<![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> /about/news/ en Tue, 22 Oct 2024 21:22:51 +0200 Mon, 15 Apr 2024 13:59:24 +0200 <![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> https://content.presspage.com/clients/150_1369.jpg /about/news/ 144 Professor Nigel Scrutton appointed to BBSRC council /about/news/professor-nigel-scrutton-appointed-to-bbsrc-council/ /about/news/professor-nigel-scrutton-appointed-to-bbsrc-council/429514Professor Nigel Scrutton, who heads up the EPSRC-funded UK Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub and the BBSRC Synthetic Biology Research Centre “SYNBIOCHEM”, has been appointed to the UKRI-BBSRC council for a term of three years.


Professor Nigel Scrutton, who heads up the EPSRC-funded UK Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub and the BBSRC Synthetic Biology Research Centre "SYNBIOCHEM", has been appointed to the UKRI-BBSRC council for a term of three years.

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) which invests in biosciences research and training to support the economy, job creation, and to improve quality of life not only in the UK but on a global level.

The BBSRC council is responsible for advising and making decisions across its key discipline areas including budgeting and delivering plans for research and innovation; ensuring there are future generations of skilled specialists and scientists to support the UK research and innovation sector; engaging with communities and disseminating information; and encouraging collaborative work across the nine UKRI councils.

Speaking about the appointment, Professor Scrutton said:

Professor Scrutton brings a wide range of biochemistry and senior leadership skills to the BBSRC. Most recently he was the Director of the 91直播 Institute of Biotechnology, for which he and the Institute were recognised for their work with a Queen's Anniversary Prize. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 2020 and has held a professorship at the University since 2005, previously holding the position of Associate Dean for Research in the Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health (formerly the Faculty of Life Sciences).

Through his directorship of the University Centres of Excellence - SYNBIOCHEM and FutureBRH - and spin-out company C3 BioTechnologies Ltd, his work spans areas such as enzyme chemistry, biophysical methods, and structural and synthetic biology, that contribute to understanding the chemistry of life. Through the world-leading infrastructure for biophysical chemistry and synthetic biology at the University, Professor Scrutton's work takes an interdisciplinary approach to solving some of today's grand challenges.

Industrial biotechnology is one of the five research beacons at The University of Manchester, which are examples of interdisciplinary and pioneering research that are finding solutions to global problems. #ResearchBeacons.

Fri, 18 Dec 2020 11:52:13 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_north-campus.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/north-campus.jpg?10000
Tackling inequality is key for post-Covid economic recovery say experts /about/news/tackling-inequality-is-key-for-post-covid-economic-recovery-say-experts/ /about/news/tackling-inequality-is-key-for-post-covid-economic-recovery-say-experts/416639Safeguarding people's living standards, re-evaluating the role of key workers in society, and reducing racial and social inequality are crucial for the UK’s economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Safeguarding people's living standards, re-evaluating the role of key workers in society, and reducing racial and social inequality are crucial for the UK’s economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic.

That’s according to a group of researchers and scientists who have contributed to a new  released today (Wednesday, 30 September) by The University of Manchester.

However, the academics also say that investing in local innovation, harnessing the green sector, and combating the climate emergency must remain key priorities for the government, despite the ongoing pandemic and impending second wave.  have been identified by 91直播 experts across five overarching universal subject matters (health, economic recovery, inequality, growth of the green sector and innovation).

On our economic recovery, Professor Bart van Ark, Managing Director of the newly-founded Productivity Institute at Alliance 91直播 Business School, says: “As we are mitigating the impact from a second wave of new cases on public health, it is also critical to safeguard people's living standards. First, we need to limit the number of job losses as a direct result of the crisis and then we need to find a path to economic recovery that creates new jobs and raises their incomes.” 

That includes key workers and the roles they have in society adds Professor Miguel Martinez Lucio from the Work and Equalities Institute: “There's been a lot of applause for NHS workers. There's been a lot of symbolic support. But amongst many work and employment academics, what we begin to realise, is that the real issue is that these workers have to be financially rewarded.”

James Baker, CEO of Graphene@91直播, says another pathway to economic recovery is the “devolution of innovation”. He explains: “The 91直播 model of innovation – design, make and validate – is core to what we do here in 91直播. We often refer to it as ‘make-or-break', accelerating from the initial discovery through to applications and bringing products rapidly to market.

“As we move towards a post-COVID world, we're now seeing new factors are increasingly important for customers and industry. For example, the need for local supply chains for the manufacture of things like personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used locally.”

 sees world-renowned experts offer thought leadership and suggestions on how the global response to COVID-19 could also act as a catalyst to combat other major challenges. Some of the ideas are a complete shift in the way society currently looks at a range of global situations and solutions.

Professor David Hulme, Executive Director of the Global Development Institute, says: “COVID-19 has brought many issues into a very sharp focus. It's a health crisis, and at the same, time it's an economic crisis. But it may also be an opportunity to start to rethink some of the ways in which the world is governed and think about the strategies that countries and organisations have been pursuing.”

When it comes to combating climate change, Professor Alice Larkin from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and Head of the School of Engineering, says: “There are two important lessons that we've learnt so far from the COVID-19 pandemic. Firstly, that our priorities can be different. And secondly, that change can happen quickly.

“These observations can also be harnessed to tackle the climate emergency because with everything going on in the world right now, you'd be forgiven for forgetting that we're in one.”

To tackle the roots of inequality, especially for ethnic minority communities who have been disproportionately hit hardest by the pandemic, Professor James Nazroo, says: “The outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic points to the need to establish a wide independent inquiry into ethnic inequalities in health, and one that moves to focus on recommendations to address the fundamental causes of these long-standing and profound inequalities.”

For more information and to view all the lectures visit manchester.ac.uk/covid-catalysts

Wed, 30 Sep 2020 08:38:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_covidcatalystcampaign.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/covidcatalystcampaign.jpg?10000
Simple COVID-19 home-test under development by 91直播 biotech team /about/news/simple-covid-19-home-test-under-development-by-manchester-biotech-team/ /about/news/simple-covid-19-home-test-under-development-by-manchester-biotech-team/388827World-leading 91直播 biotech researchers are working towards developing a test for COVID-19 that could be used at home like a domestic pregnancy test.


World-leading 91直播 researchers are working towards developing a test for COVID-19 that could be used at home like a domestic pregnancy test.

This prototype test is based on the fact sugars coat all human cells and could be used in the fight to detect infectious agents like coronavirus.

This new screening new approach can help identify the COVID-19 virus - not by its genetic code, which can mutate, but by using its reliance on chains of sugars on human cells, which are constant.

Sugars coat all cells in the human body and they are the first layer a bacteria or virus encounters. Professor Rob Field and his team are interested in how to use the sugars to identify and even block a virus from penetrating the cell – and so preventing further infection.

The simple-to-use testing device has the potential to be used in 'hotspot' communities like frontline NHS staff allowing doctors and nurses to easily test at home to see if they have COVID-19 symptoms or not before going to work.

Communities associated with a building or geographical location which require increased safeguarding such as, hospitals, care homes or workplaces, can quickly test visitors.

Professor Field and his team at The University of Manchester are now working at pace with spin-out company to get their new test ready and officially validated ready for the autumn. An autumn launch this year is key, as the application of this screening kit can support diagnoses of 'flu vs coronavirus', given the typical trend of flu season which can initially present similar symptoms.

The tester would be very useful to ensure people with seasonal flu aren't confused with people having suspected COVID-19 and the consequences of having to self-isolate and create a new round of disruption to society and the economy.

Prof Field said: “Our existing prototype product for influenza can detect the virus in less than 20 minutes and could be adapted to identify other pathogens such as coronavirus.

“Respiratory viruses invade the body through cells in the airways and lungs. These cells are covered in a coat of sugar chains, known as glycans, which are used for normal function of human tissues. Viruses can utilise these glycans as part of the infection process.”

This process can also be used in reverse to identify the virus in saliva or nasal fluids, said Professor Field, a world expert in glycoscience at the (MIB) - and his specialist company has developed this diagnostic technique that uses an artificial glycan receptor to capture a virus.

Professor Field added: “Right now, everybody is talking about a vaccine for coronavirus but vaccine development, validation, safety-testing, manufacture, regulatory approval and deployment is a time-consuming process.

“A low-cost, easy to use screening test that can be performed at the point of care would be an ideal way to limit initial disease transmission in the community and at points of entry to hospitals, or at national borders, for instance.

“Current COVID-19 tests are largely based on PCR (polymerase chain reaction) that requires a laboratory setting for analysis and relies on prior knowledge of the viral genetic code. This code can change as the virus evolves, potentially limiting the effectiveness of the test.

“The Iceni Diagnostics approach uses glycan recognition, which is unaffected by seasonal variation in the genetic code, and can be offered as a handheld home or field-based test.”

Professor Field and his dedicated team have already developed a series of prototype products that can specifically detect pathogens such as Norovirus and different strains of influenza in less than 20 minutes. The team based at MIB will be working with Iceni Diagnostics to further develop these tests in the coming months.

The hand-held device currently under development uses lateral flow – like a home pregnancy test – to give a simple yes/no answer. It requires no refrigeration and no training, meaning the test is usable in any location, by any person, in order to detect flu or other pathogens.

“The current Iceni Diagnostics products detect a single virus. However, the next generation of diagnostics will enable the detection and discrimination of a series of pathogens that give rise to similar symptoms.

“This would enable, for example, a distinction between flu and COVID-19 in a single sample which increases the versatility and robustness of the diagnosis. Additionally, the way the virus interacts with its glycan receptor makes it seasonally consistent, so, even if the virus genetic code mutates, it will still be detected – meaning the Iceni Diagnostics’ test should remain effective in the longer term.”

Professor Field says that the device under development holds huge promise for changing the way we manage global disease: “This new approach, which is based on host-pathogen glycan recognition could potentially result in a more universal detection technique, crucial in early diagnostics of outbreaks.”


The University of Manchester has a growing list of scientists and academics who are either working on aspects of the COVID-19 outbreak or can make a valuable contribution to the national discourse. Please checkout our p. 

Our people are also  and with partners from across society to understand coronavirus (COVID-19) and its wide-ranging impacts on our lives.  to support the University’s response to coronavirus or visit the University’s  to lend a helping hand.

Thu, 30 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_protypetesterimage.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/protypetesterimage.jpeg?10000
Outstanding MIB scientists elected as Fellows of the Royal Society /about/news/outstanding-mib-scientists-elected-as-fellows-of-the-royal-society/ /about/news/outstanding-mib-scientists-elected-as-fellows-of-the-royal-society/388707Two prominent biotechnology scientists from The University of Manchester have been confirmed as Royal Society Fellows among more than 60 of their peers across the world.


Two prominent biotechnology scientists from The University of Manchester have been confirmed as Fellows among more than 60 of their peers across the world.

Professor Nigel Scrutton and Professor Nicholas Turner from the have been awarded the prestigious Fellowships thanks to their pioneering contributions to scientific discovery in the field of industrial biotechnology – one of the key research beacons for The University of Manchester.

The 51 new Fellows, 10 Foreign Members and one Honorary Fellow have been selected for their outstanding contributions to scientific understanding. With discoveries ranging from the first planets outside our solar system, to the creation of the world’s smallest molecular engine, new mathematical proofs and treatments for debilitating global disease.

