<![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> /about/news/ en Tue, 22 Oct 2024 22:55:41 +0200 Fri, 20 Sep 2024 16:29:25 +0200 <![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> https://content.presspage.com/clients/150_1369.jpg /about/news/ 144 Book of the Year nomination for pathbreaking new volume bridging textile studies, critical cultural theory, and material culture studies /about/news/adh-book-of-the-year-nomination/ /about/news/adh-book-of-the-year-nomination/661987

, a volume created between colleagues at the University of Manchester and the University of Liverpool, has been unveiled as a contender for the Association of Dress Historians Book of the Year Award. 

The volume is a decentred study of how textiles shaped, disrupted, and transformed identities in the age of the first globalisation.

The research and work in the shortlisted book have been undertaken by (Professor of Early Modern History and Deputy Director and Scientific Lead of the John Rylands Research Institute, University of Manchester) and (Derby Fellow in Historical Legacies of Empire) from the University of Liverpool’s archaeology and history departments, who brought together researchers from a plethora of disciplines. 

Professor Hanß said: “The diversity of topics, disciplines, geographies, and contributors in these 16 chapters is so exciting! We bring together world-leading anthropologists, archaeologists, art historians, conservators, curators, historians, scientists, and weavers, establishing cutting-edge conversations across disciplines to examine how textiles created and challenged experiences of subjectivity, relatedness, and dis/location that transformed social fabrics around the early modern globe. 

“We’re really proud to be named on the shortlist for this year’s Book of the Year award, particularly because we are the only pre-modern study and the only edited volume to feature in the shortlisted works. It’s a real honour!” 

The project has received funding from various streams and Professor Hanß added: “All of our funding contributors and supporters are integral to the work we have been able to conduct. From the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures at The University of Manchester, we were awarded funds from the Research Development and Support Fund. We were also able to secure funding from The Leverhulme Trust, Churchill College Cambridge and St. John’s College Cambridge.” 

The volume has received stellar praise, among others, by Indian literary critic Homi K. Bhabha (Harvard University): “This outstanding volume provides us with the warp and woof of historical exchange and cultural co-existence. These enthralling essays engage with material practices of weaving across genres and geographies, displaying the travelling world of textiles as they record the shifting global communities of a ‘woven imaginary.’ Reading In-Between Textiles, brought to life the migratory memory of my mother’s Parsi garas: a traditional sari, commissioned in Bombay from Chinese sailors who offered her a range of silks and motifs, and brought her the sari, months later, when they docked again in Bombay harbour. Set out on this wondrous voyage of the woven world.”

Fri, 20 Sep 2024 15:29:25 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3a335272-613e-48b1-8612-41f870bc05f8/500_dresshistorians.jpg?59230 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3a335272-613e-48b1-8612-41f870bc05f8/dresshistorians.jpg?59230
Autumn music season at the Confucius Institute /about/news/autumn-music-season-at-the-confucius-institute/ /about/news/autumn-music-season-at-the-confucius-institute/657057This autumn, the 91ֱ Confucius Institute is excited to host a series of events on Chinese music. “Instruments in Chinese music” will be hosted by the curator of the Institute’s 2024 Chinese New Year concert, Po Hang Yuen (PhD student, Guildhall).Each talk will focus on a different instrument, illustrated through performances by guests from the University of Manchester’s and the .

The erhu (Chinese fiddle)

The first talk will focus on the historical development of the erhu. We will explore how the instrument is made and learn about its diverse repertoire since the early 20th century.

Guest: Xinjie Yang (MA Conducting, RNCM)

Date & time: 6-7pm on 30 October
Venue: 91ֱ Central Library

The violin

The second talk is on the violin. It examines the transmission of violin culture from Europe to China. We will discuss how the violin influenced Chinese musical development and explore various compositions written over the last century.

Guest: Ziluo Huang (PhD Musicology student, University of Manchester)

Date & time: 6-7pm on 20 November
Venue: 91ֱ Central Library

The guzheng

The last instrument in the series is the guzheng. The talk will introduce composing for the guzheng. It will discuss how our guest reimagined the instrument’s musical tradition by integrating Chinese philosophies found in painting and ancient literature.

Guest: Li Yang (MA Performance Studies student, University of Manchester)

Date & time: 6-7pm on 11 December
Venue: 91ֱ Central Library

Sign up to the to find out about upcoming events.

