first for medical science.


Scientists have successfully produced human kidney tissue within a living organism which is able to produce urine, a first for medical science.

The study led by Professors and from The University of Manchester, signifies a significant milestone in the development of treatment for kidney disease.

The and funded project is published in the journal

Kidney glomeruli - constituent microscopic parts of the organ- were generated from human embryonic stem cells grown in plastic laboratory culture dishes containing a nutrient broth known as culture medium, containing molecules to promote kidney development.

They were combined with a gel like substance, which acted as natural connective tissue - and then injected as a tiny clump under the skin of mice.

After three months, an examination of the tissue revealed that nephrons: the microscopic structural and functional units of the kidney - had formed.

The new structures contained most of the constituent parts present in human nephrons - including proximal tubules, distal tubules, Bowman’s capsule and Loop of Henle.

Tiny human blood vessels – known as capillaries- had developed inside the mice which nourished the new kidney structures.

However, the mini-kidneys lack a large artery, and without that the organ’s function will only be a fraction of normal.

So, the researchers are working with surgeons to put in an artery that will bring more blood the new kidney.

To test the functionality of the new structures, the team used Dextran - a fluorescent protein which stains the urine-like substance produced when nephrons filter the blood, called glomerular filtrate.

The Dextran was tracked and detected in the new structures’ tubules, demonstrating that filtrate was indeed being produced and excreted as urine.

“We have proved beyond any doubt these structures function as kidney cells by filtering blood and producing urine - though we can’t yet say what percentage of function exists,” said Professor Kimber.

“What is particularly exciting is that the structures are made of human cells which developed an excellent capillary blood supply, becoming linked to the vasculature of the mouse.

“Though this structure was formed from several hundred glomeruli, and humans have about a million in their kidneys - this is clearly a major advance.

“It constitutes a proof of principle- but much work is yet to be done.”

The University of Manchester’s School of Biological Sciences and 91Ö±²¥ Regenerative Medicine Network (MaRM) as well as Kidneys for life have also supported the work.


Professor Woolf, who is also Consultant in Paediatric Nephrology at Royal 91Ö±²¥ Children’s Hospital, 91Ö±²¥ University NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Worldwide, two million people are being treated with dialysis or transplantation for kidney failure, and sadly another two million die each year, unable to access these treatments.

"So we are tremendously excited by this discovery - we feel it is a big research milestone which may one day help patients.

“However, there is much more to learn: Building on our generation of kidney filtration units we must now turn to developing an exit route for the urine and a way to deliver this technology to diseased kidneys.

"The work was also helped by a small grant from the hospital’s local kidney charity called “Kidneys for Life”.

The team are the UK’s only recipient of a three year Stoneygate Research award from Kidney Research UK.

The research will allow them to model kidney diseases using the new structures.

The full paper '', is published in Stem Cell Reports.

Fri, 09 Feb 2018 14:32:39 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_nephron2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/nephron2.jpg?10000
Disease discoveries unlock door to diagnosis and new treatments /about/news/disease-discoveries-unlock-door-to-diagnosis-and-new-treatments/ /about/news/disease-discoveries-unlock-door-to-diagnosis-and-new-treatments/253226An international team of scientists and doctors has identified a family of five new genetic diseases which are likely to affect more than 1 in 5000 children


An international team of scientists and doctors has identified a family of five new genetic diseases which are likely to affect more than 1 in 5000 children.

The discovery of the diseases, which cause combinations of developmental delay, and problems with growth, heart, kidney and other organs, has important implication on diagnosis and treatment.

The study, led by from The University of Manchester and the Saint Mary's Hospital, is published in the reputed American Journal of Human Genetics.

The diseases are the result of abnormalities in genes dedicated to regulating the processes that control DNA modifications and gene expression – known as master regulators.

A hundred patients mostly in the UK -have already been identified with the diseases – coined by the team as histone lysine methylation disorders.

Though there are no epidemiological studies, the team believe at least 1 in every 5,000 children are affected.

Dr Victor Faundes, a PhD student in Dr Banka’s lab studied genetic variants in a group of master regulators called 'histone lysine methylases and demethylases or KMTs and KDMs.

He compared the genetic variants in KMTs and KDMs in children with developmental problems and the general population.

He said: “I found that some specific types of genetic changes that interfere with function of some KMTs and KDMs were commoner in children who had problems with development of their brains or other organs.

“These results tell us that KMT and KDM mutations explain the diagnosis in a disproportionately large number of children with developmental disorders.

“This is an important discovery because we already know that some drugs can control the activity of KMTs and KDMs and thus could be potential treatments for these conditions.”


Dr Banka said: “This is very exciting because in addition to giving an idea of the scale of the problem, this has also enabled us to identify five new genetic disorders.

“Our findings have helped in providing diagnoses in children in whom the underlying cause for their medical condition was previously a mystery”.

He added: “We are now planning more detailed studies to understand the biological link between the mutations and the clinical problems.

“And we are also trying to identify more patients with these disorders that will help in revealing the full clinical spectrum of these conditions.”

Doctors and scientists are unable to deal with individual enquires from the public. However, patients should in the first instance contact their GP who may refer them on to a local geneticist.

Journalists who wish to see a copy of the journal article should contact the American journal of human genetics directly on jcaputo@cell.com or press@cell.com The paper is available

Figure : Histones are proteins that are in contact with DNA, and they help to fold or unfold the DNA in order to regulate gene expression. The fold/unfold state depends on chemical modifications of histone tails such as methylation or demethylation. These modifications are carried out by KMT and KDM.

Mon, 08 Jan 2018 16:42:06 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_histonesanddna1.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/histonesanddna1.jpg?10000
Researchers bring new insight into devastating genetic disease /about/news/researchers-bring-new-insight-into-devastating-genetic-disease/ /about/news/researchers-bring-new-insight-into-devastating-genetic-disease/251141A team of researchers from the National Institutes of Health and University of Manchester have uncovered new insights into a rare genetic disease, with less than 500 cases of the disease on record, which devastates the lives of children.


A team of researchers from the and University of Manchester have uncovered new insights into a rare genetic disease, with less than 500 cases of the disease on record, which devastates the lives of children.

Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) is a complex disease, exhibiting very diversified symptoms, including predisposition to bleeding, a wide range of neurological issues, and dysregulated immune responses so that they are unable to fight infections which would normally be easily dealt with.

Unfortunately, in the majority of cases, people with CHS develop a severe and fatal hyperinflammatory condition. One feature of CHS patient’s is that a population of white blood cells, known as Natural Killer (NK) cells are unable to function properly.

Normally, ‘NK cells’ recognize and kill aberrant cells, like cancer cells or virus-infected cells, by secreting bags of toxic enzymes, called lytic granules, into the diseased cells. However, this does not happen in the case of CHS; people with CHS have larger-than-usual bags of these enzymes which then cannot exit the immune cell properly.

The team – which includes from The University of Manchester – found that the defects in in CHS immune cells are related to a mechanical barrier, the cell’s cytoskeleton, which seems to prevent the immune cells’ ability to kill diseased cells.

In order to uncover the underlying cause for the defective function of NK cells in CHS, they generated a human cell line model of the disease, using modern gene editing techniques.

With the model and super-resolution microscopy, they demonstrated that CHS NK cells have the ability to respond normally to different stimuli, but can’t secrete their lytic granules, because they are simply too big to pass through the barrier of the cell’s cytoskeleton.

Professor Davis said: “My research team and I have been using microscopes to watch how immune cells kill diseased cells for many years. From what we and others have learnt, we can now see how medicines might be able aid the process. Working with researchers at the NIH, we found that the activity of CHS NK cells could be partially restored with drugs that open up an internal barrier in cells, the cell’s cytoskeleton.

“The problem was that the meshwork of actin protein that underlines the cell membrane is too dense to allow these giant lytic granules out of the cell, resulting in defective CHS NK cell function.

“Importantly, we found that decreasing the actin density, or the size of lytic granules, restores the ability of CHS NK cells to kill target cells.

“Thus, restoration of white blood cell function in CHS could be possible, and a major factor limiting the release of enlarged lytic granules could be a novel target for drug development.”