The new Fellows embody the global nature of science, with representation from Sweden, Israel, Germany, Australia, Canada, UK-born scientists working in Europe and beyond, and researchers from around the world enriching Britain’s own research and innovation sector. Their ranks include six Nobel laureates, as well as internationally recognised leaders in industry and science policy.

Venki Ramakrishnan, President of the Royal Society, said: “At this time of global crisis, the importance of scientific thinking, and the medicines, technologies and insights it delivers, has never been clearer. Our Fellows and Foreign Members are central to the mission of the Royal Society, to use science for the benefit of humanity.

“While election to the Fellowship is a recognition of exceptional individual contributions to the sciences, it is also a network of expertise that can be drawn on to address issues of societal, and global significance. This year’s Fellows and Foreign Members have helped shape the 21st century through their work at the cutting-edge of fields from human genomics, to climate science and machine learning.

“It gives me great pleasure to celebrate these achievements, and those yet to come, and welcome them into the ranks of the Royal Society.”

, Director of UK Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub and SYNBIOCHEM Centre said: “I am very honoured to be elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. I am delighted that my work and that of my group past and present has been recognised by the Royal Society in this way. Science is a team effort – this recognition is also for the group and I thank them.”

undertakes research focussed on creating new enzymes for application as biocatalysts for chemical synthesis. His group combine enzyme discovery with protein engineering and directed evolution methods in order to develop biocatalysts with tailored properties including high (stereo)selectivity, improved activity and enhanced stability.

"I am absolutely thrilled to be elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and delighted to have the opportunity to publicly thank all of the research students and postdoctoral coworkers in my group who together have enabled this achievement. Their contributions, both intellectual and experimental, have been outstanding.

Wed, 29 Apr 2020 16:01:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_mdt-0218-704390.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/mdt-0218-704390.jpg?10000
New Director for 91直播 Institute of Biotechnology /about/news/new-director-for-manchester-institute-of-biotechnology/ /about/news/new-director-for-manchester-institute-of-biotechnology/359617Professor Rob Field has been appointed Director of the (MIB), a world-leading centre for industry focussed biotechnology research based at The University of Manchester.


Professor Rob Field has been appointed Director of the (MIB), a world-leading centre for industry focussed biotechnology research based at The University of Manchester.

Professor Field, currently a group leader at the , will join the MIB on 1 January 2020. He has spent his career operating across chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, and plant science. When he joins, he will bring to the MIB extensive experience of interdisciplinary science and the resourcing, management, and commercialisation of results.

Professor Field said: "My appointment as Director of MIB presents an exciting opportunity to join a leading international University that has the strongest commitment to science, technology and its interface with industry, while also championing social responsibility.

"The MIB provides an ideal setting for scientists, technologists and innovators, and we need to ensure that it is recognised internationally as the go-to place for biotechnology research, training and commercialisation.

He added; "The challenges and opportunities presented by the global need for bio-based economies are manifold. Working across traditional discipline boundaries and along the length of the discovery-to-application pipeline are key.

"The MIB provides an ideal setting for scientists, technologists and innovators, and we need to ensure that it is recognised internationally as the go-to place for biotechnology research, training and commercialisation. I look forward to refreshing and extending the fantastic programs that [outgoing Director] Professor Scrutton and colleagues have developed over the past ten years."

Professor Martin Schroder, Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, commented: "I am thrilled and delighted that Rob Field is joining us as Director of MIB, and as Professor in the .

"As well as being an internationally-recognised research leader, [Prof Field] has a wealth of leadership experience that will be invaluable in promoting and expanding our activities across biotechnology, and ensuring strong impact and translation of our research."


Industrial biotechnology

is one of The University of Manchester’s - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons

Fri, 27 Sep 2019 16:52:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_mdt-0218-704390.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/mdt-0218-704390.jpg?10000
Helping robots to build new antibiotics /about/news/helping-robots-to-build-new-antibiotics/ /about/news/helping-robots-to-build-new-antibiotics/345513A team from The University of Manchester have engineered a common gut bacterium to produce a new class of antibiotics by using robotics. 


A team from The University of Manchester have engineered a common gut bacterium to produce a new class of antibiotics by using robotics. These antibiotics, known as class II polyketides, are also naturally produced by soil bacteria and have antimicrobial properties which are vital in the modern pharmaceutical industry to combat infectious diseases and cancer.

The naturally produced Escherichia coli bacteria are difficult to work with as they grow in dense clumps that are incompatible with the automated robotic systems used for modern biotechnology research. By transferring the production machinery from the soil bacteria into E. coli, the 91直播 team is now making this class of antibiotics accessible for much more rapid exploration.

This breakthrough could be vital for the ongoing combat against antimicrobial resistance, as recently developed automated robotics systems can now be used to create new antibiotics in a fast and efficient way.

In this work, published in the journal , the group led by Professor Takano at The University of Manchester show the potential of this approach. By combining the bacterial production machinery with enzymes from plants and fungi, it was possible to produce new chemical compounds not previously seen in nature. Using this plug-and-play platform, it will now be possible to explore and engineer polyketides using robotic systems to develop new and diversified polyketides in an automated, rapid and versatile fashion.

Eriko Takano, Professor of Synthetic Biology said: “Nature is a huge treasure trove for powerful chemical compounds to treat a wide range of diseases. However, the most interesting chemicals often come from organisms that are difficult to work with in the laboratory.

“This has been a major bottleneck for our work on type II polyketides, a group of important chemicals, which are mostly produced by soil bacteria and other microorganisms that are challenging to grow. By successfully moving the production machinery for these compounds into the “laboratory workhorse” bacterium E. coli, we can finally produce and engineer type II polyketides in our rapid robotic systems.

“This not only allows us to trial new polyketides in an automated manner, but we will also be able to quickly rewrite the DNA sequences of the antibiotic biosynthesis pathways and combine them with new components from other organisms, such as medicinal plants and fungi, to produce variations on the antibiotic theme – including compounds that are not produced by the natural pathways, but may have enhanced or novel activities in the treatment of important diseases.”

It could take a person a whole year to make and test ten new potential antibiotics, but this automated robotic system can make thousands in that time. This would hugely decrease the time it takes for new antibiotics to reach patients, and provide the necessary agility to react to new pathogen strains and outbreaks.

 is one of The University of Manchester’s  - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons

Thu, 18 Jul 2019 19:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_img-3559ori-800307.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/img-3559ori-800307.jpg?10000
China鈥檚 Science and Technology Minister visits University of Manchester /about/news/chinas-science-and-technology-minister-visits-university-of-manchester/ /about/news/chinas-science-and-technology-minister-visits-university-of-manchester/345217China’s Minister of Science and Technology, Mr Wang Zhigang, got the full scope of The University of Manchester’s advanced materials research capabilities and commercial opportunities during his visit to campus.

Accompanied by colleagues from the Chinese Embassy in the UK, Mr Zhigang was welcomed by the University’s President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell.

Mr Zhigang was also introduced to Professor Colette Fagan, Vice-President for Research and Nobel-prize winning physicist, Professor Sir André Geim, who was part of the scientific team to originally identify Graphene in 2004.

On arriving to the campus Mr Zhigang and his delegation visited the ), and the .

During that time he met James Baker the current CEO of Graphene@91直播 and emphasised the importance of adopting a long-term strategic view for scientific cooperation between 91直播 and China.

The Minister also acknowledged how the University and some Chinese institutions are working collaboratively to find solutions to global challenges, such as ageing populations.

After visiting the campus, the delegation took in one of the University’s cultural assets, Jodrell Bank Observatory, which has recently joined the Great Barrier Reef, Taj Mahal, Grand Canyon National Park and Stonehenge on the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage List.

Wed, 17 Jul 2019 09:49:01 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_petecarr-img-9653-125002.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/petecarr-img-9653-125002.jpeg?10000
Bio-tech gets boost with new Local Industrial Strategy for Greater 91直播 /about/news/bio-tech-gets-boost-with-new-local-industrial-strategy-for-greater-manchester/ /about/news/bio-tech-gets-boost-with-new-local-industrial-strategy-for-greater-manchester/341035

A new facility to transform manufacturing processes and make them more environmentally friendly, has opened today (13 June 2019), as part of a new Local Industrial Strategy for Greater 91直播.

Based at the , here at the University, the new Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub is backed by £10 million in government investment to develop new technologies to transform the manufacturing processes of chemicals, using plants, algae, fungi, marine life and micro-organisms – both driving clean growth and making it more commercially viable. The institute will also work alongside universities including Imperial College London, the University of Nottingham and the University College London.

This 91直播 facility will be one of three – with the Universities of Swansea and Sheffield also set to host similar hubs, each also benefiting from £10 million government investment.

The strategy will build on 91直播’s worldwide reputation and unique strengths to ensure it is at the centre of the industries and jobs of the future. President and Vice-Chancellor, President Dame Nancy Rothwell, says: “With the 91直播 Institute of Biotechnology (MIB), the University already has world-leading facilities and capabilities in bio-based chemicals synthesis and manufacture.

“The addition of the Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub, which is being launched as part of the Greater 91直播 Local Industry Strategy, will take that expertise to an even higher level, allowing us to work more closely with industry and other relevant partners such as Shell and AstraZeneca.

“The strategy itself is based on extensive discussions, consultations and inputs, and presents an exciting opportunity for the future success of Greater 91直播.”

The strategy also unveils plans for Greater 91直播 to become the UK’s first city-region to achieve carbon neutral living by 2038 as well as plans to further develop the region’s leading position in the manufacturing of advanced materials such as graphene, health innovation, and digital and creative sectors that have fuelled growth in the region.

Business Secretary Greg Clark, who is launching the hub on campus, added: "Greater 91直播 has a strong and proud manufacturing heritage and this new Local Industrial Strategy, developed in partnership between government and local leaders across the city-region, will ensure its world-leading position in this field is secured and built on for the next generation.

"At the heart of this strategy is clean growth and 91直播’s determination to reap the rewards of the UK’s transition to a net-zero economy reinforced by the city region’s ambition to be the first carbon neutral city in the UK by 2038.

"That’s why I’m also pleased that The University of Manchester will be home to the new biomanufacturing hub, backed by £10 million government investment, putting the city at the forefront of exciting new developments to drive clean growth – a prime example of our modern Industrial Strategy in action."

Professor Scrutton, Director of the 91直播 Institute of Biotechnology, added: "The fact MIB in partnership with other leading UK centres has secured such a high-priority government research and manufacturing initiative is a testament to the outstanding work we undertake here every day and it will keep us at the vanguard of industrial biotechnology.”

The Greater 91直播 Local Industrial Strategy puts clean growth at its heart with plans for the city-region to cut its carbon emissions, take advantage of the global shift to clean growth and the UK’s transition to net-zero.

Mayor of Greater 91直播, Andy Burnham said: "This bold and innovative joint plan between Greater 91直播 and the government puts Greater 91直播 back as an industrial and social pioneer. This is a plan focussed on people and ensuring we have the good quality jobs to ensure people can succeed now and in to the future. In Greater 91直播, we led the first industrial revolution and are now in a position to lead the fourth."

Industrial biotechnology

is one of The University of Manchester’s - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons

Thu, 13 Jun 2019 11:44:53 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_-sfl0244-329209.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/-sfl0244-329209.jpg?10000
Smell of skin could lead to early diagnosis for Parkinson's /about/news/smell-of-skin-could-lead-to-early-diagnosis-for-parkinsons/ /about/news/smell-of-skin-could-lead-to-early-diagnosis-for-parkinsons/327524Scientists at The University of Manchester have found small molecules contained in a substance secreted by the skin, known as sebum, that are responsible for a unique scent in people with Parkinson’s.