Watch .

Thu, 05 Sep 2024 17:23:54 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/008fa1c6-91d4-431c-b0ad-4c5bd5ab5960/500_theconfuciusinstituteciisexcitedtohostaseriesofeventsonchinesemusic..png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/008fa1c6-91d4-431c-b0ad-4c5bd5ab5960/theconfuciusinstituteciisexcitedtohostaseriesofeventsonchinesemusic..png?10000
New exhibition outlines how LGBTQ+ performers shaped popular culture /about/news/how-lgbtq-performers-shaped-popular-culture/ /about/news/how-lgbtq-performers-shaped-popular-culture/652369A new exhibition is to open next Spring which will examine the profound influence of LGBTQ+ performers, artists and activists on mainstream popular culture.

A new exhibition is to open next Spring which will examine the profound influence of LGBTQ+ performers, artists and activists on mainstream popular culture.

Influenced by the recently published book The Secret Public - How LGBTQ Performers Shaped Popular Culture 1955 - 1979 by Jon Savage, the exhibition will present key pieces from Savage’s extensive collection of archive and research materials which form part of the housed at the John Rylands Research Institute and Library. 

The exhibition will foreground the artists, figures, social issues and political discourse from within which a lasting creative explosion happened, and which is still felt today. 

It extends the date range of the book through to 1984, a peak year for ‘Gay Pop’, and will showcase rare materials from the archive alongside connected materials from the Rylands world-leading special collections. 

The Secret Public will be the inaugural exhibition in the newly refurbished Special Exhibition gallery, part of the project, a major redevelopment and improvement programme that will enrich and transform the researcher and visitor experience. 

Wed, 17 Jul 2024 10:39:25 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/cefbff6c-1a2e-4e40-9626-3a5c54b92797/500_bpalogo1920x1080.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/cefbff6c-1a2e-4e40-9626-3a5c54b92797/bpalogo1920x1080.jpg?10000
ICP student placement with Creative 91ֱ: Jinghan Tong /about/news/icp-student-placement-with-creative-manchester-jinghan-tong/ /about/news/icp-student-placement-with-creative-manchester-jinghan-tong/652444Student Jinghan Tong spent 20 weeks with Creative 91ֱ as part of her MA work placement. In this blog she writes about her experience.Hi, my name is Jinghan Tong, and I am currently a student at The University of Manchester, majoring in Creative and Cultural Studies. I am passionate about the intersection of creativity and social impact, which drives my dedication to exploring and contributing to the cultural and creative industries. Through my recent internship at , I gained hands-on experience in event planning, audience development, and communication strategy. 

This role allowed me to apply my academic knowledge in a practical setting, enhancing my skills and preparing me for a dynamic career in the arts and cultural sector. I am enthusiastic about leveraging my experience and skills to foster innovation and inclusivity in the creative field.

The primary project I worked on was the , an event funded by Arts Council England (ACE) celebrating 91ֱ's rich literary heritage and extensive local library network. My responsibilities included event planning and coordination, audience development, and communication strategy, and I participated in Zoom meetings with key stakeholders to finalize event details.

Implementing audience development strategies was crucial, involving tailored communication plans and outreach efforts to engage specific demographics. Crafting engaging news stories and social media posts using platforms like Hootsuite and Canva was also a key part of my role, ensuring content resonated with the target audience.

As part of the event, I helped to establish detailed communication planning and implementing audience growth strategies for four key seminars in the Festival of Libraries schedule. Each session was carefully crafted to appeal to a wide variety of age groups and interests, providing participants with a rich and immersive experience suited to their preferences and expectations. I hoped that by implementing these ideas, we would not only broaden the festival's reach, but also deepen engagement and foster long-term relationships with our audience.

To illustrate, take the "Tasting Children’s Literature – An Edible Readathon" workshop, for instance, which was designed to captivate young children up to the age of 8, along with their parents, caregivers, and educators. Employing audience development strategies, we orchestrated targeted social media plans and community outreach endeavors to ensure broad participation and robust engagement.

This is also one of the highlights of my placement. This event was a resounding success and a truly delightful experience. The workshop's innovative approach combined the joys of reading with sensory play, allowing children to explore literature through interactive and edible elements. 