Davis added: “Our findings provide a new and important insight into pathology of this rare genetic disease.

“Broader than this, this is one example of how immunologists are beginning to harness the power of the immune system to tackle all sorts of diseases, from cancer to autoimmune disease.

“Restoring the function of white blood cells in CHS might have an important impact for the patients’ welfare, as it could extend the period of time CHS patients can wait for a bone marrow transplant that is now the only way to prevent the development of a fatal hyperinflammatory condition that occurs in many people with CHS.”

The researchers’ findings suggest the potential to negate this problem and restore proper immune cell function. The research is published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.


Professor Davis is author of popular level books about the immune system, ‘The Compatibility Gene’ and the forthcoming ‘The Beautiful Cure’.

He is Director for Research at the University’s , which also announces today £2m of investment from GlaxoSmithKline.

The MCCIR, established in 2012, is unique collaboration which has established a world-leading translational centre for inflammatory diseases. It employs 86 scientists and a cumulative grant research budget of £43M.

The cash will fund 11 additional projects in PhD and postdoctoral level in the areas COPD, kidney injury, asthma, IBD, complement function and super-resolution microscopy

Professor Tracy Hussell, Director, MCCIR said: “Industry has a pivotal role to play in discovery science and it is crucial that we share early stage research ideas and tools to enable us to tackle new ideas and approaches that could benefit all.

“This reinvestment by GSK is an endorsement of that philosophy and since our collaboration, we have won a significant amount of competitive peer reviewed funding.”

Malcolm Skingle, Director of Academic Liaison, GSK said: “Collaboration with academic researchers is vital to progress scientific understanding and enable development of innovative new medicines.

“We are delighted to continue to support UK based research efforts through our continued collaboration with the MCCIR academic scientists’.”

The paper An actin cytoskeletal barrier inhibits lytic granule release from Natural Killer cells in Chediak-Higashi syndrome is published in the


Tue, 12 Dec 2017 11:40:50 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_chediakhigashisyndrome1.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/chediakhigashisyndrome1.jpg?10000
Major cause of dementia discovered /about/news/major-cause-of-dementia-discovered/ /about/news/major-cause-of-dementia-discovered/250963An international team of scientists have confirmed the discovery of a major cause of dementia, with important implications for possible treatment and diagnosis.


An international team of scientists have confirmed the discovery of a major cause of dementia, with important implications for possible treatment and diagnosis.

from The University of Manchester, who leads the 91Ö±²¥ team, says the build-up of urea in the brain to toxic levels can cause brain damage – and eventually dementia.

The work follows on from Professor Cooper’s earlier studies, which identified metabolic linkages between Huntington’s, other neurodegenerative diseases and type-2 diabetes.

The team consists of scientists from The University of Manchester, the University of Auckland, AgResearch New Zealand, the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University.

The latest paper by the scientists, published today in the , shows that Huntington’s Disease - one of seven major types of age-related dementia - is directly linked to brain urea levels and metabolic processes.

Their 2016 study revealing that urea is similarly linked to Alzheimer’s, shows, according to Professor Cooper, that the discovery could be relevant to all types of age-related dementias.

The Huntington’s study also showed that the high urea levels occurred before dementia sets in, which could help doctors to one day diagnose and even treat dementia, well in advance of its onset.

Urea and ammonia in the brain are metabolic breakdown products of protein. Urea is more commonly known as a compound which is excreted from the body in urine. If urea and ammonia build up in the body because the kidneys are unable to eliminate them, for example, serious symptoms can result.

Professor Cooper, who is based at The University of Manchester’s , said: “This study on Huntington’s Disease is the final piece of the jigsaw which leads us to conclude that high brain urea plays a pivotal role in dementia.

“Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s are at opposite ends of the dementia spectrum – so if this holds true for these types, then I believe it is highly likely it will hold true for all the major age-related dementias.

“More research, however, is needed to discover the source of the elevated urea in HD, particularly concerning the potential involvement of ammonia and a systemic metabolic defect.

“This could have profound implications for our fundamental understanding of the molecular basis of dementia, and its treatability, including the potential use of therapies already in use for disorders with systemic urea phenotypes.”

Dementia results in a progressive and irreversible loss of nerve cells and brain functioning, causing loss of memory and cognitive impairments affecting the ability to learn. Currently, there is no cure.

The team used human brains, donated by families for medical research, as well as transgenic sheep in Australia.


91Ö±²¥ members of the team used cutting-edge gas chromatography mass spectrometry to measure brain urea levels. For levels to be toxic urea must rise 4-fold or higher than in the normal brain says Professor Cooper.

He added: “We already know Huntington’s Disease is an illness caused by a faulty gene in our DNA - but until now we didn’t understand how that causes brain damage – so we feel this is an important milestone.

“Doctors already use medicines to tackle high levels of ammonia in other parts of the body Lactulose - a commonly used laxative, for example, traps ammonia in the gut. So it is conceivable that one day, a commonly used drug may be able to stop dementia from progressing. It might even be shown that treating this metabolic state in the brain may help in the regeneration of tissue, thus giving a tantalising hint that reversal of dementia may one day be possible.”

Professor Cooper expresses his thanks to all the families of patients with Huntington's disease in New Zealand who so generously supported this research through the donation of brain tissue to the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand Douglas Human Brain Bank in the Centre for Brain Research.

This work was supported by the CHDI Foundation (A-8247) and Brain Research New Zealand.

The paper ‘Brain urea increase is an early Huntington’s disease pathogenic event observed in a prodromal transgenic sheep model and HD cases’ is available on request

Other 91Ö±²¥-based scientists who made important contributions are Dr Stefano Patassini and Dr Jingshu Xu.

Relevant papers include:

  • . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (2016)
  • . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2015)
  • . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (2016)
  • . Scientific Reports (2016)
  • . Metallomics. (2017)
  • . Journal of Huntington’s Disease (2013)
  • . Proteomics (2001)

Anyone with queries about Alzheimers should contact The Alzheimer’s Research Society on 0300 111 5555 or visit 

Anyone with queries about Huntington’s Disease should contact The Huntington’s Disease Association on 0151 331 5444 or visit 

Tue, 12 Dec 2017 09:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_an-old-man-diagnosed-as-suffering-from-senile-dementia.-colo-wellcome-l0026689.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/an-old-man-diagnosed-as-suffering-from-senile-dementia.-colo-wellcome-l0026689.jpg?10000
Disease caused by reduction of most abundant cellular protein identified /about/news/disease-caused-by-reduction-of-most-abundant-cellular-protein-identified/ /about/news/disease-caused-by-reduction-of-most-abundant-cellular-protein-identified/249589An international team of scientists and doctors has identified a new disease that results in low levels of a common protein found inside our cells.


An international team of scientists and doctors has identified a new disease that results in low levels of a common protein found inside our cells.

The study, led by from The University of Manchester and the 91Ö±²¥ Centre for Genomic Medicine, St Mary's Hospital, is published in the reputed

β-actin is the cell’s most abundant protein, providing shape and allowing them to move. It is fundamental to a number of biological functions.

The team say the new disease is caused by gene mutations which result in half of the normal β-actin levels.

Dr Sara Cuvertino, a Research Associate at The University of Manchester and first author of the paper, said: “β-actin is so vital to our cells that it was very surprising for me that patients could still survive on just half the normal levels of this critical protein”.

Dr Banka said, “Although patients born with these mutations have developmental delay, heart and kidney abnormalities, it is remarkable that several are leading a reasonably healthy life.

“Some affected individuals also have neurological problems such as epilepsy.”

Dr Cuvertino studied the cells of patients affected with this new disease and found several subtle defects such as unusual shape, reduced capacity to move and divide.

“The β-actin of a worm is very similar to the human protein. This remarkable conservation across millions of years of evolution reflects the importance of this protein for life,” said Dr Cuvertino.


Dr Banka added “In our study we have described 33 patients, which is a large number for a first paper on a rare genetic disease. I am sure that this discovery will lead to identification of more patients from across the world, who have not yet been diagnosed.”

Dr Cuvertino said, “Our studies of patient cells have provided some very interesting clues to the underlying mechanism of the disease that may provide a foundation for developing treatments”.