The results could lead to the development of an early diagnosis test for the neurodegenerative disorder. At present there are no definitive diagnostic tests currently available.

The research, which was led by scientists at The University of Manchester and funded by Parkinson’s UK and the Michael J. Fox Foundation, is being published in the journal  on Wednesday 20th March.

Scientists already know that Parkinson’s can cause excessive production of sebum, a natural waxy, lipid-based bio fluid that moisturises and protects the skin. Joy Milne an Honorary Lecturer at The University of Manchester noticed that people with Parkinson’s had a distinct and different smell, which changed intensity as the condition progressed. She first noticed this smell in her husband Les, many years before he was clinically diagnosed with Parkinson’s..

Researchers at the University’s  used mass spectrometry to identify the molecular compounds that give the condition this unique odour. To figure out what makes this smell, at a molecular level, the team analyzed the volatile components from the sebum found on people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

The odor of these components was double checked by Joy Milne.

The researchers collected sebum samples using gauze to swab the upper backs of more than 60 subjects, both with and without Parkinson’s. They then analysed the sample data and found the presence of hippuric acid, eicosane and octadecanal, which indicates the altered levels of neurotransmitters found in Parkinson’s patients, along with several other biomarkers for the condition.

By considering the levels of these molecules found in the test samples, the team has generated a model that can now identify and diagnose Parkinson’s at all stages of the condition.


Professor Perdita Barran, Professor of Mass Spectrometry in MIB, said: “Now we have proved the molecular basis for the unique odour associated with Parkinson’s we want to develop this into a test.

“This could have a huge impact not only for earlier and conclusive diagnosis but also help patients monitor the effect of therapy. We hope to apply this to at risk patient groups to see if we can diagnose pre-motor symptoms, and assist with potential early treatment.”

Professor David Dexter, Deputy Director of Research at Parkinson’s UK, said: “Finding changes in the oils of the skin in Parkinson’s is an exciting discovery that was sparked by a simple conversation between a member of the public and a researcher.

“More research is needed to find out at what stage a skin test could detect Parkinson’s, or whether it is also occurs in other Parkinson’s related disorders, but the results so far hold real potential. Both to change the way we diagnose the condition and it may even help in the development of new and better treatments for the 145,00 people living with Parkinson’s in the UK.”

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disorder that leads to progressive brain cell death and extensive loss of motor function and, despite much research being conducted, there is still no diagnostic tests available on the market.

Dr Monty Silverdale, Consultant Neurologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience at The University 91直播 added: “We acknowledge this is a small study but it does open the door to the development of a non-invasive screening test for Parkinson’s, potentially leading to earlier detection for thousands of patients.”

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 08:25:13 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_parkinsons.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/parkinsons.jpg?10000
Multimillion pound biotechnology research investment for 91直播 /about/news/multimillion-pound-biotechnology-research-investment-for-manchester/ /about/news/multimillion-pound-biotechnology-research-investment-for-manchester/322290The University of Manchester has been awarded £10million to launch a UK-wide biomanufacturing research hub that could pave the way for easier and quicker ways to make new medicines and sustainable energy solutions.


The University of Manchester has been awarded £10million to launch a UK-wide biomanufacturing research hub that could pave the way for easier and quicker ways to make new medicines and sustainable energy solutions.

The Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub (FBRH), which will be led by Professor Nigel Scrutton and based at the , with “spokes” at other UK leading institutions, will develop new biotechnologies that will speed up bio-based manufacturing in three key sectors – pharmaceuticals, chemicals and engineering materials.

Industrial biotechnology is the use of biological resources such as plants, algae, fungi, marine life and micro-organisms, combined with the emerging science of synthetic biology to transform the manufacture chemicals and materials. It can also provide a source of renewable energy.

Accelerating the delivery of such technologies, by making the manufacturing processes more commercially viable, means industry partners will be able to meet the societal needs of ‘clean growth’ more efficiently and on more a scalable, global level.

Professor Scrutton, Director of the 91直播 Institute of Biotechnology, explains: “With the 91直播 Institute of Biotechnology (MIB), the University already has one of Europe’s leading industry-interfaced institutes, with world-leading capabilities in bio-based chemicals synthesis and manufacture.

“Now, with the addition of the Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub, it will take it to an even higher level. The fact MIB in partnership with other leading UK centres has secured such a high-priority government research and manufacturing initiative is a testament to the outstanding work we undertake here every day and it will keep us at the vanguard of industrial biotechnology.”

The FBRH is part of the £30million government investment into the UK’s research and manufacturing sector. It will be one of three manufacturing hubs that, in total, bring together 67 partners from industry, the public sector and seven universities from across the country.

The funding comes from the and the , both part of UK .

Industry Minister Richard Harrington said: “This investment brings together world-class researchers and leading manufacturing firms to help revolutionise how key industries like steel operate in the future.

“These developments will help us build a smarter, greener and more efficient manufacturing sector in the UK which is a key part of our modern Industrial Strategy to harness the opportunities of clean growth creating more high-skilled jobs.

“We are determined to ensure the UK sets the global best standard for making our energy intensive industries competitive in the new clean economy.”

The FBRH brings together complementary research expertise across the UK with “Spoke” partner institutions at Imperial College London; the University of Nottingham; University College London; the UK Catalysis Hub; the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC); and the Centre for Process Integration (CPI). Together, they will work with industrial partners on ‘co-created research programmes’ to drive the wider adoption of sustainable biomanufacturing.

Professor Lynn Gladden, EPSRC’s Executive Chair, said: “There’s a real need to mesh fundamental research with our manufacturing industries. By doing so we can ensure that research is relevant to industrial need but also that UK businesses can be in touch with the latest developments in their fields. These three new Manufacturing Hubs cover industries that are important to the UK’s future capacity to make products sustainably and improve the country’s prosperity. ”


is one of The University of Manchester’s - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons

Wed, 13 Feb 2019 12:53:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_mdt-0218-704390.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/mdt-0218-704390.jpg?10000
Businessman, scientists, actor and architect honoured as University marks its Foundation Day /about/news/businessman-scientists-actor-and-architect-university-foundation-day/ /about/news/businessman-scientists-actor-and-architect-university-foundation-day/304411Scientist and businessman, Dr Gerald Chan delivered The University of Manchester’s prestigious annual Foundation Day lecture yesterday. He was then awarded an honorary doctorate along with scientists Emmanuelle Charpentier and CNR Rao, architect Rachel Haugh and actor Sarah Lancashire.


Scientist and businessman, Dr Gerald Chan delivered The University of Manchester’s prestigious annual Foundation Day lecture yesterday. He was then awarded an honorary doctorate along with scientists Emmanuelle Charpentier and CNR Rao, architect Rachel Haugh and actor Sarah Lancashire.

Dr Chan chose the subject of ‘Biotechnology and the Conflation of Science, Business and Ethics’ for his speech and told the audience in the University’s Whitworth Hall how his work as an investor and scientist has made him reflect on the limitless possibilities of science and medicine and how this interacts with economics and ethics and the ways in which we make decisions about funding our healthcare.

The speech was the centrepiece of the Foundation Day, which the University holds each year to mark the bringing together of the Victoria University of Manchester and the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) in 2004.

Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Manchester, said: "This year's five honorary graduates share with the University a fundamental commitment to improving lives through science, medicine, industry, the built environment and the creative arts.

"Foundation Day marks an important annual milestone in our history and highlights our identity as a global institution anchored in the city of Manchester. We are delighted to award these honorary doctorates to such inspirational individuals on this special day."

This year honorary doctorates were awarded to the following:

Dr Gerald Chan is the co-founder of Morningside, a private investment group with venture capital, private equity and property investments. He has led the start-up of many biotechnology companies, enabling pioneering technologies in oncology, infectious disease and many other areas.

In addition to industrial companies and property, he invested in many of China’s internet companies. Some of these have joined the ranks of the largest companies in China such as the mobile phone company Xiaomi.

Dr Chan is a member of Harvard University’s Global Advisory Council, the Dean's Board of Advisors of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Harvard China Fund. He chairs the Innovation Advisory Committee of the Wellcome Trust in the UK and the Overseers Committee of the Morningside College of Chinese University of Hong Kong.

He received his BS and MS degrees in engineering from UCLA, his Master's degree in medical radiological physics and Doctor of Science degree in radiation biology from Harvard University. He received his post-doctoral training at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School.

In 2013, he was elected to an honorary fellowship at Wolfson College, Oxford University. In 2017, he was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Widely recognised for her innovative research that laid the foundation for the ground-breaking CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering technology, Professor Emmanuelle Charpentier is founding and Acting Director of the Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens, Scientific Director at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology and Honorary Professor at Humboldt University, Berlin.

Previously she was Alexander von Humboldt Professor and Head of Department at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research and Professor at the Hannover Medical School, Germany, Associate and Visiting Professor at the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (EMBL Partnership), Umeå University, and Assistant and Associate Professor at the Max F. Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna. She has also held several research associate positions in the US.

Professor Charpentier received her education in microbiology, biochemistry and genetics from the University Pierre and Marie Curie and the Pasteur Institute in Paris. She has received prestigious international awards and distinctions and is an elected member of national and international academies. She is co-founder of CRISPR Therapeutics and ERS Genomics.

After graduating from the University of Bath, architect Rachel Haugh returned to the northwest, co-founding SimpsonHaugh in 1987. Inspired by the belief in the power of high quality design to lead to the regeneration of post-industrial cities and a passionate advocate for her home city, Rachel has played an integral role in building the practice‘s strong portfolio and reputation as leading urban and civic architects.

Having spearheaded the masterplan for the rebuilding of the city centre after the 1996 IRA bomb, notable 91直播 projects include Urbis (The National Football Museum), No 1 Deansgate, Beetham Hilton Tower, the Town Hall Extension, Two St Peter’s Square and No 1 Spinningfields and in London, Battersea Power Station, and One Blackfriars. Internationally, Queen Elisabeth Hall, a new world-class and acoustically exemplary concert hall in Antwerp, has recently completed.

Rachel was a finalist for the AJ Women in Architecture, Architect of the Year Award 2015, is a key representative for the Women in Architecture (WIA) campaign, an Age Friendly 91直播 Ambassador and a member of the London Legacy Development Corporation Quality Review Panel.

Sarah Lancashire was born in 91直播 and trained as an actress at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. Sarah was awarded a Guildhall Fellowship in 2010.

She has received numerous industry awards both here and abroad in recognition of her work across television, theatre and film. Her 33 year career has taken her from the Library Theatre in 91直播 via the West End in London, along a certain cobbled ‘Street’ in Weatherfield and onto countless other dramatic landscapes.

Her most recent credits include ‘Last Tango in Halifax’ and the internationally acclaimed ‘Happy Valley’ both of which gained her awards from BAFTA and The Royal Television Society. She was awarded an OBE in 2017 for Services to Drama.

Professor CNR Rao research interests are mainly in the chemistry of materials. He obtained his PhD degree from Purdue University (1958) and DSc degree from the University of Mysore (1961). He is Linus Pauling Research Professor at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scienti铿乧 Research and Honorary Professor at the Indian Institute of Science (both at Bangalore).