Promotional materials emphasized the educational benefits and fun nature of the event, which helped in drawing a significant number of participants. The event featured a variety of activities where children could taste food items inspired by their favourite storybooks, making the experience both memorable and educational. 

The atmosphere was filled with excitement and laughter as children immersed themselves in the stories, transforming the act of reading into a multi-sensory adventure.

The success of the "Tasting Children’s Literature – An Edible Readathon" workshop not only demonstrated the power of creative engagement in fostering a love for reading among children but also highlighted the importance of community involvement in cultural events. It was incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact of our efforts on the participants, reinforcing the value of inclusive and accessible cultural programming.

Fri, 12 Jul 2024 11:14:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/c47bdd3a-1202-416e-a48e-0b29fafcb737/500_studentjinghantongspent20weekswithcreativemanchesteraspartofhermaworkplacement..jpg?14367 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/c47bdd3a-1202-416e-a48e-0b29fafcb737/studentjinghantongspent20weekswithcreativemanchesteraspartofhermaworkplacement..jpg?14367
American Studies students receive national recognition for outstanding essays /about/news/american-studies-students-receive-national-recognition-for-outstanding-essays/ /about/news/american-studies-students-receive-national-recognition-for-outstanding-essays/651702Two students on the University of Manchester’s American Studies programme have claimed the top awards in the British Association for American Studies national essay writing competition.

Final-year History and American Studies student Anya Carr was named winner of the British Association for American Studies undergraduate essay award, and Xavi Goodall, a third-year student currently studying at Rutgers University in New Jersey, received an honourable mention in the same competition. Both students were honoured as part of the BAAS award ceremony, which took place in June this year.

Anya’s essay offered a sparkling account of the African American actor, singer, and activist Paul Robeson’s 1949 visit to 91ֱ. The project used Robeson’s brief trip to lens the local and global agendas that came together in this moment, as civil rights, decolonization, and the Cold War intermingled, and as various groups competed around Moss Side, Chorlton-on-Medlock, and Belle Vue to win Robeson’s support. The project argued that we should think of the city of Manchester as akin to ‘the global activist hubs of London, Paris, and Harlem’ that other scholars have written about, and it made an innovative attempt to ‘ground the global in the local, and to offer a new perspective on the complex interplay between the Red, white, and Black Atlantics.’ A short blog post that Anya wrote describing the research .

The BAAS judges “were incredibly impressed by this well-argued essay” which “situated Robeson within intersecting contexts” and which “highlighted the complexities of post-war organising and solidarity.” Anya’s work drew extensively on the University’s US newspaper holdings, as well as materials at the , the People’s History Museum archive, and the Working Class Movement Library and Archive, in Salford.

Xavi Goodall’s essay looked at references to American writer Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1851-52) in The Century Magazine, America’s most popular periodical in the late nineteenth century. Xavi uncovered a handful of references to Stowe’s novel between the 1880s and late 1890s, and used these to show that, while Stowe’s novel exerted a lasting influence on American opinions about slavery, The Century Magazine seldom discussed the literary merits of Stowe’s work or offered a neutral account of her politics. As Xavi argued, ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’s appearances in The Century were defined more by the magazine’s context than the book’s contents.’ The judges described the piece as “a beautifully written and accomplished essay,” and thought Xavi’s “careful and detailed analysis of The Century magazine’s complex engagement with Stowe was very strong.”

Both students’ essays were developed and written within second-year American Studies modules. Xavi’s work on Stowe began in Dr. Gordon Fraser’s AMER22662 Uncle Tom’s Cabin as Global Media Event, while Anya’s study on Robeson was written in Dr. Andrew Fearnley’s AMER20022 US History Long Essay module. Each project made use of the printed and electronic resources held by the University, and the physical archives available around the city of Manchester.

Wed, 10 Jul 2024 08:14:33 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/aba9a96b-7473-43ce-a605-3a32208d81c4/500_baasawardnewsstory.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/aba9a96b-7473-43ce-a605-3a32208d81c4/baasawardnewsstory.png?10000
Celebrating the Summer Solstice with a day of literature events at Jodrell Bank /about/news/celebrating-the-summer-solstice/ /about/news/celebrating-the-summer-solstice/650976Creative 91ֱ and Jodrell Bank hosted a day of literature events themed around renowned novelist and local hero Alan Garner, followed by an evening with a book reading by novelist Sarah Perry to mark the Summer Solstice.On 21 June, an audience of literature enthusiasts, lovers of astronomy and archaeology and academics gathered on the stunning UNESCO Heritage site of Jodrell Bank to celebrate the Summer Solstice and one of the UK's most influential contemporary novelists, Alan Garner. This day-long event, consisting of panels, screenings, and guided walks, paid tribute to Garner’s literary work and his profound connection to Alderley Edge.