Dr Banka’s group is now studying how reduction in β-actin causes the disease with a goal to develop possible treatments for these patients.

The doctors and scientists is unable to deal; with individual enquires from the public. However, patients should in the first instance contact their GP who may refer them on to a local geneticist.

Journalist who wish to see a copy of the journal article should contact the American journal of human genetics directly on jcaputo@cell.com or press@cell.com

Thu, 07 Dec 2017 21:17:52 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_protein-actb-pdb-1atn.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/protein-actb-pdb-1atn.png?10000
Universities to create world’s largest inflammatory disease biobank /about/news/universities-to-create--worlds-largest-inflammatory-disease-biobank/ /about/news/universities-to-create--worlds-largest-inflammatory-disease-biobank/232450The University of Manchester is part of a national consortium which has been awarded a £1.7 million grant to create the world’s largest Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Disease (IMID) Biobank, in excess of 40,000 patients.


The University of Manchester is part of a national consortium which has been awarded a £1.7 million grant to create the world’s largest Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Disease (IMID) Biobank, in excess of 40,000 patients.

The Medical Research Council (MRC) funded project will be delivered by the IMIDBio-UK consortium, which brings together researchers from the University of Glasgow, Newcastle University, the University of Cambridge, Queen Mary University of London and the University of Manchester.

The biobank will enable more precise treatment of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, common medical conditions that cause substantial pain, distress, loss of function and early death. They include rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren's syndrome and autoimmune hepatitis. 

Led by Professor Iain McInnes, Director of the University of Glasgow’s Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, the IMIDBio-UK project will incorporate MRC, National Institute for Health Research and Scottish Government Chief Scientist  funded biobanks and clinical datasets into one single, searchable and analysable ‘superhighway’, allowing unprecedented access to information about IMIDs across the UK.

The University of Manchester will provide expertise on inflammation medicine particularly with respect to inflammatory skin and joint disease. It also hosts the 91Ö±²¥ Molecular Pathology Innovation Centre which facilitates the translation of personalised medicine research into usable tests that can be implemented within the NHS (a remit reliant on access to high quality patient samples).

Professor Chris Griffiths, University of Manchester, Foundation Professor of Dermatology and IMIDBio-UK Co-Investigator, said: “The formation of IMID-Bio UK is an important first step in uniting the UK’s resources and expertise in personalised care for inflammatory disease. The 91Ö±²¥ team is delighted to be part of this consortium and the opportunities it will provide to enhance patient care.”


This superhighway of information will provide the kind of large scale data needed to apply a precision medicine approach to these health conditions. Researchers hope that it will soon be possible to create a 'molecular map' of a patient, which would ultimately allow doctors to be able to prescribe more effective, less toxic drugs to patients, based on their individual condition.

Professor Iain McInnes, Muirhead Chair of Medicine, said: “IMIDBio-UK is a unique opportunity to bring together the strengths of inflammation medicine from across the United Kingdom.

“By working together we will learn from cohorts of patients with seemingly different conditions, such as psoriasis, arthritis, kidney and liver disease, and bring them together to shed new light on the specific causes of each condition individually, but also we hope to find common pathways that drive them collectively.

“Using this knowledge in future we will be able to seek new medicines, and importantly, by applying the principles of precision medicine, we will be able to use these new medicines in the right person, at the right time, and at the right dose.”

The IMIDs are clinically diverse, variously targeting the skin, joints, or kidneys, but share some common genetic features, environmental triggers and inflammatory mechanisms. Since the 1990s, drugs and improved treatment strategies have revolutionised the treatment of a significant proportion of people with some IMIDs. However some IMIDs have not really progressed and even in those in which advances are notable, many patients do not yet respond to treatment or lose their responses over time.

Until now, most IMID collections of data have been specific to only one disease, leading to a narrow approach to the broader inflammation medicine field. 

Researchers hope that this project will enable wider, safer use of biologics and new medicines across the IMID spectrum. By bringing together samples and comparing data and clinical practice, it will optimise clinical pathways for common IMIDs, and provide much needed insight into biologic use in rarer or poorly characterised IMIDs, ultimately delivering patient benefit and health care savings.

Mon, 25 Sep 2017 11:27:38 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/clients/150_1369.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/clients/150_1369.jpg?10000
91Ö±²¥ graduate from Nigeria hoping to improve the health of her fellow citizens /about/news/manchester-graduate-from-nigeria/ /about/news/manchester-graduate-from-nigeria/161334A Nigerian public health professional has graduated from a world-leading 91Ö±²¥ course, and she now hopes to use her skills to improve the health of young people in her home country.


A Nigerian public health professional has graduated from a world-leading 91Ö±²¥ course, and she now hopes to use her skills to improve the health of young people in her home country.

Ogochukwu Okoye, a physician and lecturer at Delta State University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria, took the University’s online Master of Public Health course, and wrote her dissertation about the risk of chronic kidney disease in young Nigerians exposed to crude oil - a major concern in the country, as the oil industry has left areas of the Niger Delta heavily polluted.

She now hopes to apply for a grant that will enable her to carry out this research in reality, with the intention of influencing Government policy, improving the local population’s health and instigating a clean-up of the environment.

The University’s Master of Public Health course offers an innovative training approach for public health professionals, or those interested in a career in the area. It equips students with the skills and knowledge to apply to public health concerns at local, national and international level, and the ability to apply theory and scientific principles to practical situations.

The course can be studied entirely online, and most students spread the programme over 3-5 years, remaining in their own country and in employment. Participants come from over 40 countries worldwide, including many in Africa.

"I registered for this course to improve myself in areas of medicine that are key for a wholesome practice," said Ogochukwu. "The team at 91Ö±²¥ exposed me to a highly effective manner of teaching, thus made learning worthwhile."

“Our programme teaches students to develop a critical evidence-based approach to the discipline of public health.” said Isla Gemmell, a senior lecturer on The University of Manchester’s Master of Public Health Programme.

“Throughout her studies, Ogochuckwu demonstrated a great deal of self-motivation and willingness to learn. She is in a unique position to make a real difference to the health of the population in Nigeria through her research and her teaching.”

If you would like to learn more about the Master of Public Health course, .

Thu, 15 Dec 2016 10:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_ogo.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/ogo.jpg?10000
Major investment planned for 91Ö±²¥â€™s Cell-Matrix Research Centre /about/news/major-investment-planned-for-manchesters-cell-matrix-research-centre/ /about/news/major-investment-planned-for-manchesters-cell-matrix-research-centre/160295The Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research at The University of Manchester will receive a major funding boost as part of an £118m injection announced today by charitable foundation, Wellcome Trust.


at The University of Manchester will receive a major funding boost as part of an £118m injection announced today by charitable foundation, Wellcome Trust.

The investment of over £5m for the 91Ö±²¥ site over the next five years will mean the world-class researchers within the Centre can continue to conduct fundamental research into the relationship between cells and matrix to assist with understanding vertebrate development, healthy ageing, and identifying targets for disease intervention.

The Centre, directed by of The University of Manchester, will also generate new opportunities for clinical research through collaboration with other leading local centres including 91Ö±²¥ Academic Health Science Centre, the Biobank, 91Ö±²¥ Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research, NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, and the Cancer Research UK 91Ö±²¥ Institute.

The Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research is an interdisciplinary research centre embedded within the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at The University of Manchester. It was established in 1995 with the long-term aims of determining the mechanisms underpinning how cell-matrix interactions build mechanically-strong tissues, control normal tissue formation and function, regulate the immune system and cell migration, and how their disruption causes diseases such as fibrosis, kidney disease, and musculoskeletal conditions.

Thirteen Wellcome Centres across the UK along with one in Cape Town, South Africa will receive part of £118m investment, seven of which will be newly established centres while the rest will explore new avenues under a refreshed vision.

, Vice-President and Dean of said: “This investment is fantastic news for 91Ö±²¥ and the research community in the UK as a whole.

“Facilities like the Centre for Cell-Matrix Research provide a fundamental source of knowledge and understanding on cutting-edge biological research which is hugely beneficial in aiding our understanding of illnesses and diseases which will probably affect all our lives in some way.