He is a fellow of the Royal Society, London, foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences and a member of the Japan, French and Russian as well as other science academies. He is the recipient of the Einstein Gold Medal of UNESCO, the Hughes and Royal Medals of the Royal Society, the August Wilhelm von Hofmann medal of the German Chemical Society, the Dan David Prize and Trieste Science Prize for materials research and the 铿乺st India Science Prize. He was conferred the von Hippel award by the Materials Research Society in 2017. He has published 1,600 research papers; authored and edited 52 books. He is the recipient of Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian honour of India.

In keeping with Dr Chan's speech, a video about the University's work in Industrial Biotechnology was also shown.

Thu, 11 Oct 2018 15:57:22 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_groupphoto.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/groupphoto.jpg?10000
University entrepreneurs scoop prizes at Innovator of the Year Awards /about/news/university-entrepreneurs-prizes-innovator-awards/ /about/news/university-entrepreneurs-prizes-innovator-awards/278116Two initiatives developed by University of Manchester-based entrepreneurs have won £10,000 each from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) at a national awards ceremony.


Two initiatives developed by University of Manchester-based entrepreneurs have won £10,000 each from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) at a national awards ceremony.

Dr Neil Gibbs, founder of University of Manchester spin-out Curapel won the Commercial Impact Award and the University’s Ben Dolman and Dr James Winterburn won the Early Career Impact Award in recognition of the development of a more cost efficient process for producing insoluble lipids. The winners received £10,000 each to further their technology businesses.

is a skin healthcare company developing innovative, patent-protected products based on naturally-occurring ingredients under its brand name, . Curapel currently has a portfolio of products undergoing pre-clinical development and dermatological testing.

Curapel’s first product on the market is Pellamex, a dermatologically tested, liquid food supplement containing naturally-occurring ingredients that contribute to the maintenance of normal skin barrier function in those with eczema.

Neil commented: “I am delighted that Curapel has been recognised by this award; the support of UMIP and the BBSRC was crucial to commercialise our academic research and bring safe healthcare products to people with skin conditions.”

Ben Dolman’s and ’s work at 91直播 has enabled the development of a gravity based separation technology which dramatically reduces the cost of production of lipid bioproducts, particularly biosurfactants, which have potential as green replacements for petrochemical products in many applications. Ben has now founded start-up Holiferm as a vehicle to commercialise this technology.

Ben commented: “We are thrilled to have won the Early Career Innovator of the Year award from BBSRC. Our work at The University of Manchester has led to the creation of Holiferm, a company that aims to dramatically reduce industrial production costs through the use of this holistically improved fermentation technology. Huge thanks to UK Research and Innovation for putting on such a great event,and to all of our collaborators whose efforts made this possible!”

The awards, now in their 10th year, were held at The Mermaid London on Wednesday 16 May and were presented by Professor Malcolm Skingle, Director of Academic Liaison, GlaxoSmithKline Ltd and Professor Melanie Welham, Executive Chair of .

Both winners were supported by The University of Manchester Intellectual Property (UMIP) which is a division of , The University of Manchester’s agent for intellectual property commercialisation.

UMIP’s role is to bring as much of the University’s ground-breaking inventions and software, as is relevant, into the commercial world. This is done by attracting entrepreneurs, investors and corporate venture partners to the campus and Innovation Centre and then, through engagement with academic colleagues, licensing or spinning out companies.

Dr Rich Ferrie, Director of Operations at UMIP, added: “I am delighted that Neil, Ben and James’s work has been recognised by the BBSRC in this way. I know just how much work, effort and commitment has been shown by all three in moving their innovations towards commercial success and real world impact, and I feel sure that many more accolades are on the way.

“This was a great evening too for us at UMIP and I thank my UMIP colleagues for supporting these projects on behalf of The University of Manchester.”

Thu, 24 May 2018 15:18:38 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_bbsrcawards.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/bbsrcawards.jpg?10000
Construction begins on UK centre for advanced materials research and commercialisation in 91直播 /about/news/construction-uk-centre-advanced-materials-research-and-commercialisation-manchester/ /about/news/construction-uk-centre-advanced-materials-research-and-commercialisation-manchester/251330Construction work has begun on the 91直播 hub for the Henry Royce Institute, the national body promoting research and applications in advanced materials. The building will be a prominent new landmark on the 91直播 skyline at 46 metres high.


Construction work has begun on the 91直播 hub for the Henry Royce Institute, the national body promoting research and applications in advanced materials. The building will be a prominent new landmark on the 91直播 skyline at 46 metres high.

Based at the heart of The University of Manchester’s campus, t will bring together world-leading academics from across the UK to work closely with industry to ensure commercialisation of fundamental research. The development will house state-of-the-art equipment and provide collaborative space for industrial engagement, and is a key part of the University’s ten-year to create world-class facilities in 91直播.

The new facility will be based at The University of Manchester to provide a research focus for the Royce’s founding partners, including The University of Sheffield; The University of Oxford; University of Liverpool; University of Leeds; University of Cambridge; Imperial College London; the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA); and the National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL).

The 91直播 building will enable a wide array of ground-breaking research to be undertaken including investigations into biomedical materials which are at the cutting-edge of regenerative medicine and prosthetics; nuclear materials to support the energy sector; materials systems for demanding environments; and 2D materials which, for example, can be used in inks for printable electronics, enhanced composites, in fuel cells and super capacitators which outperform traditional batteries.

“This new flagship building will be a national beacon of research excellence in advanced materials - not only providing a centre for scientists and engineers to lead on cutting-edge research but will also help businesses to apply this new knowledge into technologies for commercial use,” said Regius Professor of Materials at The University of Manchester, , Chief Scientist for the Royce. He added: “Importantly, this hub facility will be a meeting place where colleagues can gather from across the UK and beyond to share their ideas and innovative thinking.”

President and Vice-Chancellor, , said: “Building upon The University of Manchester’s already outstanding reputation for scientific research, the Royce will enable the UK to grow its world-leading research and innovation base in advanced materials science and technology. It is a great addition to our campus.”

Diana Hampson, Director of Estates and Facilities at the University, added: “This is one of our major capital projects forming an important part of our vision for the campus and will benefit from its location, close to and the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre.”

This development is a central pillar in the Government’s Industrial Strategy and creation of the Northern Powerhouse. The report published by the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, a group of businesses, organisations and leaders headed by George Osborne, underlines the pivotal role of the Royce in its potential to integrate collective strengths across the North to create a centre of excellence upon which companies and researchers will be able to capitalise on.

The University of Manchester appointed to lead the delivery of the £105 million building, which is being funded by the Government. , an international architectural practice, have worked with the civil and structural engineer and the building services engineer to create a world-class building design. This building will be delivered by , the appointed main contractor. The Royce hub is expected to be completed and the building fully operational by early 2020.

Wed, 13 Dec 2017 14:03:53 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_royce-view02lowres.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/royce-view02lowres.jpg?10000
Nanobots pass first stage in 鈥榝antastic voyage鈥 from fiction to fact /about/news/nanobots-pass-first-stage-in-fantastic-voyage-from-fiction-to-fact/ /about/news/nanobots-pass-first-stage-in-fantastic-voyage-from-fiction-to-fact/246986A team of scientists have created a new generation of tiny remote controlled nanorobots which could one day allow doctors to diagnose disease and deliver drugs from within the human body.


A team of scientists have created a new generation of tiny remote controlled nanorobots which could one day allow doctors to diagnose disease and deliver drugs from within the human body.

The team led by Professor Li Zhang from the , including Professor from The University of Manchester, have created the bots from a biodegradable material called spirulina algae.

The algae, sold today as a food substitute in health food shops, was a source of nourishment during the time of the Aztecs.

But it was rediscovered in the 1960s by Lake Texcoco in Mexico by French researchers.

A paper by the team, published in hails the bots’ biodegradability as a new concept, in which an iron magnetic coating helps fine-tune the rate which they degrade.

The nanorobots can be remotely controlled within complex biological fluids with high precision using magnetic fields.

The team also describes how the bots are able to release potent drug compounds that are able to attack cancer cells.

However more work still needs to be done on motion tracking, biocompatibility, biodegradation, and diagnostic and therapeutic effects before clinical trials can take place.

Professor Zhang said: “Rather than fabricate a functional microrobot from scratch using intricate laboratory techniques and processes, we set out to directly engineer smart materials in nature, which are endowed with favorable functionalities for medical applications owing to their intrinsic chemical composition. For instance, because these biohybrid bots have a naturally fluorescent biological interior and magnetic iron-oxide exterior, we can track and actuate a swarm of those agents inside the body quite easily using fluorescence imaging and magnetic resonance imaging.

“Our microrobots have the ability to sense changes in environments associated with the onset of illness and that makes them a promising probe for remote diagnostic sensing of diseases.

“We must now develop this technology further so we are able to fine tune this image–guided therapy and create a proof of concept for the engineering of multifunctional microrobotic and nanorobotic devices.”

Professor Kostarelos said: “Creating robotic systems which can be propelled and guided in the body has been and still is a holy-grail in the field of delivery system engineering.

“Our work takes advantage of some elements offered by nature such as fluorescence, degradability, shape.

“But we add engineered features such as magnetisation and biological activity to come up with a the proof-of-concept behind our bio-hybrid, magnetically propelled microrobots.

He added: “We are still in early days of development since any such robotic system would need to be either completely and safely degraded, or it will need to be removed or excreted from the body after it has finished its work.

“But nevertheless, our work provides the first ever example of how this could be possibly achieved by degradation.

“The potential of these bots for controlled navigation in hard-to-reach cavities of the human body makes them promising miniaturized robotic tools to diagnose and treat diseases which is minimally invasive.”

The research teram included the Chinese University of Hong Kong, The  University of Edinburgh and The University of Manchester.

The paper ‘Multifunctional biohybrid magnetite microrobots for imaging-guided therapy’ is published in Science Robotics (DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aaq1155) on 22 November, 2017.

Thu, 23 Nov 2017 05:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_infographicaaa.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/infographicaaa.jpg?10000
How robots could solve the antibiotics production crisis /about/news/how-robots-could-solve-the-antibiotics-production-crisis/ /about/news/how-robots-could-solve-the-antibiotics-production-crisis/245572According to the World Health Organisation, there are nowhere near enough new antibiotics in development. But cutting-edge technology gives us a chink of hope in what could otherwise be seen as an intractable problem says Eriko Takano, Professor of Synthetic Biology at The University of Manchester, for .


According to the World Health Organisation, there are nowhere near enough new antibiotics in development. But cutting-edge technology gives us a chink of hope in what could otherwise be seen as an intractable problem says Eriko Takano, Professor of Synthetic Biology at The University of Manchester

A in February listed a worrying number of pathogens that threaten our health because there are fewer and fewer drugs that can treat the infections they cause. Indeed, since their 1960s heyday, the production of novel antibiotics has declined markedly and it’s been 30 years since a major new class of antibiotics for clinical use has been discovered. There are even cases of resistance to Vancomycin, used by doctors as an antibiotic of last resort.

“There are many reasons why the production of antibiotics has declined. Like all other drugs, they are expensive to develop, and the work required to find new viable compounds becomes more complex and time-consuming as time goes on. Between 80 and 90 per cent of antibiotics are derived from soil dwelling bacteria, actinomycetes. Until recently, scientists believed the possibilities of antibiotics production from many of these microbes were close to exhaustion.