The day commenced with a panel discussion on “Archaeotecture” chaired by Professor Teresa Anderson, with Professor Clive Ruggles and Professor Bob Cwyinski, to explore the intersection of ancient cosmologies and modern scientific discoveries. The panel discussed how Garner's fiction has bridged dialogues between disciplines such as archaeology and physics, offering imaginative continuities that enrich our understanding of the universe. The discussions were a testament to Garner’s ability to weave complex, interdisciplinary ideas into his narratives, making his work a subject of academic interest and admiration.

One of the highlights of the day was "A Walk in Time" with archaeologist Melanie Giles. Participants were taken on a journey through the Jodrell Bank site, where Giles reflected on the objects and ideas that have inspired Garner’s writing. The walk included hands-on experiences with archaeological artefacts and replicas, bringing to life themes of landscape lore, craft skills, and protective charms that are prevalent in Garner's novels.

Following the walk attendees were invited to a film screening of To The Round Meadow: Alan Garner & Jodrell Bank by Al Kenny. The film featured an intimate conversation between Alan Garner and his daughter, Elizabeth Garner, discussing his connection to the Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank. This conversation delved into Garner's personal memories and reflections on the site, highlighting how it has influenced his writing and enriched his imaginative landscapes.

The day continued with the panel discussion "Archaeology & the Imagination of Place" chaired by Melanie Giles. The panel, Tim Campbell-Green, Richard Morris, and Rose Ferraby, explored how Garner’s work, deeply rooted in the past, has woven archaeological knowledge, discoveries, and folklore into his narratives. Melanie Giles and Rose Ferraby discussed how their professional practices have been influenced and enriched by Garner’s storytelling and explorations of histories in the Cheshire landscape.

The final panel, "A Place Across Time" chaired by , featured Elizabeth Garner and medieval scholar David Matthews. This discussion centred on the intersections of historical and mythological time within imaginative fictions, poetry, and actual landscapes, drawing on Alan Garner’s vivid depictions of place across time in his works.

In the evening our Solstice celebrations culminated with a reading and discussion of Sarah Perry’s latest novel, Enlightenment. Set in a small town in Essex, the novel intricately weaves a narrative of entangled relationships and emotional turmoil, exploring the conflict between faith and fact. Perry, renowned for her award-winning works such as The Essex Serpent, explored the novel's themes with Chair Teresa Anderson, and wowed guests with her seamless integration of astronomical principles into the storytelling.

Tue, 02 Jul 2024 15:35:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/b9b60fa7-3a92-4921-9733-baf58b7b18db/500_celebratingthesummersolsticewithadayofliteratureeventsatjodrellbank.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/b9b60fa7-3a92-4921-9733-baf58b7b18db/celebratingthesummersolsticewithadayofliteratureeventsatjodrellbank.jpg?10000
Festival of Libraries 2024: Celebrating libraries and creativity across Greater 91ֱ /about/news/festival-of-libraries-2024/ /about/news/festival-of-libraries-2024/64529312-16 June saw the return of , taking place across the whole of Greater 91ֱ to celebrate the vital role that libraries play in wellbeing, culture and creativity.

– the University’s creativity-championing research platform – hosted five workshop sessions in partnership with the , , and .

‘Writing for Wellbeing’ took place at Tameside, Rochdale and Bury Libraries on 13 - 15 June. Facilitators Rebecca Hurst, Tessa Harris and John McAuliffe worked with participants to explore the benefits of creative writing on personal wellbeing. 

One attendee commented:

‘Tasting Children’s Literature – An Edible Readathon’ returned on Friday, 14 June with two sessions: a private workshop for Reception children at St. Andrew’s C of E Primary School Levenshulme, held at Arcadia Library, and a public session at 91ֱ Central Library. Children enjoyed a storytime session with play food, colouring activities, and fruits to eat.