“The funding will mean that our team of dedicated and highly skilled staff can continue their crucial work for the next five years, thus supporting Wellcome with its philosophy to improve human health, and ensuring The University of Manchester maintains its position at the forefront of pioneering health research.”

Director, Dr Jeremy Farrar said: “Wellcome Centres play a special role in the global research ecosystem. By creating places where researchers can flourish we can catalyse world-leading research and translation, and amplify its influence and impact.

“At Wellcome we believe in long term support for discovery-driven science, and Wellcome Centres are an outstanding environment for researchers to further our understanding of fundamental biology, accelerate translation to clinical practice, and explore the social and cultural context of medicine."

Wed, 07 Dec 2016 09:14:27 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_chemicals.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/chemicals.jpg?10000
Royal College of GPs announce University of Manchester researchers have won Research Paper of the Year for 2015 /about/news/royal-college-of-gps-announce-university-of-manchester-researchers-have-won-research-paper-of-the-year-for-2015/ /about/news/royal-college-of-gps-announce-university-of-manchester-researchers-have-won-research-paper-of-the-year-for-2015/150874The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has named a research study funded by the National Institute for Health Research  (NIHR CLAHRC) Greater 91Ö±²¥ as its Research Paper of the Year.

  • Award recognises an exceptional piece of research relating to general practice or primary care
  • Research team will to present their paper at the RCGP’s Annual Conference
  • The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has named a research study funded by the National Institute for Health Research  (NIHR CLAHRC) Greater 91Ö±²¥ as its Research Paper of the Year.

    The award, which recognises an individual or group of researchers who have published an exceptional piece of research relating to general practice or primary care, went to a study whose lead author was The University of Manchester’s Dr Gavin Daker-White.

    The paper, entitled ‘’, was published in the journal Social Science and Medicine and explores how patients learn about and react to a diagnosis of early stage CKD – particularly as some GPs routinely register patients as early stage CKD but do not always fully disclose the diagnosis to their patient.

    The partial or non-disclosure of diagnosis by GPs is at the heart of the paper. It raises questions over the purpose of CKD as diagnosis to support patient self-management. The rationale for incentivising GP practices to maintain a CKD register requires clarity for both clinicians and patients.

    “Patient self-management is a critical factor in positively managing symptoms and treatments in chronic kidney disease as well as other diseases; I am delighted for my colleagues that our work in highlighting non-disclosure of CKD diagnoses may help support more meaningful dialogue and in doing so, help patients take more control of their health,” said Dr Daker-White, Research Fellow with the University’s NIHR Greater 91Ö±²¥ Primary Care Patient Safety Translational Research Centre.

    Dr Daker-White, along with Dr Tom Blakeman – a GP and Clinical Senior Lecturer in Primary Care at The University of Manchester’s School of Health Sciences – accepted their £1000 prize for winning the Research Paper of the Year at a ceremony at Stationers’ Hall in London last night (28 September 2016).

    As part of the award, the team will be able to present their paper at the RCGP’s Annual Conference in Harrogate in October 2016.


    This study was funded by the National Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (NIHR CLAHRC) Greater 91Ö±²¥. The NIHR is funded by the Department of Health to improve the health and wealth of the nation through research. The NIHR is the research arm of the NHS. Since its establishment in April 2006, the NIHR has transformed research in the NHS. It has increased the volume of applied health research for the benefit of patients and the public, driven faster translation of basic science discoveries into tangible benefits for patients and the economy, and developed and supported the people who conduct and contribute to applied health research. The NIHR plays a key role in the Government’s strategy for economic growth, attracting investment by the life-sciences industries through its world-class infrastructure for health research.

    Photograph, courtesy of Grainge Photography and the RCGP, shows Drs Tom Blakeman (left) and Gavin Daker-White (right) receiving their award.

    Thu, 29 Sep 2016 10:52:05 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_14069-021-graingephotography.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/14069-021-graingephotography.jpg?10000
    ‘Teashirt’ gene links autism and kidney problems, new study finds /about/news/teashirt-gene-links-autism-and-kidney-problems-new-study-finds/ /about/news/teashirt-gene-links-autism-and-kidney-problems-new-study-finds/150094A gene dubbed the ‘Teashirt’ by its discoverers has been identified as a link between children with kidney problems and autism, in a new study which has implications for how doctors working on both conditions administer tests to their patients.

  • Link between children with kidney problems and autism
  • Implications for how doctors work with patients who display either kidney or learning problems
  • A gene dubbed the ‘Teashirt’ by its discoverers has been identified as a link between children with kidney problems and autism, in a new study which has implications for how doctors working on both conditions administer tests to their patients.

    The new paper, published in the journal Nature Genetics, was led by the Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille, collaborating with The University of Manchester, and it describes the effects of mutations of Teashirt in people and mice.

    The gene, formally named Tshz3, had already been implicated by the joint research team in 2008 as being essential for development of smooth muscle in the wall of the ureter. Mutant mice were born with ‘blown-up’ kidneys because their ureters failed to actively propel urine down to the bladder.

    Professor Adrian Woolf from The University of Manchester, then working as a children’s consultant in London, discovered that one of his patients born with abnormal kidneys had a deleted Tshz3 gene and also displayed characteristics of autistic spectrum disorder.

    The French team also realised that mice with Tshz3 mutation not only had kidney problems but also displayed learning difficulties.

    The findings sparked a global search of other kidney clinics, which returned ten more patients with similar symptoms. After genetic testing, it was confirmed that the same gene was missing in all of them – findings which are published in the new paper.

    Professor Woolf said: “The mutant mouse kidney looks just like ‘hydronephrosis’, the distended kidney seen in about 1 in 1,000 individuals when they are screened by sonar scans as unborn babies. It now appears that this gene is linked to at least some of these cases and that it also has implications for how our brains work in childhood.”

    The research was led by Professor Laurent Fasano in Marseille who discovered the teashirt gene in fruit flies in 1991. He said: “The sooner the better; early detection of this new condition will favour early behavioural therapies, which is good for the kids and their family.”

    The link between the two diseases has implications for how doctors work with patients who display either kidney or learning problems.

    Professor Woolf, who is also a consultant at the Royal 91Ö±²¥ Children’s Hospital where he runs a renal genetics clinic, added: “A fairly simple genetic test on patients being treated for either kidney problems or autistic spectrum disorder could identify whether the Teashirt gene is missing and also highlight that the patient may need investigation for the other condition. Time will tell whether TSHZ3 plays a role in many more cases than we’ve currently been able to identify.”

    The paper ('Tshz3 deletion causes an autism syndrome and defects in cortical projection neurons' ; DOI 10.1038/ng.3681) will be published in the journal Nature Genetics on 26 September 2016. Research was part-funded by the Medical Research Council.

    Wed, 28 Sep 2016 09:40:02 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_kidneys.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/kidneys.jpg?10000
    91Ö±²¥ researcher funded to help treat kidney disease /about/news/manchester-researcher-funded-to-help-treat-kidney-disease/ /about/news/manchester-researcher-funded-to-help-treat-kidney-disease/146087

    Clinician scientist, Dr Rachel Lennon, has been awarded a prestigious Wellcome Senior Research Fellowship in Clinical Science worth more than £1.7 million, to help identify therapeutic targets to treat chronic kidney disease.

    combines her time at , based at The University of Manchester, with her role as Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist at Royal 91Ö±²¥ Children’s Hospital (). The Senior Research Fellowship follows Dr Lennon’s Intermediate Clinical Fellowship from in 2010, which consolidated her research into kidney disease.

    The Senior Research Fellowship is a five year award and gives clinical academics the opportunity to develop their research potential and to establish themselves as leading investigators.

    Chronic kidney disease is a long-term condition characterised by the gradual loss of kidney function. As a result, waste products build up, increasing the risk of developing heart and blood vessel disease, and other complications, which can ultimately lead to kidney failure. Damage to the kidney filters, which regulate the fluid and waste products out of the blood, is the commonest cause of kidney disease.

    Kidney disease affects 10% of the global population and when kidneys fail, patients require dialysis or transplantation. Currently, 60,000 adults and children in the UK require these treatments, costing the NHS around £2 billion per year.