“But thanks to the huge technological advances in recent years, our team at the University of Manchester’s , SYNBIOCHEM, has been able to marry the strengths of biology with the power of engineering to find new ways to deal with this problem. Genome sequencing has provided new possibilities of finding potential antibiotic production pathways that are asleep in the genome of potentially every bacterium. Using synthetic biology we are able to rewrite the DNA sequences of the antibiotic biosynthesis pathways and introduce different enzymes for other organisms and then express the result in a given host. Actinomycetes, E. coli, and even yeast can have a part to play in this process and our analysis has shown that using this route, there are many potential pathways to make new compounds.

“The problem is, manipulating the biosynthesis pathways and the host takes much time and effort. That is why robotics is so exciting as it allows us to carry out this type of research – which involves large volumes of repetitive tasks. While a single person can make and test ten compounds in, say, a year, a robot can make thousands. Thanks to our pioneering technologies, we believe that at the , SYNBIOCHEM, there is a strong chance we will be in a position to trial new antibiotics created from synthetic biology in the near future. Our work with the ,- a joint private-public initiative to support and accelerate the development of new antibiotics, is an incredibly important part of the mix, so these drugs can be brought to market quickly.”

World Antibiotic Awareness Week is from 13-19 November. For more details visit the WHO website  and 

Industrial biotechnology

is one of The University of Manchester’s - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet. #ResearchBeacons

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 09:20:16 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_erikotokanofull.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/erikotokanofull.jpg?10000
Greater 91直播 and Cheshire East strong in Health Innovation and Advanced Materials /about/news/greater-manchester-and-cheshire-east-strong-in-health-innovation-and-advanced-materials/ /about/news/greater-manchester-and-cheshire-east-strong-in-health-innovation-and-advanced-materials/154908A Science and Innovation Audit, commissioned by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has highlighted Greater 91直播 and Cheshire East’s sectoral strengths in health innovation and advanced materials.


A Science and Innovation Audit, commissioned by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has highlighted Greater 91直播 and Cheshire East’s sectoral strengths in health innovation and advanced materials.

The audit found the region had a high concentration of assets related to health innovation. Key assets include those clustered at , such as the Central 91直播 University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and 91直播 Science Partnership’s Citylabs. The audit also highlighted how the devolution of Greater 91直播’s £6bn health and social care budget could be used to drive innovation to benefit both the region’s health and wider economy. By combining the region’s strength in health with expertise in digital, the report also found Greater 91直播 and Cheshire East could become world-leading centres in areas such as clinical trials.

The audit also emphasised the opportunity to develop Greater 91直播 as ‘Graphene City’, building on the city-region’s status as the place where the material was first isolated. University of Manchester assets such as will be joined by (opening in 2018), which will help translate new discoveries into practical applications, and (set to be completed in 2019), which will bring together world-leading academics and the private sector to ensure the commercialisation of research.

The report also highlights growth opportunities in digital, energy and industrial biotechnology and explores how creating synergies between these sectors can drive innovation, providing a boost to the local economy.

The audit was undertaken by and The University of Manchester on behalf and . It was one of five regional audits commissioned by to help local partners map their research and innovation strengths and identify areas of potential global competitive advantage.

Sir Richard Leese, the Greater 91直播 Combined Authority’s lead on economic strategy, said: “I welcome the results of this audit which have highlighted the fundamental contribution that science and research excellence can make to an effective industrial strategy. It is clear that innovation is rooted in a wider ecosystem where skills, finance, informal and formal networks, infrastructure, and leadership all play a part.

“This audit has also recognised the strengths of our infrastructure via the devolution of Greater 91直播’s powers and budgets. It shows a path which the government and the local authorities can take to fully harness this potential.”

Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President & Vice-Chancellor of The University of Manchester, said: “Greater 91直播 and East Cheshire are home to a high level of partnership and connectivity, not least in the regions’ core strengths: health innovation and . We also have fast-growth opportunities in digital, and , with a wide range of science and innovation assets. Building on the interconnectivity between these is at the crux of the vision set out in this science and innovation audit. Synergies will accelerate the flow of scientific innovation to the market, boost productivity and potentially develop solutions to national and global challenges.”

Christine Gaskell, Chair of the Cheshire & Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “We have been delighted to work with colleagues in Greater 91直播 on the Science and Innovation Audit. It has been a really valuable process for us, providing the opportunity to highlight some of the fantastic science assets in our sub-region – underlining the strength of the Cheshire Science Corridor, which has just been awarded Enterprise Zone status and the strength of the science linkages between East Cheshire and Greater 91直播. The audit work will help to inform our future thinking on supporting and developing our key science and innovation assets at Alderley Park and Birchwood, and in the wider Science Corridor, especially how we support the critical role of private sector businesses in driving innovation.”

Mike Blackburn, Chair of the Greater 91直播 Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “The science and innovation audit carried out in Greater 91直播 and East Cheshire has provided a coherent picture of the local innovation strengths and assets. The emerging findings show that there is a well-established science and innovation ecosystem locally, which can support growth and provide solutions to our major societal challenges. But it is crucial to continue to ensure that our strong science base is aligned to the business base, and able to drive science commercialisation and encourage innovation.”

The full report can be downloaded from the University's .

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 11:08:23 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_graphene-rubber-lab.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/graphene-rubber-lab.jpg?10000
鈥楪erm trap鈥 could save us from flu virus /about/news/germ-trap-could-save-us-from-flu-virus/ /about/news/germ-trap-could-save-us-from-flu-virus/119599

COVID-19 clarification – April 2020 – the article below, published in 2016, was an overview of early stage research carried out at The University of Manchester. The facemask coatings that were being developed showed some potential in filtering the influenza virus (H1N1), but at no point was the performance of these materials evaluated regarding their ability to filter coronaviruses.

A remarkable new technology developed by 91直播 biochemists has found a way to restrict the spread of flu.

The scientists at biotech company and The University of Manchester have developed a fabric coating which isolates viruses responsible for seasonal and pandemic influenza.

According to the team, the ‘germ trap’ has a capture rate for the virus - which affects millions of people across the world, sometimes severely- of greater than 99%.

The germ trap - which can be added to filters in masks or air filtration systems - is completely harmless and cheap to produce.

The initial research was carried out by The University of Manchester’s Professor Sabine Flitsch, who has been working with company since 2010 with EPRSC funding.

Inventor Paul Hope, who is Virustatic’s Technical Director, said: “We’re very excited about this technology, which could have an important impact on some of society’s greatest challenges.

“It’s a whole new preventative approach to disease and if implemented could be transformative."

“We’re now at the stage where we’re looking for strategic partners to take this technology forwards in terms of developing new products.”

Scientists have struggled to find a way to anchor proteins to utilize their properties.

But now the team have discovered a way to apply one to different substrates such as cotton and other materials.

The team identified specific glycoproteins that have carbohydrates attached to its surface which are configured to mimic the carbohydrate structures on the surface of the cells in the human oesophagus and nasal passages.

The team at 91直播 tested different materials to fix the glycoprotein to substrates, initially using activated carbon cloth, then using cheaper, simpler materials such as cotton.

The anchored and stabilised protein can capture over 99% of flu viruses that come into contact with it. And according to the team, the technology is cheap and easy to produce

Dr Ian Rowles, from The University of Manchester, is EPSRC funded Knowledge Transfer Fellow for the project.

He said: “This has been an exciting collaboration with Virustatic, and our research does indeed show that this technology can slow the spread of flu viruses.

“We hope that eventually, we’ll be able tackle all pathogens by using this technology. So watch this space.”

And they are aiming to further develop the technology so it can capture other potentially deadly pathogens such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) .

The technology, they say, could, also for the first time produce blood filter membranes that could remove these viruses before they can cause damage.

Paul Hope added:  “There is a body of research that identifies blood borne viruses that can cross the placenta causing damage to the foetal neural system.

“There are a number of research papers that show cross placenta infection may be responsible for schizophrenia and autism."


Thu, 17 Mar 2016 15:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_sneezing.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/sneezing.jpg?10000
Skin odour could lead to early diagnosis of Parkinson鈥檚 /about/news/skin-odour-could-lead-to-early-diagnosis-of-parkinsons/ /about/news/skin-odour-could-lead-to-early-diagnosis-of-parkinsons/93149
  • It is believed that people with Parkinson's secrete a specific scent
  • If the chemicals behind that scent can be identified it could lead to earlier treatments for the condition
  • A study has been launched to identify small molecules secreted by the skin that are believed to emit a subtle but unique scent in people in the early stages of Parkinson’s.

    Researchers believe that Parkinson’s may affect a change in the sebum – an oily substance in the skin – of people with the condition that results in a unique and subtle odour on the skin only detectable by people with an acute sense of smell. This study was prompted by a “super-smeller” from Scotland who was able to identify people with Parkinson’s just from t-shirts they had slept in.

    The charity is now funding researchers at 91直播, Edinburgh and London to study around 200 people with and without Parkinson’s. They hope to confirm findings from a pilot study by the Universities of Manchester and Edinburgh involving 24 people, which suggested that Parkinson’s can be identified by odour alone.

    One in 500 people in the UK have Parkinson’s - which can leave people struggling to walk, speak and sleep - and has no cure or definitive diagnostic test. 127,000 people in the UK live with the condition and 7.5 million worldwide.

    and her team at (MIB), based at The University of Manchester, will use state-of-the-art mass spectrometry technology to analyse skin swabs taken from people with and without Parkinson’s. The research team will extract, analyse and identify small molecule components taken from the skin to identify specific biomarkers found in Parkinson’s.

    The team will also be using ‘human detectors’- people with exceptional smelling abilities. Both the analytical and the human approach will be used to grade identical samples in an attempt to pinpoint which molecular changes in the skin might be producing the unique odour found in people with Parkinson’s.

    Professor Barran, leading the research at the MIB and working with neurologist Dr Monty Silverdale on the study, said: “The sampling of the skin surface will provide a rich source of metabolites which we can mine to distinguish healthy patients from those in the early stages of Parkinson’s. We are excited to embark on this biomarker discovery project. It is hoped that these results could lead to the development of a non-invasive diagnostic test that may have the ability to diagnose early Parkinson’s – possibly even before physical symptoms occur.”

    Dr Arthur Roach, Director of Research at Parkinson’s UK, which is funding the study, said:

    “Funding pioneering studies like this has the potential to throw Parkinson’s into a completely new light.

    “It’s very early days in the research, but if it’s proved there is a unique odour associated with Parkinson’s, particularly early on in the condition, it could have a huge impact. Not just on early diagnosis, but it would also make it a lot easier to identify people to test drugs that may have the potential to slow, or even stop Parkinson’s, something no current drug can achieve.”

    For more information on Parkinson’s UK research, and to donate, visit .