The Linguistic Diversity Collective held two well-attended workshops at The Portico Library on 12 and 14 June. The first, ‘What’s in a word and what’s in a dictionary?’ saw attendees take part in activities looking at how dictionaries define words and phrases. 

‘Blackout the jargon’ then invited participants to engage with scientific literature in a unique way through blackout poetry. 

Supported by , the Festival of Libraries 2024 was a testament to 91ֱ’s enduring commitment to literacy, learning, and inclusivity. 

Find out more about the Festival of Libraries .

Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:09:34 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/d5923d84-d506-48e3-859a-38898aca74cd/500_festivaloflibraries2024-celebratinglibrariesandcreativityacrossgreatermanchesterfeatureimage.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/d5923d84-d506-48e3-859a-38898aca74cd/festivaloflibraries2024-celebratinglibrariesandcreativityacrossgreatermanchesterfeatureimage.jpg?10000
New Future You podcast about studying humanitarianism at 91ֱ, with Dr Amanda Mccorkindale /about/news/new-future-you-podcast-about-studying-humanitarianism-at-manchester-with-dr-amanda-mccorkindale/ /about/news/new-future-you-podcast-about-studying-humanitarianism-at-manchester-with-dr-amanda-mccorkindale/637591The Humanitarian & Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) is a research and teaching centre on humanitarian response, global health, disaster management and more.

Senior Lecturer Dr Amanda McCordkindale spoke with careers guidance podcast Future You about life and study at HCRI, reflecting on the benefits and challenges of studying difficult global issues.

The latest Future You podcast delves into the history of the University’s and looks at the day-to-day life of students on our courses.

Listen to on Spotify.

In this podcast, Dr Amanda Mccorkindale describes the rationale behind HCRI’s foundation – to apply critical refection to the real-world practices of humanitarian response and improve the outcomes of those affected by natural and man-made disasters and emergencies.

Since its founding in 2008, HCRI has moved from being a strictly research-focused institute to providing a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD courses, for those working as or aspiring to become humanitarian practitioners. This includes our unique Leadership Education Academic Partnership (LEAP) online course, which provides critical and theoretically-informed education to those working for humanitarian NGOs.

In the , Dr Mccorkindale discusses the mental health challenges of studying heavy topics, such as conflict, genocide and disasters, but also the measures HCRI takes to support its students, including trigger warnings, peer mentoring programmes, reflection on ethical positionality, and access to a wide variety of support services at University of Manchester.

The podcast also covers the wide range of career outcomes for those studying at HCRI and the multidisciplinary nature of our courses and student cohorts.

The Future You podcast is published by Prospects, an organisation that supports graduates in finding employment and educational opportunities. You can find out more information on the website.

Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:41:51 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/e5c0c546-fbee-4b6c-b4cb-2e01023522fd/500_dramandamccorkindale.jpeg?96755 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/e5c0c546-fbee-4b6c-b4cb-2e01023522fd/dramandamccorkindale.jpeg?96755
Archaeology tours return to Arthur’s Stone for a final year of excavations /about/news/archaeology-tours-return-to-arthurs-stone-for-a-final-year-of-excavations/ /about/news/archaeology-tours-return-to-arthurs-stone-for-a-final-year-of-excavations/636439For a final summer, members of the public will get the chance to get up close to archaeological excavations being carried out at Arthur’s Stone. 

For a final summer, members of the public will get the chance to get up close to archaeological excavations being carried out at Arthur’s Stone. 

Tours of the mysterious and evocative English Heritage site also took place in 2022 and 2023 as part of a project to investigate early prehistoric Herefordshire, undertaken by The University of Manchester, Cardiff University and the American Institute for Field Research, in partnership with English Heritage. The project has significantly changed academic understanding of how the monument was used, and its team hope to uncover more of its secrets in 2024.

Arthur’s Stone is a Neolithic burial chamber comprising nine upright stones and a gigantic 25 tonne capstone. Situated on a hillside of Herefordshire’s Golden Valley, the 5,700-year-old site is most famous for its links to legends of King Arthur and for being a source of inspiration for the stone table in CS Lewis’s The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

So far, the project has started to unravel a complex sequence of changes to the monument spanning about seven centuries in the early Neolithic (3,700 – 3,000 BCE). We now know that it started as a stone chamber or ‘dolmen’ in the 37th century BCE encircled by a thick stone ring, with an entrance on the north. It was later re-oriented to face south and remodelled within a long cairn faced by drystone walls, with a false entrance between two projecting ‘horns’ of the cairn. 