    During the fellowship, Dr Lennon will be focusing on targeting force regulation to treat the condition in adults and children. Blood vessels in the kidney filters are made of specialised cells that are supported by a scaffold known as matrix. The cells and matrix need to sense and control changes in blood pressure in the filters, and Dr Lennon’s team will discover how the filters perform this function.

    Dr Lennon said: “I am honoured to have been awarded the Senior Research Fellowship and I hope that findings from the research we undertake throughout the next five years will go on to help patients and their families in the future. Kidney disease significantly restricts a patient’s lifestyle.

    “For people on haemodialysis, they usually need to have treatment in hospital three to four days per week, for four to six hours at a time, or with peritoneal dialysis they need to have the treatment daily or overnight at home. To improve the situation we need to advance detection of kidney disease and also find new treatments.

    “In the past, using specialised techniques such as proteomics and powerful microscopy, we have expanded understanding about the important cell and matrix molecules in the kidney filters and we have identified novel features of early kidney disease. However, we still need to understand why these changes happen.

    “I now propose that the connections between cells and matrix in the kidney filters are critical to counterbalance mechanical forces in the blood vessels and if the connections are disrupted there is a cascade that leads to scarring and loss of kidney function. In this fellowship my team will work out how force is regulated in the filters using cell and mouse models of kidney disease. I believe this work will have impact by identifying therapeutic targets to treat chronic kidney disease in children and adults.”

    Professor Neil Hanley, Head of R&I Division and a previous Wellcome Senior Research Fellowship beneficiary, added: “Dr Lennon’s recent award of a Wellcome Senior Research Fellowship following on from her Intermediate fellowship is a fantastic achievement and testimony to a lot of hard work by Rachel and committed support from her colleagues.

    “I am absolutely delighted for Rachel; having her achieve one of these five year awards, one of only fifty or so running across the whole country, is a fantastic flagship for CMFT and the Royal 91Ö±²¥ Children's Hospital. It shows what enthusiasm, intelligence and commitment can achieve and the important role that the NHS has to play in the development of if the next-generation of world-leading biomedical researchers.”

    Dr Lennon is the latest CMFT consultant to be honoured with the significant accolade. Other recipients of the award in the past include , Professor in Genetics and Ophthalmology and , Professor of Ophthalmology and Matrix Biology. , Professor of Medicine and Endocrinology, is a Wellcome Trust Investigator.

    Thu, 18 Aug 2016 09:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_kidney.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/kidney.jpg?10000
    Imaging test detects aggressive and treatment-resistant cancers /about/news/imaging-test-detects-aggressive-and-treatment-resistant-cancers/ /about/news/imaging-test-detects-aggressive-and-treatment-resistant-cancers/100495Scientists have developed a new imaging test that could enable doctors to identify more dangerous tumours before they spread around the body – and tailor treatment accordingly.

  • Lack of oxygen, or hypoxia, is often a sign that a cancer is growing aggressively
  • New test could identify more dangerous tumours before they spread around the body
  • Scientists have developed a new imaging test that could enable doctors to identify more dangerous tumours before they spread around the body – and tailor treatment accordingly.

    Teams at The University of Manchester and The Institute of Cancer Research, London describe detailed development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology to map areas of oxygen deprivation within tumours.

    Lack of oxygen, or hypoxia, is often a sign that a cancer is growing aggressively. Hypoxia also stimulates the growth of blood vessels within tumours, which in turn can fuel the spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body.

    The new study could also lead to more effective radiotherapy planning to boost the doses of X-rays delivered to dangerous, hypoxic areas within tumours, and new ways of monitoring whether radiotherapy or some drugs are working.

    The study, published in today, was funded by a range of organisations including , and .

    Researchers used an emerging technology called oxygen-enhanced MRI to produce maps of hypoxia within tumours grown by implanting cancer cells into mice. The technology is now being further developed through clinical studies of cancer patients.

    Oxygen-enhanced MRI works by monitoring alterations in image intensity caused by changes in the concentration of dissolved oxygen in blood plasma and tissue fluid, during inhalation of pure oxygen gas. Some tissues take up the extra oxygen more rapidly than others, which show as more intensely changing regions under the MRI scan.

    The researchers predicted that images of hypoxic tumour areas would change intensity less dramatically than better oxygenated areas.

    They followed a several-step process to prove their MRI technique worked at detecting areas of hypoxia, beginning with the imaging of tumours grown from a cell line of kidney cancer cells known to lead to highly hypoxic tumours.

    They then imaged a slower-growing kidney tumour type and tumours grown from a line of bowel cancer cells, to show their technique also worked for less hypoxic tumours.

    They cross-referenced their images against samples from the tumours viewed under the microscope to confirm their findings from the scans.

    91Ö±²¥ co-leader Dr Simon Robinson, Team Leader in Magnetic Resonance at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, said: “Our technique uses MRI technology to detect tumours with areas of oxygen depletion, which tend to be more aggressive and more resistant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Our study provides strong pre-clinical evidence to validate the use of oxygen-enhanced MRI to identify, quantify and map tumour hypoxia.

    91Ö±²¥ co-leader , Group Leader at The University of Manchester, said: “There is currently no validated, affordable and widely available clinical imaging technique that can rapidly assess the distribution of tumour hypoxia. Our findings from studies in mice are already being translated for use on conventional clinical MRI scanners. Ultimately we hope that oxygen-enhanced MRI will not only to identify the most dangerous tumours, but to assist radiotherapy treatment planning and for monitoring treatment response.”

    Nell Barrie, senior science information manager at Cancer Research UK, said: “When cancer cells run out of oxygen, they’re more likely to spread from the original tumour, making the disease much harder to treat. Spotting this process in action could help improve treatment, especially for more aggressive tumours, and this early-stage research in mice will help to find new ways to use existing scanning technology to monitor and personalise each patient’s treatment. By combining different techniques such as imaging and radiotherapy, these promising results can be translated into benefits for patients in the years ahead.”

    The full paper: 'Oxygen enhanced MRI accurately identifies, quantifies, and maps hypoxia in preclinical cancer models',

    Cancer is one of The University of Manchester’s - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet.

    Thu, 10 Dec 2015 00:01:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_oxygenuptake.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/oxygenuptake.jpg?10000
    New treatment for polycystic kidney disease /about/news/new-treatment-for-polycystic-kidney-disease/ /about/news/new-treatment-for-polycystic-kidney-disease/81471

    A new technique for treating polycystic kidney disease has been identified by researchers at The University of Manchester and UCL.

    Published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, the treatment, which involves targeting tiny blood and lymphatic vessels inside the kidneys, is shown to improve renal function and slow progression of disease in mice.


    Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder where fluid filled cysts grow in kidneys and destroy normal renal tissue. It is the world’s most common inherited kidney disease, affecting between 1 in 400 and 1 in 1000 people worldwide – around 12.5 million individuals. A rarer form of the disease, which occurs in about one in every 20,000 live births in the UK, leads to a third of these babies dying before or just after birth.

    Treatment for the condition has traditionally targeted proteins which are thought to play a role in causing the condition and are located in hair-like structures and tissue that line the inside of cysts. These treatments can help alleviate some of the symptoms of PKD but they can’t currently cure the condition.

    Researchers have now discovered that the blood and lymphatic system surrounding cysts may also be important in the development of the condition and could be a new target for treating the disease.

    By looking at mouse models of both the common and rarer form of the disease, the team noticed that tiny blood vessels surrounding the cysts were altered very early in cyst development. They therefore treated the mice with a potent ‘growth factor’ protein called VEGFC, and found that patterns of blood vessels normalised and the function of the kidneys improved. In the mice with the rare form of the condition, it also led to a modest but significant increase in lifespan.

    David Long, lead researcher and Principal Research Associate at at UCL, explains: “With further testing, treatments that target blood vessels surrounding the kidney cysts, perhaps in combination with currently used drugs, may prove to be beneficial for patients with polycystic kidney disease.”

    , Professor of Paediatric Science at The University of Manchester and co-author of the study added: “If we could target these blood vessels early in the development of the condition it could potentially lead to much better outcomes for patients.”

    Elaine Davies, Research Director at confirmed that: “This is an exciting piece of work we are extremely proud to be supporting.”