     ]]> Thu, 22 Oct 2015 12:02:01 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_parkinsons.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/parkinsons.jpg?10000
    Spinout to pursue commercial production of bio-propane through synthetic biology /about/news/spinout-to-pursue-commercial-production-of-bio-propane-through-synthetic-biology/ /about/news/spinout-to-pursue-commercial-production-of-bio-propane-through-synthetic-biology/89567
  • New company seeks to develop an economically-sustainable manufacturing process for full-scale bio-propane production.
  • C3 Bio-Technologies is a University of Manchester spin-out
  • A company which has the capability to utilise synthetic biology to facilitate the production of propane has been formally incorporated and is seeking to develop industrial partnerships.

    a University of Manchester spin-out, is based on cutting-edge research originating from the University鈥檚 Institute of Biotechnology, will investigate the use of micro-bacterial technologies in the production of bio-propane.
    The company seeks to develop an economically-sustainable manufacturing process for full-scale bio-propane production.
    Commenting on the formation of C3 Bio-Technologies, Director Michael Smith, said:
    "This cutting-edge process has the potential to revolutionise the production of bio-fuel, forgoing the environmental issues associated with extracting fuel from non-renewable sources and drastically reducing the transport costs and carbon emissions associated with production.
    "Similarly, bio-propane is a versatile, high-density energy source that does not increase the mass of carbon released into the environment as a consequence of using conventional combustion processes, because the carbon cycle is a fully closed loop."
    "The benefits of fossil fuel-based LPG (liquid petroleum gas) are already proven within the world energy market and a robust, reliable distribution infrastructure exists, which will enable the new volumes of bio-propane to be introduced to the market without significant change or investment from both local suppliers and consumers."

    , Director of the 91直播 Institute of Biotechnology and co-founder of the company, added:

    鈥淐3-Biotechnologies seeks to bring a cutting-edge process to market that has fantastic potential and is built on landmark research into the developing field of synthetic biology. We foresee a great deal of industry demand for this exciting offering.鈥
    The first public introduction to the technology took place at the annual conference of UKLPG, the UK trade association for the liquefied petroleum gas industry, on Thursday September 10th.
    The commercial structure of C3 Bio-Technologies is spearheaded by two long-standing specialists from Biotechnology Research and the LPG industry. Professor Nigel S. Scrutton is the Director of Manchester Institute of Biotechnology and Michael Smith is the Director of PressureTech Transport Services Ltd - a specialist regional supplier of LPG.  UMIP, the University鈥檚 agent for technology transfer, will assist with early stage business development and intellectual property matters.
    The process for industrial-scale development is currently being prepared for global licensing and companies with an appropriate level of established industrialisation are invited to submit an initial expression of interest to engage in preliminary negotiations for authority of use.

     ]]> Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:55:19 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_propane.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/propane.jpg?10000
    Royal Society honour for 91直播 scientist /about/news/royal-society-honour-for-manchester-scientist/ /about/news/royal-society-honour-for-manchester-scientist/81397The Royal Society – the UK’s national academy of science – has announced the appointment of 19 new Wolfson Research Merit Award holders, including 91直播’s Jonathan Lloyd.

    Jointly funded by the Wolfson Foundation and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the scheme aims to provide universities with additional support to enable them to attract science talent from overseas and retain respected UK scientists of outstanding achievement and potential.

    Professor Lloyd, from the School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences and the University’s Dalton Nuclear Institute, is unlocking the biotechnological potential of the subsurface.

    The subsurface is an uncharacterised frontier: unlocking its secrets using cutting edge technologies will give scientists the opportunity to understand some of the most exotic biochemistry found on Earth, while contributing to the sustainable use of a resource, the subsurface, which will be critical for humanity’s long-term survival on the planet. 

    Professor Lloyd said: “It is a great honour to be appointed a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award holder.  My research focuses on the ‘unseen majority’ – the microorganisms that surround us and control the chemistry of our planet, but cannot be seen by the naked eye.

    “In particular, I study microorganisms that live in the ground beneath our feet, from those that thrive in the first few inches of soils, to more exotic organisms residing at kilometre depths in underlying rocks and sediments.

    “Recent work from our group, and others worldwide, is showing that buried within the ‘subsurface’ are a bewildering array of completely uncharacterised microorganisms that shape the planet that we live on.  They are responsible for the natural cycling of the elements of life, and potentially hold the key to sustainable human existence.”

    The Royal Society is a self-governing Fellowship of many of the world’s most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, engineering, and medicine. The Society’s fundamental purpose, as it has been since its foundation in 1660, is to recognise, promote, and support excellence in science and to encourage the development and use of science for the benefit of humanity.

    is a grant-making charity established in 1955. Funding is given to support excellence. The Wolfson Foundation is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2015.

    Fri, 31 Jul 2015 16:45:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000
    Scientists a step closer to developing renewable propane /about/news/scientists-a-step-closer-to-developing-renewable-propane/ /about/news/scientists-a-step-closer-to-developing-renewable-propane/81545

    Researchers at The University of Manchester have made a significant breakthrough in the development of synthetic pathways that will enable renewable biosynthesis of the gas propane. This research is part of a programme of work aimed at developing the next generation of biofuels.

    This study provides new insight and understanding of the development of next-generation biofuels.  In this latest study, published in the journal Biotechnology for Biofuels, scientists at the University’s (MIB), working with colleagues at Imperial College London and University of Turku, have created a synthetic pathway for biosynthesis of the gas propane. Their work brings scientists one  step closer to the commercial production of renewable propane, a vital development as fossil fuels continue to dwindle.

    , Director of the MIB, explains the significance of their work: “The chemical industry is undergoing a major transformation as a consequence of unstable energy costs, limited natural resources and climate change.  Efforts to find cleaner, more sustainable forms of energy as well as using biotechnology techniques to produce synthetic chemicals are currently being developed at The University of Manchester.”

    Natural metabolic pathways for the renewable biosynthesis of propane do not exist but scientists at the University have developed an alternative microbial biosynthetic pathway to produce renewable propane.  The team led by Nigel Scrutton and Dr Patrik Jones from Imperial College, modified existing fermentative butanol pathways using an engineered enzyme variant to redirect the microbial pathway to produce propane as opposed to butanol.  The team was able to achieve propane biosynthesis creating a platform for next-generation microbial propane production.   

    Propane has very good physicochemical properties which allow it to be stored and transported in a compressed liquid form. While under ambient conditions it is a clean-burning gas, with existing global markets and infrastructure for storage, distribution and utilisation in a wide range of applications ranging from heating to transport fuel. Consequently, propane is an attractive target product in research aimed at developing new renewable alternatives to complement currently used petroleum-derived fuels.

    Professor Scrutton comments: “This study focused on the construction and evaluation of alternative microbial biosynthetic pathways for the production of renewable propane.  It also expands the metabolic toolbox for renewable propane production, providing new insight and understanding of the development of next-generation biofuels which one day could lead to commercial production.”

    This study was funded by the European Union and involved scientists from the based at the 91直播 Institute of Biotechnology, in collaboration with the University of Turku in Finland and Imperial College, London. 

    The paper, ‘A microbial platform for renewable propane synthesis based on a fermentative butanol pathway, was published in the open access journal Biotechnology for Biofuels.

    Article available at journal website .

    Industrial Biotechnology is one of - examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet.

    Notes for editors

    Media enquiries to:
    Jamie Brown
    Media Relations Officer
    The University of Manchester
    Tel: 0161 2758383
    Email: jamie.brown@manchester.ac.uk

    Fri, 10 Apr 2015 12:19:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_14269_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/14269_large-2.jpg?10000
    Synthetic biology breakthrough leads to cheaper statin production /about/news/synthetic-biology-breakthrough-leads-to-cheaper-statin-production/ /about/news/synthetic-biology-breakthrough-leads-to-cheaper-statin-production/81610University of Manchester researchers, together with industrial partner DSM, have developed a single-step fermentative method for the production of leading cholesterol-lowering drug, pravastatin, which will facilitate industrial-scale statin drug production.


    In a study published in , the researchers have devised a single-step fermentative method for the industrial production of the active drug pravastatin that previously involved a costly dual-step fermentation and biotransformation process.

    Reprogramming the antibiotics-producing fungus Penicillium chrysogenum, with discovery and engineering of a cytochrome P450 enzyme involved in the hydroxylation of the precursor compactin, enabled high level fermentation of the correct form of pravastatin to facilitate efficient industrial-scale statin drug production.

    Key steps leading to the successful outcome included the identification and deletion of a fungal gene responsible for degradation of compactin, in addition to evolution of the P450 to enable it to catalyse the desired stereoselective hydroxylation step required for high level pravastatin production.

    Statins are successful, widely used drugs that decrease the risk of coronary heart disease and strokes by lowering cholesterol levels. The development of this group of drugs has been one of the major breakthroughs in human healthcare over the last two decades. 

    Statins have their origins in the discovery of a fungal natural product (compactin), which was shown to have good cholesterol lowering properties.  Since compactin itself was not stable enough for clinical use, derivatives were created and other molecules with a similar mode of action were prepared to provide useful drugs.

    based at at The University of Manchester said: 鈥淭his research marks a significant breakthrough and forms the basis of a patented process for the efficient production of this blockbuster drug.  These results are the first example of harnessing the potential of a previously improved industrial production strain which can be used in the rapid development of other novel production strains for unrelated chemicals.

    鈥淭he data also highlight how protein engineering can be exploited in synthetic biology applications towards industrial scale production of valuable pharmaceuticals.鈥

    The paper 鈥, was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


    Notes for editors


    Media enquiries to:
    Jamie Brown
    Media Relations Officer
    The University of Manchester
    Tel: 0161 2758383
    Email: jamie.brown@manchester.ac.uk


    Fri, 27 Feb 2015 09:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/unimanchesterimage.jpg?10000
    Robot Scientist 鈥楨ve鈥 could boost search for new drugs /about/news/robot-scientist-eve-could-boost-search-for-new-drugs/ /about/news/robot-scientist-eve-could-boost-search-for-new-drugs/81640Eve, an artificially-intelligent ‘robot scientist’ could make drug discovery faster and much cheaper.

  • Could make drug discovery faster and much cheaper
  • Robot scientists are a natural extension of the trend of increased involvement of automation in science
  • Eve’s robotic system is capable of screening over 10,000 compounds per day
  • Eve, an artificially-intelligent ‘robot scientist’ could make drug discovery faster and much cheaper.

    A team from the Universities of Manchester, Cambridge and Aberystwyth has demonstrated the potential of artificial intelligence by using Eve to discover that a compound shown to have anti-cancer properties might also be used in the fight against malaria.

    Robot scientists are a natural extension of the trend of increased involvement of automation in science. They can automatically develop and test hypotheses to explain observations, run experiments using laboratory robotics, interpret the results to amend their hypotheses, and then repeat the cycle, automating high-throughput hypothesis-led research. Robot scientists are also well suited to recording scientific knowledge: as the experiments are conceived and executed automatically by computer, it is possible to completely capture and digitally curate all aspects of the scientific process.

    In 2009, Adam, a robot scientist developed by researchers at the Universities of Aberystwyth and Cambridge, became . The same team has now developed Eve, based at the University of Manchester, whose purpose is to speed up the drug discovery process and make it more economical. In the study published today, they describe how the robot can help identify promising new drug candidates for malaria and neglected tropical diseases such as African sleeping sickness and Chagas’ disease.

    “Neglected tropical diseases are a scourge of humanity, infecting hundreds of millions of people, and killing millions of people every year,” says , from at the University of Manchester. “We know what causes these diseases and that we can, in theory, attack the parasites that cause them using small molecule drugs. But the cost and speed of drug discovery and the economic return make them unattractive to the pharmaceutical industry.