The archaeologists found evidence for an avenue of wooden posts leading to the new entrance which were replaced some centuries later with standing stones. It now looked more like the Long Barrows at Belas Knap and Stoney Littleton (also cared for by English Heritage). A narrow passage was built into one side of the cairn so that the old entrance could still be reached. Inside the passage they found pottery, bone, pitchstone from the Isle of Arran and rock crystal, probably brought from North Wales.

This year the excavation team will be continuing to trace the course of the timber and stone avenue down into the Golden Valley, as well as investigating a mysterious circular structure that showed up on drone survey in the field to the south of the monument. They will also aim to clarify the sequence of the construction of the stone chamber and long cairn.

Visitors to Arthur’s Stone will be able to join exclusive guided tours between 3 – 25 July that explain the history of the site and share updates on the progress of excavations. Led by a team of English Heritage volunteers, the tours will bring the findings from this remarkable project to life. Tours will take place three times a day and is essential to secure a place.

Ginny Slade, Volunteer Manager at English Heritage, comments: “Over 2,000 people came to our tours and local lectures on the project in 2023 which was incredible – particularly for those lucky enough to see a new discovery being unearthed in front of them. Given that we may not see archaeological excavations on this scale carried at Arthur’s Stone again for some years, we’d recommend coming to have a look if you’ve visited the site before or want to experience its magic for the first time.”

For more information, visit .

Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/437dc107-f4fb-48c7-8b77-8cd9b420f6bd/500_arthursstone1.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/437dc107-f4fb-48c7-8b77-8cd9b420f6bd/arthursstone1.jpeg?10000
Two SALC students bring home top prizes from Chinese Bridge competition finals /about/news/two-salc-students-bring-home-top-prizes-from-chinese-bridge-competition-finals/ /about/news/two-salc-students-bring-home-top-prizes-from-chinese-bridge-competition-finals/636025Two School of Arts, Languages and Cultures students representing the 91ֱ Confucius Institute won top prizes at the 23rd "Chinese Bridge" International University Student Chinese Competition in London on June 6th.Childimma Daisy Anyakora, a Nigerian-British student, won first place in the All-England final. Julia Makosa, a British student who came second in the global final in 2021, won second place in the Business category.

The "Chinese Bridge" International University Student Chinese Competition is an international competition organized by the Center for Language Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education of China aiming to strengthen academic and people-to-people exchanges between China and other countries through language and culture.

In this year's competition, a total of 24 contestants participated in the semi-finals, with 11 contestants making it to the final. Eight finalists took part in the Business Innovation Competition.

Childimma Daisy Anyakora has been studying Chinese since 2019 and shares her learning experience via the popular Chinese social media channel Little Red Book. Julia, who successfully represented 91ֱ Confucius Institute at the Chinese Bridge competition in 2021, is currently in her fourth year at UoM. 

They follow in the footsteps of UoM medical student, William Hart, who successfully taught himself Chinese over lockdown and won the Grand Prize at the finals of the 2022 Chinese Bridge competition.

Want to improve your Chinese so you can compete next year? Check out our .

Mon, 10 Jun 2024 18:11:19 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/f9ed082b-e8a6-4810-aa7a-167150ff8924/500_the23rdchinesebridgeinternationaluniversitystudentchinesecompetitioninlondon..jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/f9ed082b-e8a6-4810-aa7a-167150ff8924/the23rdchinesebridgeinternationaluniversitystudentchinesecompetitioninlondon..jpeg?10000
ICP student writes about her placement with Creative 91ֱ /about/news/icp-student-writes-about-her-placement-with-creative-manchester/ /about/news/icp-student-writes-about-her-placement-with-creative-manchester/635451Student Uxutvi Kapdee spent 20 weeks with the Creative 91ֱ team as part of her work placement for the Master’s ‘Creative and Cultural Industries’. In this blog she writes about her experience of her time with Creative 91ֱ.Hi, my name is Uxutvi Kapdee and I have just completed my work placement at , working on the 200-year commemoration festival for the university, Universally 91ֱ Festival.

I am a Master’s student in Creative and Cultural Industries at The University of Manchester’s . My keen interest in creative production and event management is what led me to choosing Creative 91ֱ for my placement module. 