    Dr Richard Trompeter, Chairman of added: “By identifying a treatment plan that can prevent further deterioration of kidney function in patients with this particular disease, our researchers have given fresh hope to thousands of people in the UK with this kidney condition. However, research like this can only continue with the support of the public.”

    The paper, ‘’ was published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

    Wed, 03 Jun 2015 13:30:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_14621_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/14621_large-2.jpg?10000
    Scientists announce major breakthrough against rare kidney disease /about/news/scientists-announce-major-breakthrough-against-rare-kidney-disease/ /about/news/scientists-announce-major-breakthrough-against-rare-kidney-disease/81488Scientists at The University of Manchester and Central 91Ö±²¥ University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have made a significant breakthrough in the fight against Membranous Nephropathy (MN) – a rare kidney disease which can lead to kidney failure.

    Their research was funded by – the UK’s largest funder dedicated to kidney research and kidney problems in the UK.

    PLA2R is a protein found in cells in the kidney, and is involved in the development of MN. This disease occurs when the immune system causes antibodies to attack the PLA2R protein which then results in the thickening of the capillary walls in the kidney filters leading to kidney failure.

    The team in 91Ö±²¥ have found the precise region of PLA2R where antibodies attack, and have discovered molecules which can block antibodies from binding to the PLA2R protein and causing damage.

    Now the team know where the antibody attacks they can design treatments to remove it, or to block it from attacking the kidney with small molecules known as peptides.

    80% of adults with MN will produce antibodies against PLA2R, so it was vital for the team to find out how the antibodies bind to the protein and cause damage. To do this, the team needed to know the exact structure of the protein so they built a three dimensional model.

    They then discovered that they could stop the antibodies from binding to the PLA2R protein by making a small replica of the binding site so that the antibodies attacked the decoy and not the real protein.

    commented: “This opens up possibilities for two new treatments for MN patients. We may be able to use a decoy as a drug to block the anti-PLA2R antibodies from attacking the kidney, or we could use small molecules called peptides to remove the anti-PLA2R antibodies from the body.

    “Our research should eventually lead to the development of a specific treatment for patients with MN that will reduce the severity of the condition, prevent progression to kidney failure, and reduce the risk to patients from existing immunosuppressive treatment.”

    says “This research project shows the benefit of University and NHS researchers working closely together to improve treatments for patients. We now know how to remove these damaging antibodies and our research group will develop a specific and safer therapy over the next three years if we can attract the next round of funding”.

    Elaine Davies of Kidney Research UK said: “This is a significant breakthrough in the fight against kidney disease and we have awarded additional funding through a PhD studentship announced in April 2015, to Dr Lennon’s team to further investigate how to stop autoantibody binding using small molecule inhibitors. These experiments and the team’s work in general will be vital when developing future treatments for patients with Membranous Nephropathy. However, more funding for research into kidney disease is desperately needed, so we can continue to make important breakthroughs like this which give hope to patients.”

    A recent paper, ‘’, published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, contains further information on this research.

    See below for a short video with Dr Rachel Lennon about keeping kidneys healthy.

    Notes for editors


    Mon, 18 May 2015 15:33:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000
    New findings support University bid for bandages to enter the electronic age /about/news/new-findings-support-university-bid-for-bandages-to-enter-the-electronic-age/ /about/news/new-findings-support-university-bid-for-bandages-to-enter-the-electronic-age/81490

    The most detailed study to date showing how electrical stimulation accelerates wound healing has been carried out in 40 volunteers by University of Manchester scientists.

    Skin wounds that are slow to heal are a clinical challenge to physicians all over the world. Every year, the NHS alone spends £1 billion on treating chronic wounds such as lower limb venous and diabetic ulcers.  Wounds become chronic when they fail to heal and remain open for longer than six weeks.

    Researchers from The University of Manchester carried out the unique human volunteer study of skin wound healing in 40 individuals with the results published in the journal PLOS ONE.  

    This study has provided new data supporting previous work by the team, enabling a new partnership with , which in collaboration with the University, will develop and evaluate devices and dressings for faster healing of wounds.

    In the new research, half-centimetre, harmless wounds were created on each upper arm of the volunteers.  One wound was left to heal normally while the other was treated with electrical pulses over a period of two weeks.  These pulses stimulated the process through which new blood vessels form – known as angiogenesis – increasing the blood flow to the damaged area and resulting in the wounds healing significantly faster.

    Now, the researchers at the University’s led by are to work with Oxford BioElectronics Ltd on a five-year project to develop and evaluate devices and dressings which use the same techniques to stimulate the body’s nervous system to generate nerve impulses to the site of skin repair.

    Dr Ardeshir Bayat, the principal investigator from the University, is also leading on the partnership. He said: “This research has shown the effectiveness of electrical stimulation in wound healing, and therefore we believe this technology has the potential to be applied to any situation where faster wound healing is particularly desirable, such as following human or veterinary surgical wounds, accidental, or military trauma and in sports injuries.”

    Dr Bayat, an international expert in the subject of wound healing added: ”This is an exciting partnership, working on a pioneering project with the potential to change substantially the way cutaneous wounds are managed in the future.”

    Roly Allen, Managing Director of Oxford Bioelectronics, said: “We are delighted with our collaboration with Dr Bayat and his team at The University of Manchester. Healing of wounds, in particular chronic wounds, is a global problem and we expect, through this partnership, to lead the development of the next generation of wound repair solutions.”

    Dr Bayat concluded: “When used in acute and chronic wounds, bandages are essentially just a covering.  With this technology we hope that the dressings will be able to make a significant functional contribution to healing the wounds and getting the patient back to full health as quickly as possible.”

    The paper, ‘,’ is freely available from the PLOS ONE website.

    Notes for editors

    Media enquiries to:
    Jamie Brown
    Media Relations Officer
    The University of Manchester
    Tel: 0161 2758383
    Email: jamie.brown@manchester.ac.uk

    Thu, 14 May 2015 14:25:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_14508_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/14508_large-2.jpg?10000
    New finding could help develop test for kidney failure /about/news/new-finding-could-help-develop-test-for-kidney-failure/ /about/news/new-finding-could-help-develop-test-for-kidney-failure/81517Scientists at The University of Manchester have made an important finding that could help develop an early test for kidney disease.

    Dr Rachel Lennon from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research has been studying why some people are more susceptible to kidney disease because of their race and gender. 

    She explains: “It’s well known that impaired kidney function is more common in Afro-Caribbean individuals compared to those from a Caucasian background, and in men compared to women. However, the reasons for the difference in susceptibility are only just being discovered.”

    Rather than looking at cell function, Dr Lennon and her team wanted to focus on the structure around the cells within the kidney tissue to understand what might be contributing to the development of kidney disease. Their findings have been published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

    The researchers used mass spectrometry to analyse the tissue from mice with different genetic backgrounds and sexes, some of which were more susceptible to kidney failure. The sample of tissue was from the kidney filters which control what passes into our urine and what the body holds on to. Each kidney has about a million filters which process up to180 litres of fluid a day.

    The team found there were significant differences in the composition and type of proteins between the mice. The greatest difference was between mice from different genetic backgrounds as opposed to whether they were male or female.

    Next the scientists used an electron microscope to get a detailed look at the filters. A normal filter has a scaffold of proteins between two types of cells. The team found that the scaffold part of the barrier in the susceptible mice was abnormal with splits and bulges. So not only was the composition of the filter different but also the structure.

    Dr Lennon comments: “The most surprising thing about our findings were that the mice weren’t actually exhibiting any symptoms of kidney disease and were all still in full health despite having this different structure in their filters. Their kidneys appeared to be functioning normally.”

    She continues: “The next question, and the one that we are starting to look at for our next research paper, is when this difference in structure occurs – is it from birth or at a later stage?”

    Dr Lennon and her team will also be investigating the reasons behind the difference in structure, and whether there is a mechanism that could be switched off before symptoms of kidney disease become apparent and damage has occurred. They also plan to look at human tissue to investigate whether the same differences are present in our filters.