    “Eve exploits its artificial intelligence to learn from early successes in her screens and select compounds that have a high probability of being active against the chosen drug target. A smart screening system, based on genetically engineered yeast, is used. This allows Eve to exclude compounds that are toxic to cells and select those that block the action of the parasite protein while leaving any equivalent human protein unscathed. This reduces the costs, uncertainty, and time involved in drug screening, and has the potential to improve the lives of millions of people worldwide.”

    Eve is designed to automate early-stage drug design. First, she systematically tests each member from a large set of compounds in the standard brute-force way of conventional mass screening. The compounds are screened against assays (tests) designed to be automatically engineered, and can be generated much faster and more cheaply than the bespoke assays that are currently standard. This enables more types of assay to be applied, more efficient use of screening facilities to be made, and thereby increases the probability of a discovery within a given budget.

    Eve’s robotic system is capable of screening over 10,000 compounds per day. However, while simple to automate, mass screening is still relatively slow and wasteful of resources as every compound in the library is tested. It is also unintelligent, as it makes no use of what is learnt during screening.

    To improve this process, Eve selects at random a subset of the library to find compounds that pass the first assay; any ‘hits’ are re-tested multiple times to reduce the probability of false positives. Taking this set of confirmed hits, Eve uses statistics and machine learning to predict new structures that might score better against the assays. Although she currently does not have the ability to synthesise such compounds, future versions of the robot could potentially incorporate this feature.

    Steve Oliver from the Cambridge Systems Biology Centre and the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Cambridge says: “Every industry now benefits from automation and science is no exception. Bringing in machine learning to make this process intelligent – rather than just a ‘brute force’ approach – could greatly speed up scientific progress and potentially reap huge rewards.”

    To test the viability of the approach, the researchers developed assays targeting key molecules from parasites responsible for diseases such as malaria, Chagas’ disease and schistosomiasis and tested against these a library of approximately 1,500 clinically approved compounds. Through this, Eve showed that a compound that has previously been investigated as an anti-cancer drug inhibits a key molecule known as DHFR in the malaria parasite. Drugs that inhibit this molecule are currently routinely used to protect against malaria, and are given to over a million children; however, the emergence of strains of parasites resistant to existing drugs means that the search for new drugs is becoming increasingly more urgent.

    “Despite extensive efforts, no one has been able to find a new antimalarial that targets DHFR and is able to pass clinical trials,” adds Professor Oliver. “Eve’s discovery could be even more significant than just demonstrating a new approach to drug discovery.”

    The research was supported by the Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council and the European Commission.


    Williams, K. and Bilsland, E. et al. . Interface; 4 Feb 2015.

    Wed, 04 Feb 2015 11:48:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_13814_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/13814_large-2.jpg?10000
    Minister visits 91直播 following 拢40 million funding announcement /about/news/minister-visits-manchester-following-40-million-funding-announcement/ /about/news/minister-visits-manchester-following-40-million-funding-announcement/81651The Business Secretary Vince Cable has visited The University of Manchester’s Institute of Biotechnology to meet scientists working on Synthetic Biology after announcing £40 million of funding for this cutting edge research.

    £32 million is being split across three new Synthetic Biology Research Centres in 91直播, Edinburgh and Warwick.

    The centres will receive funding over five years to boost national research capacity and to ensure that there is the expertise to nurture this growing industry in the UK.  An additional £8 million has been awarded to research partnerships across the UK to help create the DNA starting blocks required for synthetic biology applications.

    The investment comes from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Medical Research Council (MRC) and capital investment from UK Government.

    The 91直播 Institute of Biotechnology (MIB) will receive £10.3 million to set up the Centre for Synthetic Biology of Fine and Speciality Chemicals (SYNBIOCHEM). The Centre will develop new products and methods for drug discovery and production, focussing on new antibiotics, and agricultural chemicals, including herbicides and insecticides, as well as new materials for sustainable manufacturing.

    Business Secretary, Vince Cable, said: “From materials for advanced manufacturing to developing new antibiotics and better tests for diseases, this new £40 million investment is in one of the most promising areas of modern science.

    Professor Nigel Scrutton, Co-Director of SYNBIOCHEM, says the grant is a significant win for 91直播: “Our vision is to harness the power of Synthetic Biology (SynBio) to propel chemicals and natural products production towards ’green’ and sustainable manufacturing processes. More broadly, the Centre will provide the general tools, technology platforms and SynBio 'know-how' to drive academic discovery and translate new knowledge and processes towards industrial exploitation.”   

    “It will see our world class researchers using bacteria to produce chemicals to make everyday products like toothbrushes and credit cards, which are currently made from unsustainable fossil fuels.  Not only will this help improve people’s everyday lives in the future but it will support long-term economic growth.”

    Synthetic biology is a new way of doing science that applies engineering principles to biology to make and build new biological parts, devices and systems. It’s being used to make biological ‘factories’ that make useful products like medicines, chemicals and green energy, as well as tools for improving crops. Examples include biofuels and anti-malaria drugs made by microbes like yeast or bacteria. Synthetic biology has been identified by the UK Government as one of the ‘Eight Great Technologies’ in which Great Britain can be a world leader.

    Co-Director of the SYNBIOCHEM Centre, Professor Nick Turner says: “The MIB enjoys world-leading capabilities in chemicals synthesis and manufacture and is the engine room for driving innovative research at the cutting-edge of biotechnology. SYNBIOCHEM will benefit from the highly multidisciplinary environment and collaborative culture of the MIB. It will also gain from the Institute’s extensive network of industry partners and stakeholders, such as GlaxoSmithKline, Shell and Unilever to deliver SynBio solutions that will prove transformative to the chemicals manufacturing sector.”

    Fellow Co-Director, Professor Eriko Takano adds: “Synthetic biology is an emerging science that has the capacity to transform the UK and European industrial landscape and will revolutionise manufacturing processes to deliver renewable and sustainable materials, biopharmaceuticals, chemicals and energy that will impact significantly on our economic, social and environmental landscape promising a brighter future for all”.

    The impact that synthetic biology will have outside of science will be a key area of research for Professor Philip Shapira from the 91直播 Institute of Innovation Research at the 91直播 Business School and team leader of SYNBIOCHEM’s responsible research and innovation group.

    He says: “Our group, which teams researchers in innovation and policy, humanities, science and ethics, and sustainable innovation systems, will work as part of SYNBIOCHEM and with companies, nonprofits, government, and the public.”

    He continues: “While synthetic biology is expected to underpin many novel processes and products, it also raises societal considerations about ethics, environment, health and safety, the ownership of re-engineered natural organisms, regulation, market acceptability, and effects on existing sectors and workforces. A key goal is to help the Centre identify and address societal concerns in upstream research and development phases, so that innovations can be shaped to ensure responsible approaches and solutions.”

    Notes for editors

    Images of the Business Secretary touring the laboratories and University of Manchester scientists will be available from the university press office.

    The Centre for Synthetic Biology of Fine and Speciality Chemicals will be co-directed by the three University of Manchester professors: Professor Nigel Scrutton (Director MIB), Professor Nick Turner (Deputy Director MIB, Director of CoEBio3) and Professor Eriko Takano (Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology Research Theme Director, Professor of Synthetic Biology). 

    For more information, images and interviews please contact:

    Morwenna Grills
    Media Relations Officer
    Faculty of Life Sciences
    The University of Manchester

    Tel: 0161 275 2111
    Mob: 07920 080278
    Email: Morwenna.Grills@manchester.ac.uk

    Thu, 29 Jan 2015 09:17:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_13772_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/13772_large-2.jpg?10000
    拢3 million grant for cutting edge biotechnology /about/news/3-million-grant-for-cutting-edge-biotechnology/ /about/news/3-million-grant-for-cutting-edge-biotechnology/81663

    Scientists at The University of Manchester have been awarded nearly £3 million to develop new sustainable ways of manufacturing the chemicals used in thousands of our everyday products.

    and his team at are one of five beneficiaries of the BBSRC’s Strategic Longer and Larger Grants (sLoLaS) scheme which funds high-value long-term research projects.

    Fossil fuels currently provide the raw material for the manufacture of many everyday products that we take for granted including pharmaceuticals, food and drink, plastics and personal care. The combined effect of fossil carbon depletion and climate change are forcing us to replace fossil fuels with cleaner more sustainable forms of energy.

    Professor Scrutton’s five year research programme is at the heart of this agenda. His team will design bespoke biological parts and assemble them in novel ways to create a bio-based production pipeline within a synthetic, engineered microbial biofactory. By adopting a production pipeline that embraces the ‘design-build-test-deploy’ life-cycle they will turn knowledge assets into innovative chemicals production solutions to support industrial and academic drug discovery programmes.  

    Professor Scrutton says the £3 million grant is a substantial boost for 91直播: “Our vision is to harness the power of Synthetic Biology to propel chemicals and natural products production towards ’green’ and sustainable manufacturing processes. More broadly, the programme will provide the general tools, technology platforms and SynBio 'know-how' that will impact widely in the sustainable manufacture of chemicals and natural products for development by the industrial sector.”

    In total £15.8 million is being handed to five research teams as part of the sLola scheme which aims to provide world-leading teams long-term funding and resources to address major challenges. The projects were chosen based on their scientific excellence; because they required long timescales, extensive resources and/or multidisciplinary approaches and because they involve internationally leading research teams.

    Greg Clark, Minister for Universities, Science and Cities, said: “This funding will support world-leading research teams in Sheffield, Kent, 91直播, Glasgow and Oxford to address research gaps in bioscience for the benefit of the UK.

    “From harnessing the sun’s power for better biofuel production to investigating how to reduce costs for British sheep farmers, these research projects supported by almost £16m from government will help to find long-term solutions to some of our biggest challenges in areas like health, energy and agriculture.” 

    Professor Jackie Hunter, BBSRC Chief Executive, said: “BBSRC’s sLoLaS scheme gives world-leading scientists based in the UK long-term funding to work on critical research challenges. In this round those challenges include producing clean energy, new ways to produce medicines and other valuable chemicals, and protecting livestock from disease.  

    “Not only will these funded projects help the UK and the world to address these challenges, but it will build vital research capacity here in the UK and provide opportunities for economic and social benefits.”

    Notes for editors

    Image and interview requests should be made to the press office. Contact details are below.

    The full list of grants:

    Principal Investigator Organisation Title Value

    Professor Neil Hunter University of Sheffield Engineering new capacities for solar energy utilisation in bacteria £3,349,791

    Professor Martin Warren University of Kent Development of supramolecular assemblies for enhancing cellular productivity and the synthesis of fine chemicals and biotherapeutics £3,484,320

    Professor Nigel Scrutton The University of Manchester Innovative Routes to Monoterpene Hydrocarbons and Their High Value Derivatives £2,990,390

    Professor Eileen Devaney University of Glasgow The BUG consortium Building Upon the Genome: using H. contortus genomic resources to develop novel interventions to control endemic GI parasites £2,922,217

    Professor Béla Novák University of Oxford Systems-level characterization of mammalian cell cycle transitions £3,040,813

    Please contact:

    Morwenna Grills
    Media Relations Officer
    Faculty of Life Sciences
    The University of Manchester

    Tel: +44 161 275 2111
    Mob: +44 7920 087466
    Email: Morwenna.Grills@manchester.ac.uk 

    Wed, 14 Jan 2015 00:01:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_13651_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/13651_large-2.jpg?10000
    UK failing to harness its bioenergy potential /about/news/uk-failing-to-harness-its-bioenergy-potential/ /about/news/uk-failing-to-harness-its-bioenergy-potential/82138

    The UK could generate almost half its energy needs from biomass sources, including household waste, agricultural residues and home-grown biofuels by 2050, new research suggests.