The placement option stated that the placement student would have the opportunity to support the curation, planning and delivery of the University’s Bicentenary Festival, as well as supporting Creative 91ֱ’s activity and engagement events. 

Since I was looking for specific project management experience, I knew that Creative 91ֱ was the best place to be, especially as they were so well-connected with the wider cultural and creative community of Manchester.

My placement began in January and would last until the end of May, every Wednesday for 20 weeks (with a short break over Easter). After completing the health and safety induction, I was asked to familiarise myself with the projects I would be assisting on. 

This included our Bicentenary festival programme for Friday, 7 June, the Diagrams collection (a collection of diagrams relating to the university), and a cross-platform art installation. With this information, I had to research what type of structure we could use for the art installation, producing a document with price, material, size, sustainability, and other relevant information.

Then, in the afternoon, I helped install a new art installation in the glass corridor in the Samuel Alexander building. This mix of activity represents my days at the placement quite well; I would work on the main projects, as well as the organisations many other engagement events such as research cafés, talks, panels, and installations. 

This allowed me to grow my understanding of Creative 91ֱ as a research platform, but even more generally of what a creative and cultural organisation may look like. Every week was a different experience and I never felt idle in my time. 

One such event was the , focusing on women of colour, partnering with (MACFest). It was an afternoon event held in the Whitworth Gallery, Grand Hall, with performances, food, and a panel discussion on inequalities in women’s health. I helped to set up the event, assisting MACFest, and offering event support throughout the event. 

This was such a highlight of my placement as I got to meet such a variety of people, and really enjoyed the performances and the panel talk. I understood first-hand how Creative 91ֱ connects with other creative organisations in 91ֱ and supports researchers, in both networking and their projects.

My main work with the Universally 91ֱ Festival involved planning, programming, and marketing. Over weeks, the event day was built up through meetings, emails, and communications with relevant partners to perfect tech, timings, and other specifics for each event. I learnt how to plan and execute a marketing and event communications campaign and design the graphics for social media. 

Getting down to the minute details was so important for this process and I learnt that planning each step carefully would lead to a more efficient and low-risk event day. It was a privilege to be able to help organise Creative 91ֱ’s events at the Universally 91ֱ Festival, and I am looking forward to seeing them become reality!

I would like to thank the convenor of the placement course, , as well as Anne-Marie Nugnes and the rest of the Creative 91ֱ team, and the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, for making this placement possible. It has been the highlight of my Master’s course and I look forward to taking the skills I have gained into my future career.

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 15:01:11 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/05cb183b-04d4-43fe-9b6b-55b326176fa0/500_icpstudentwritesaboutherplacementwithcreativemanchester.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/05cb183b-04d4-43fe-9b6b-55b326176fa0/icpstudentwritesaboutherplacementwithcreativemanchester.jpg?10000
CreaTech 2024 Event Series Lookback /about/news/createch-2024-event-series-lookback/ /about/news/createch-2024-event-series-lookback/634477A lookback at Digital Futures, Creative 91ֱ and the Turing Innovation Catalyst (TIC) 91ֱ’s CreaTech 2024 events aimed at supporting the development of a network of industry professionals working in CreaTech and related industries.In March 2024 partnered with and for a ground-breaking series of events throughout, focused on bringing together people in 91ֱ working in CreaTech – shining a light on the potential for innovation that can be derived from intersections between the creative, technology and digital sectors. 

This series of events aimed to build a CreaTech network to provide support, funding and connections to help grow this sector. These events echoed the aspirations of the Greater 91ֱ city region to develop the CreaTech sector and to facilitate partnerships between the university and the wider GM Business Community.

We are pleased to announce that is now live, featuring photos and outputs of the breakout sessions. We are also pleased to have worked with to produce a suite of after movies showcasing People's experiences at the events and highlighting the importance of networking across the emerging CreaTech sector. Watch the full videos .

Our first event invited individuals interested and working in the gaming/animation/VR/AR industry within Greater 91ֱ to network with each other and collaborate. We asked them to uncover the overall theme of “How Do We Make 91ֱ Great?” within breakout groups. See what attendees had to say about CreaTech innovation and the importance of networking across the sector.


In our second event ‘Digital Artisans’ we bridged the gap between tradition and innovation through looking at how artisanal craft can harness Createch This event was held at a fitting setting to delve into how independent artists can come together to chart a path towards a future where tradition and innovation converge, propelling 91ֱ's artisan arts and crafts sector to new heights of success.