    She says it’s likely they will make the same findings: “At the moment we do see these changes in structure when looking at biopsies from kidney patients in clinic but we haven’t known what they mean. What we’re hoping is that this research will help develop a test that picks up kidney disease or even just a susceptibility to kidney disease before any damage has been done. We’re also keen to look at whether we could manipulate the process which leads to the structural change to develop new, more effective treatments.” 

    Notes for editors

    The paper “” was published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology on Tuesday 21 April 2015.

    doi: 10.1681/ASN.2014040419

    For more information and interview requests please contact:

    Morwenna Grills
    Media Relations Officer
    Faculty of Life Sciences
    The University of Manchester

    Tel: +44 (0)161 275 2111
    Mob: +44 (0)7920 087466
    Email: Morwenna.Grills@manchester.ac.uk
    Tweet: @MorwennaGrills 

    Tue, 28 Apr 2015 14:49:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000
    91Ö±²¥ to lead project for better lupus treatment /about/news/manchester-to-lead-project-for-better-lupus-treatment/ /about/news/manchester-to-lead-project-for-better-lupus-treatment/81649The University of Manchester is to lead a new £5.1 million consortium of universities and industry partners in a project aimed at eliminating the ‘trial and error’ approach to the treatment of lupus.


    Systemic lupus erythematosus (also known as SLE or lupus) is a condition which affects around 16,000 people in the UK – 90 percent of these are women and it is particularly common amongst people of African, Indo-Asian and Chinese origin. 

    For reasons that are poorly understood, in sufferers, the immune system attacks healthy cells, organs and tissues causing severe inflammation. This inflammation can cause a range of problems including rashes, hair loss, arthritis, kidney involvement and blood disorders.

    Long-term complications in SLE can include chronic fatigue, cataracts, early onset heart attacks and strokes, as well as kidney failure.

    The new project, launched today by George Freeman MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Life Sciences, is called MAximizing Sle ThERapeutic PotentiaL by Application of Novel and Stratified approaches (MASTERPLANS). It will seek to improve on the current ‘trial and error’ approach to treatment as many studies show that only 40-50% of patients will respond well to any particular treatment.

    from The University of Manchester’s and Director of the said: “We will be studying a whole range of factors which can influence the success or failure of treatment.  By examining the genetic profile, immune response and clinical data of groups of patients we aim to identify key factors that predict more accurately the right treatment to offer to individual patients.”

    By getting the right treatments to patients first time the new approach will reduce the time needed to get SLE under control and also reduce long-term complications which are often related to poor control of disease as well as the long-term use of steroids in this population. Such an approach will also be a better use of healthcare resources.

    The new project is a field of study, known as stratified medicine, involving the study of large numbers of patients to identify smaller groups for more personalised treatment based on their particular genetic and biological characteristics. The team envisages that this approach will increase the success rate of treatments for individual patients.

    As well as The University of Manchester, the consortium also includes the Universities of Bath, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham and Cambridge, alongside King’s College London, Imperial College London, University College London and the Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit.

    These institutions will work alongside industry partners including Aeirtec Limited, Aurinia (Vifor), The Binding Site, Epistem, GSK, Imagen Biotech, Medimmune, Myriad RBM, Roche/Genentech, UCB and Pfizer.

    The project will last four years and is majority funded by a £4.2m grant from the . Professor Sir John Savill, the MRC’s chief executive, said: “The goal of stratified medicine is to provide patients with the best treatments by ensuring that existing medicines are targeted at those who will derive most benefit but also by accelerating the development of new therapies. Achieving this goal requires partnerships that harness the diverse mix of knowledge, expertise and commitment of academia, industry and patients.

    “Here in the UK, we’re ideally placed to be at the forefront of this field because we can combine excellence in research with access to some of the highest quality clinical resources and data in the world. This is attracting small, medium and large companies from across the UK and internationally to partner with us. The consortia we are supporting are keen to work with new partners and we shall be considering further disease areas that might benefit from this approach.”

    Professor Bruce who is also Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist at , said: “From my own clinical experience of treating SLE patients, it is clear that SLE is a condition ripe for a stratified medicines approach. A number of new treatments are coming through for SLE and we desperately need better ways to target treatments to the patients most likely to benefit from them. 

    “Our consortium brings together a number of leading UK universities with pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies. The combined strength of our research expertise will help us to quickly translate results into clinical practice for the benefit of SLE patients, not only in the UK, but also in other parts of the world.”


    Notes for editors


    Media enquiries to:

    Jamie Brown
    Media Relations Officer
    The University of Manchester
    Tel: 0161 2758383
    Email: jamie.brown@manchester.ac.uk


    Thu, 29 Jan 2015 09:30:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000
    Small change in blood acidity could prove detrimental to kidney disease patients /about/news/small-change-in-blood-acidity-could-prove-detrimental-to-kidney-disease-patients/ /about/news/small-change-in-blood-acidity-could-prove-detrimental-to-kidney-disease-patients/81670A University of Manchester scientist has discovered that very small changes in the level of acidity in blood may have a detrimental impact on the health of patients with kidney disease.

    Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is common in the UK.  It is estimated that about one in five men and one in four women between the ages of 65 and 74 has some degree of CKD. The leading single cause of CKD is diabetes which is increasing so it’s expected that more patients will be diagnosed with CKD in the future.

    from the Faculty of Life Sciences has been studying the impact of kidney disease on the body. He has found that very small changes in the pH (acidity) level in the blood prevents the body from being able to accurately monitor calcium levels. This leads to too much of the hormone PTH being released which is likely to lead to a greater risk of calcium and phosphate from the bone damaging the arteries. This often proves fatal to patients with CKD. His research has been published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 

    He says: “It was not realised before that the blood pH changes we see in patients with kidney disease can have an impact on their ability to monitor blood calcium levels. My research has demonstrated that the effect of those changes may be more significant than previously thought and thus might need to be looked at more carefully by clinicians.”

    Dr Ward’s research focussed on the high level of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in patients suffering from CKD. This causes the body to release calcium and phosphate from the bones which can then damage their blood vessels. 

    Dr Ward explains why this is so harmful: “The diseased kidneys prevent the body getting rid of both excess phosphate and excess acidity. So if that acidity also causes the body to release more PTH then this could compound the problem by releasing further phosphate from the bone. This vicious circle might accelerate the potentially fatal calcification of the arteries.” 

    He continues: “What is so important about this research is that we have demonstrated that changes in PTH release can be prompted by very small changes in blood pH level. Before, it was assumed that only a larger change in acidity would cause problems for patients.”

    The research was funded by Kidney Research UK. Elaine Davies, Director of Research Operations, from the charity says: “Donald’s work has used novel pharmacological and molecular tools in generating these new findings which increase our knowledge about the complex balance that clinicians need to consider when treating patients with CKD.”

    Dr Ward is hoping to take his research to the next step, testing for therapeutic targets that could lead to better treatments for CKD.

    Notes for editors

    The paper “.” was published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology on Friday 2 January 2015. 

    The work was funded in part by a grant from Kidney Research UK.

    Image and interview requests should be made to the press office:

    Morwenna Grills
    Media Relations Officer
    Faculty of Life Sciences
    The University of Manchester

    Tel: +44 (0)161 275 2111
    Mob: +44 (0)7920 087466
    Email: Morwenna.Grills@manchester.ac.uk 

    Tue, 06 Jan 2015 09:44:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_13599_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/13599_large-2.jpg?10000
    National School status for care research centre confirmed /about/news/national-school-status-for-care-research-centre-confirmed/ /about/news/national-school-status-for-care-research-centre-confirmed/81735The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has announced that The University of Manchester’s Centre for Primary Care will continue to be part of the prestigious NIHR School for Primary Care Research.

    Membership confers both financial benefits (with a share of £30 million in funding), and status, stemming from the rigorous assessment of achievements of the Centre in producing world-class research, supporting the development of new researchers and involving the public and patients in its work.

    is dedicated to improving policy and practice in healthcare through research.  This includes programmes to improve patient safety, to deliver  better primary care services for patients living  with long-term conditions and mental health problems, , and to support better commissioning and organisation of  primary care services. The Centre also has a strong focus on research methodology.