    Scientists from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at The University of Manchester found that the UK could produce up to 44% of its energy by these means without the need to import.

    The , published in the journal Energy Policy, highlights the country’s potential abundance of biomass resources that are currently underutilised and totally overlooked by the bioenergy sector. Instead, say the authors, much of the UK bioenergy sector is heading towards increased reliance on biomass resources that will have to be imported from abroad.     

    91直播 author Andrew Welfle said: “The UK has legally binding renewable energy and greenhouse gas reduction targets, and energy from biomass is anticipated to make major contributions to these. The widely discussed barriers for energy from biomass include the competition for land that may otherwise be used to grow food and the narrative that biomass will have to be imported to the UK if we want to use increased levels of bioenergy. But our research has found that the UK could produce large levels of energy from biomass without importing resources or negatively impacting the UK’s ability to feed itself.”

    The research involved analysing the UK’s biomass supply chains and investigating how different pathways that the UK could take may influence the potential bioenergy that the country could generate from its own resources up to 2050.

    The pathways the team analysed included a future with economic focus, investigating how the future UK bioenergy sector may look if economic growth was the prime focus; a conservation focus pathway, where the conservation of resources is the key future aim; an energy focus pathway, where the UK pushes towards achieving the maximum practical levels of bioenergy generated from its resources; and a food focus pathway, where the potential future of the country’s bioenergy sector is analysed in reflection of the UK working to increase its food security.

    “Biomass residue resources from ongoing UK activities, such as agriculture, forestry and industrial processes, were found to represent a continuous and robust resource option for the UK bioenergy sector, potentially contributing up to 6.5% of primary energy demand by 2050,” said Mr Welfle. “The potential bioenergy generated from agricultural residues, particularly from straws and slurry resources, being the highlight opportunities for the bioenergy sector due to their high abundance and current underutilisation.

    “UK waste resources were also found to represent a potential major opportunity for the bioenergy sector. The research highlights that both household and food/plant waste streams represent particular potential for the sector. Although the design and influence of future strategies and policies on UK waste generation and management are fundamental in determining the extent of opportunities that wastes represents to the UK bioenergy sector.

    He added: “Biomass is a flexible energy option, in that it can be used to produce heat, electricity or even be converted to transport fuels, although different types of biomass resource tend to be utilised in specific ways in order to produce the most energy or biomass-based products with increased value. Our research confirms that the best option for the UK to make the most of its biomass resources would be for selected resources to be used by bio-refineries to produce high value bio-products, with all remaining suitable resources being dedicated for heat generation.”


    Notes for editors

    The paper, ‘Securing a bioenergy future without imports,’ can be downloaded from here: 

    For further information contact:

    Aeron Haworth
    Media Relations
    Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
    The University of Manchester

    Tel: 0161 275 8387
    Mob: 07717 881563
    Email: aeron.haworth@manchester.ac.uk

    Wed, 19 Feb 2014 00:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_11612_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/11612_large-2.jpg?10000
    Bioprinting has promising future /about/news/bioprinting-has-promising-future/ /about/news/bioprinting-has-promising-future/82732

    The pioneering concept of bioprinting is delivering promising results according to one of the early champions of the process, of The University of Manchester.

    Writing in the journal Science, Professor Derby of , looks at how the concept of using printer technology to build structures in which to grow cells, is helping to regenerate tissue.

    Both inkjet and laser printer technology can be used to build the 3D scaffolds that cells can be grown in and also place the cells in these structures simultaneously. Professor Derby explains how bioprinting works: “Inkjet technology places the structure’s material in small droplets, which then solidify. More droplets are then placed on top of the previous ones in a specific pattern. The structure is built using this method which is generally referred to as additive manufacture. Laser printing uses light to solidify the structure’s material layer upon layer. These methods have allowed us to develop very complex scaffolds which better mimic the conditions inside the body.”

    The scaffold provides a surface for the cells to adhere, thrive and multiply. Both the scaffold material, composition and its internal architecture control the behaviour and well-being of the cells inside.

    In his review article Professor Derby looks at experiments where porous structures have been made through bioprinting. They are then placed in the body to help act as a scaffold to encourage cell growth. The cells colonise the structure and it either dissolves or becomes part of the body. This type of treatment can help patients suffering from problems such as cavity wounds. Clinical trials are currently taking place around the world to perfect this technology, and Professor Derby says it is moving towards becoming an established form of science.

    Professor Derby also looks at how stem cells are being grown in printed structures that have been impregnated with certain chemicals. The chemicals are inserted during the printing process and can determine the type of cell the stem cells develop into. For example stem cells could be programmed to become cells that make up bone tissue or cartilage.

    But there are limitations to the technology which is holding back breakthroughs such as the ability to grow an entire organ. Studies have found that it is very difficult to actually print the cells at the same time as making the structure that will house them. The stress on the cell as it goes through both the inkjet and laser process can damage the cell membrane. Cell survival rates have also been variable, ranging from between 40 to 95%.

    The technology is also some way off progressing from an experimental platform to clinical practice. Whilst scaffolds are being clinically trialled, actually transplanting cells grown in an external structure into a patient is a more advanced process. It is still not possible at present to guarantee a consistent quality, which is required by medical device regulations.

    But research is being carried out to grow external cells into tissue, such as a patch of skin, and transplant that into a patient. Professor Derby is currently working with Ear, Nose and Throat surgeons at the . He wants to use bioprinting to print cells without using a scaffold. The printed cells form a sheet that can be used for grafts inside the body, for example in the mouth or nose.

    Professor Derby says: “It is very difficult to transplant even a small patch of tissue to repair the inside of the nose or mouth. Current practice, to transplant the patient’s skin to these areas, is regarded as unsatisfactory because the transplants do not possess mucous generating cells or salivary glands. We are working on techniques to print sheets of cells that are suitable for implantation in the mouth and nose.”

    One area which Professor Derby’s review article highlights for the future is the ability to grow structures which can model cancerous tumours. These could then be used to test new drugs, which it’s hoped will advance the search for more effective treatments.

    Writing the review article has encouraged Professor Derby that there is a strong future for bioprinting and whilst growing organs is still a long way off, the advances being made in this area are very promising.

    Notes for editors

    The paper will be published in the journal Science.

    The University of Manchester was a pioneer of bioprinting. In 2004 the first international workshop on the process took place in the University. That has now become an annual meeting that has taken place in the United States, Asia and Europe. The most recent workshop was held in 91直播 last month.

    In 2009 Professor Derby was awarded the Edward de Bono Medal for Original Thinking, part of the Saatchi and Saatchi Award for World Changing Ideas, for his development of bioprinting technologies.

    Professor Derby is available for interviews. Images of the bioprinters are available from the press office.

    Please contact:                                                               

    Morwenna Grills  
    Media Relations Officer                                
    Faculty of Life Sciences                                
    The University of Manchester                       

    Tel: 0161 275 2111                                        
    Mob: 07920 087466                                       
    Email: Morwenna.Grills@manchester.ac.uk

    Fri, 16 Nov 2012 00:00:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_9049_large-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/9049_large-2.jpg?10000
    91直播 at the forefront of Green Chemical Technology /about/news/manchester-at-the-forefront-of-green-chemical-technology/ /about/news/manchester-at-the-forefront-of-green-chemical-technology/83145

    The University of Manchester is leading a £6.5m European project to develop the next generation of green chemical processes.

    BIONEXGEN (Developing the Next Generation of Biocatalysts for Industrial Chemical Synthesis) is an ambitious European research programme that will develop the next generation of biocatalysts to be used for eco-efficient manufacturing processes in the chemical industry.

    This three-year European Union funded project is led by , Director of the Centre of Excellence for Biocatalysis, Biotransformations and Biocatalytic Manufacture (CoEBio3) at The University of Manchester.

    A collaboration by leading European industrial and academic partners has identified a new generation of biocatalysts that, once developed, could lead to economic and environmental improvements in the manufacture of everyday chemicals such as pharmaceuticals and polymers.

    Biocatalysts are enzymes, or microbial cells containing enzymes, that can carry out chemical reactions. Routes to specialised, high-value products often require long chemical synthetic routes involving complex reaction steps with toxic side products and waste streams. This project will allow these methods to be replaced by clean biocatalysis routes using renewable resources.

    This interdisciplinary project will bring together microbiologists, enzymologists, chemists, engineers and process development scientists to enable industry to use biotechnology to replace fossil fuel derived manufacturing methods.

    The consortium consists of University research groups, small and medium sized companies, and BASF, the world’s leading chemical company.

    Professor Nick Turner said: “I warmly welcome all the partners to the programme and look forward to collaborating with them in this exciting field of interdisciplinary science. The research was devised with the close involvement of industrial partners; this is a great strength of the programme and will ensure real-world application of the green chemical processes developed.”

    Notes for editors

    For media enquiries please contact:

    Daniel Cochlin
    Media Relations
    The University of Manchester
    Tel: 0161 275 8387
    email: daniel.cochlin@manchester.ac.uk

    A summary of the project can be found at

    The full list of partners is:

    •    The University of Manchester, CoEBio3 (United Kingdom) led by Prof. Nick Turner and Prof. Sabine Flitsch.
    •    The University of Stuttgart (Germany) led by Prof. Bernard Hauer.
    •    Denmark Technical University (Denmark) led by Prof. John Woodley.
    •    The Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) led by Prof. Vladimir Kren.
    •    The University of Groningen (Netherlands) led by Prof. Dick Janssen.
    •    CLEA Technologies (Netherlands) led by Dr. Menno Sorgedrager.
    •    EntreChem (Spain) led by Dr. Francisco Moris.
    •    The University of Oviedo (Spain) led by Prof. Vicente Gotor.
    •    GALAB Laboratories (Germany) led by Dr. Jürgen Kuballa.
    •    Leibniz Institute for Plant Biochemistry (Germany) led by Prof. Ludger Wessjohann.
    •    Austrian Centre for Industrial Biotechnology (Austria) led by Prof. Anton Glieder.
    •    KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) led by Prof. Karl Hult.
    •    LentiKats (Czech Republic) led by Dr. Radek Stloukal.
    •    Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia) led by Dr. Martin Rebros.
    •    BASF (Germany) led by Dr. Kai Baldenius.
    •    University College London (United Kingdom) led by Prof. Gary Lye.
    •    Chemical Innovation KTN (United Kingdom) led by Dr. Becky Farnell.

    About : Based in the University of Manchester the CoEBio3 is the UK's leading Industrial Biotechnology research organisation, dedicated to providing a world-class scientific environment in which the necessary research and development can be carried out to create new biocatalyst-based processes to meet the changing needs of the chemical industry.
    CoEBio3 trains graduate and post-doctoral scientists in the necessary combination of skills in chemistry, biology and engineering needed to support these changes. CoEBio3 supplies the research, training and development services to enable the application of white biotechnology to produce chemical entities with an applied "genes to kilos" philosophy. For more information see

    BIONEXGEN builds on CoEBio3’s previous success in obtaining and managing large EU grants, including BIOTRAINS (€4.4M), AMBIOCAS (€2.5M), GlycoBioM (€5.2M) and EuroGlycoArrays (€4.5M).

    Thu, 25 Aug 2011 01:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_7342_large.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/7342_large.jpg?10000