    Staff members come from a wide variety of disciplines such as general practitioners, psychiatrists, sociologists, psychologists, statisticians and health services researchers, working together to bring different perspectives to research.

    leads the Centre for Primary Care. He said: “The renewal of School status confirms us as one of the country’s leading centres for primary care research. Having the NIHR School membership allows us to support more research alongside our other School partners, invest in promising early career researchers, and ultimately deliver better primary care for patients.

    “We had fantastic support from Faculty and Institute colleagues during the application process, and our success reflects the very hard work of all our staff and students.”

    91Ö±²¥ is one of eight universities which make up the School for Primary Care Research, alongside, Bristol, Keele, Nottingham, Oxford, Southampton, Newcastle, Cambridge and University College London. To date the School has funded 241 research projects and over the last four years, 84 trainees.

    The NIHR also operates Schools in , of which 91Ö±²¥ is also a member, and Public Health Research.

    Case study

    The prevention of Acute Kidney Injury in primary care

    , University of Manchester

    Being aware of kidney function is important in order to maintain health. Many people live with mild and moderately low kidney function, which is often referred to by health professionals as early stage chronic kidney disease or stage 3 CKD. People with mild and moderately low kidney function are at greater risk of developing kidney damage during periods of acute illness such as infections caused by flu or gastroenteritis.

    This is known as acute kidney injury or AKI. AKI is common and affects over 20% of people who have an unplanned hospital admission. It is more common in the elderly and in people with multiple long-term conditions.

    AKI is harmful and is associated with an increased risk of end stage renal failure requiring dialysis or kidney transplantation as well as a greater risk of death both in the short and long term. AKI is costly and results in more frequent, longer and more intensive admissions to hospital.

    AKI is also preventable. Recommendations to achieve this include keeping hydrated during episodes of acute illness, such as flu. It is also recommended that people taking certain drugs called ACE Inhibitors, diuretics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen) should temporarily stop these medicines during episodes of acute illness.

    However, this advice is currently not part for routine care. As the first part of a programme of research, our study aims to interview patients with early stage CKD as well as GPs, practice nurses and pharmacists, in order to find out how to better support people during episodes of acute illness. The findings will be used to develop and test the introduction of ‘sick day rules’ for people with early stage CKD who experience an episode of acute illness. 

    Notes for editors

    The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) is funded by the Department of Health to improve the health and wealth of the nation through research. Since its establishment in April 2006, the NIHR has transformed research in the NHS. It has increased the volume of applied health research for the benefit of patients and the public, driven faster translation of basic science discoveries into tangible benefits for patients and the economy, and developed and supported the people who conduct and contribute to applied health research. The NIHR plays a key role in the Government’s strategy for economic growth, attracting investment by the life-sciences industries through its world-class infrastructure for health research. Together, the NIHR people, programmes, centres of excellence and systems represent the most integrated health research system in the world. For further information, visit the NIHR website ().

    Media enquiries to:

    Jamie Brown
    Media Relations Officer
    The University of Manchester
    Tel: 0161 2758383
    Email: jamie.brown@manchester.ac.uk

    Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:31:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_13324_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/13324_large-2.jpg?10000
    New support method improves health of kidney disease patients /about/news/new-support-method-improves-health-of-kidney-disease-patients/ /about/news/new-support-method-improves-health-of-kidney-disease-patients/81777A healthcare intervention developed by researchers at The University of Manchester and funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) Greater 91Ö±²¥ has been shown to have significant health benefits for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

    Using novel methods to support self-management, the intervention produced improvements in health-related quality of life and the maintenance of blood pressure control.

    There is a need for new models of self-management support because it has proved difficult to implement self-management support for people with long-term conditions in traditional primary care settings. This has encouraged the development of alternative models which utilise personal networks and actively link people to community resources.

    There is also a need to provide better support for people with chronic kidney disease. Effective management of CKD may prevent progression of the disease and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. A key element of recommended practice is to offer high-quality education at appropriate stages of the person’s condition to enable understanding and informed choices about treatment.

    However, there have been concerns among GPs and nurses that raising awareness of early stage CKD could have detrimental effects on patients because of raised anxiety.

    With a particular focus on the interface between primary care and resources in the community, was delivered to patients with stage 3 CKD and entailed provision of: a kidney information guidebook that incorporated both clinical and lay knowledge; a booklet and interactive website (plansforyourhealth.org) to signpost access to community resources; and telephone-guided help from a lay health worker.

    436 patients with a diagnosis of stage 3 CKD were recruited from 24 general practices in Greater 91Ö±²¥. Patients were randomised to the BRIGHT intervention (215) or usual care (221). At six months, the intervention was associated with significant improvements in health-related quality of life and blood pressure control, which was maintained in the intervention group but not in the control group. The intervention group also reported a reduction in healthcare costs compared with control.

    , joint lead of the BRIGHT trial, said: “The BRIGHT trial highlights the potential benefits of patient involvement in the development of information resources as well as potential benefits of widening the types of support offered to people with long-term conditions, in particular by shifting the emphasis towards supporting access to community resources and personal networks of support.”

    , joint lead of the BRIGHT trial, added: “This study also provides a model for informing patients about the diagnosis in the context of the maintenance of general vascular health, with good evidence for benefits in both clinical and quality of life outcomes and no noticeable increase in anxiety.”

    The full results of the research have been published online and are available on .

    Notes for editors

    For media enquiries, please contact Caroline Raw, Communications Manager, NIHR CLAHRC Greater 91Ö±²¥: caroline.raw@manchester.ac.uk, 0161 206 8551

    Fri, 24 Oct 2014 10:22:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000
    National charity role for kidney disease expert /about/news/national-charity-role-for-kidney-disease-expert/ /about/news/national-charity-role-for-kidney-disease-expert/82910A major UK charity which funded a promising young kidney disease researcher back in 1992 has now invited him to join its Board of Trustees.

     – the largest funder dedicated to kidney research and kidney problems in the UK – has appointed renowned paediatric nephrologist as a trustee, recognising his pioneering work in both the laboratory and the clinic to investigate and treat kidney problems in children. 

    It was Kidney Research UK who gave Adrian, Professor of Paediatric Science at The University of Manchester and an honorary consultant at Royal 91Ö±²¥ Children’s Hospital (RMCH), his first major break in kidney research. Twenty years ago, the charity funded a five-year senior fellowship which enabled him to pursue both a clinical and academic career in paediatric kidney disease.

    In 1998 he established an academic Unit for Nephrology at the University College London Institute of Child Health, affiliated to Great Ormond Street Hospital. Moving to 91Ö±²¥ in 2010, with the help of his clinical genetics colleagues, Adrian set up a renal genetic clinic at RMCH. The clinic was set up to help children born with abnormal kidneys and urinary tract disorders, which currently affects around 1 in 100 children worldwide.

    Professor Woolf’s current research unites nephrology, urology, genetics, fetal medicine and histopathology clinical services with perspectives from developmental and cell biology and molecular genetics science. He has published over 100 original research papers, and over 60 review articles/chapters, with a focus on normal and abnormal renal development.

    “It’s a great honour to be appointed as a Kidney Research UK trustee, and I look forward to working with the very committed medical and lay colleagues on the Board of Trustees,” said Adrian.  “I’m pleased to be able to share my clinical and research expertise, especially in children’s kidney disease, as well as my previous experience as a Trustee and Honorary Secretary of the Renal Association (which represents the whole UK community of kidney clinicians and researchers) and my enthusiasm to spread the word about kidneys to the general public.

    “The charity awards around £3 million a year to support laboratory research, clinical research studies and the development of new treatments for kidney patients. Fundraising in the current economic climate is a challenge, and I’m keen to support Kidney Research UK in its aims of funding life-saving research into kidney disease, improving the quality of life of those with kidney disorders and increasing public awareness of kidney health.”

    Charles Kernahan, Chief Executive of Kidney Research UK, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Professor Adrian Woolf to our board of Trustees with a long-standing, successful career in renal research, including two senior fellowships with the Charity.  With his clinical health expertise and enthusiasm for kidney health, Adrian’s support as a Trustee will be invaluable in helping us in our mission of doubling our income and trebling our impact.”

    Notes for editors


    Thu, 03 May 2012 01:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_iron_bird_13.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/iron_bird_13.jpg?10000