Our next event focused on CreaTech innovation in the Audio and Sound sector. Held in the entrepreneurial atmosphere of , the event brought together enthusiastic, experts, and visionaries from diverse backgrounds, all united by their passion for the intersection of creativity, technology, and sound. See what attendees had to say about the importance of CreaTech in the sound industry.

Our next event focused on the fast-paced world of ‘Creative AI’ and took place at . This event brought together creatives who have an interest in digital technology and AI. Furthering the CreaTech ethos, the event connected inspired individuals who wanted to understand how to stay at the front of technological change and how their work practice has adapted to the advances in accessible AI.

The final instalment in the CreaTech Network Series surrounded the theme of Fashion, taking place in the iconic in Ancoats. Bringing together professionals and enthusiasts in the Fashion scene around 91ֱ. We asked attendees about how they thought technology could change the landscape of the Fashion industry.


As our CreaTech Network events of March 2024 have drawn to a close, we reflect on the exciting potential all attendees have reflected through the CreaTech network and look forward to future collaborations. 

We have helped to pave the way for a strong network of Creatives in Greater 91ֱ ready to tackle the evolving CreaTech sector. We have also gained an understanding of the University of Manchester’s role in an increasingly digital and technology focused landscape.

Mon, 20 May 2024 12:31:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/a714697c-92dc-417d-9955-e26f5e3fb0bc/500_ourfirstevent.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/a714697c-92dc-417d-9955-e26f5e3fb0bc/ourfirstevent.png?10000
Greater 91ֱ Festival of Libraries 2024 /about/news/greater-manchester-festival-of-libraries-2024/ /about/news/greater-manchester-festival-of-libraries-2024/632115Taking place in libraries across Greater 91ֱ between 12-16 June 2024

From 12-16 June 2024, Greater 91ֱ will once again celebrate the Festival of Libraries – which promises a rich tapestry of vibrant events for all ages and interests.

Authors, poets, performers, artists and historians will share their love for libraries and literature across the region’s libraries. The Festival of Libraries programme is brimming with imagination and attendees can expect exhibitions, author talks, performances, installations, live music, workshops, and international collaborations. 

These free events highlight the diverse offerings of libraries, showcasing their role as service, learning and creativity hubs which are open to all.

is delighted to be offering a series of workshops for the Festival of Libraries celebrations, partnering with the , and .

All workshops are free to attend but booking is required due to limited spaces.

This session delves into the meanings of everyday words and idiomatic phrases, offering insights into how dictionaries define words and how language learners acquire vocabulary. Run by the . 

  • Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 3pm - Portico Library

Facilitated by professional writers from the , these workshops explore the positive effects of creative writing on mental health and wellbeing. 

  • Thursday, 13 June 2024, 6pm -  
  • Friday, 14 June 2024, 1pm – Heywood Library
  • Saturday, 15 June 2024 – Ramsbottom Library

Participants will engage in blackout poetry, finding meaning in scientific texts by selecting certain words and redacting the rest to create literary and visual works of art. Run by the . 

  • Friday, 14 June 2024, 3pm - Portico Library

An immersive experience and read-a-thon of classic and contemporary children’s literature aimed at young children aged 0-8. Run by the staff and students. 

  • Sunday, 16 June 2024, 1pm - Central Library

An immersive audio experience allowing listeners to walk in the footsteps of those with the misunderstood condition of chronic cough. Run by the project. 

  • Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 12pm, 2pm and 6pm – Longsight Library
  • Thursday, 13 June 2024, 12pm and 2pm – Longsight Library

More information on the Festival of Libraries 2024, including the full programme, can be found on the website. 

Fri, 17 May 2024 13:50:24 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/884299f0-4dad-48e6-b31c-5e7eac022886/500_greatermanchesterfestivaloflibraries2024.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/884299f0-4dad-48e6-b31c-5e7eac022886/greatermanchesterfestivaloflibraries2024.jpg?10000
Meet the international student dreaming big in 91ֱ /about/news/meet-the-international-student-dreaming-big-in-manchester/ /about/news/meet-the-international-student-dreaming-big-in-manchester/631800Madi is an international student studying Theatre & Film at The University of Manchester. She has always dreamt of coming to the UK to study, and now she has been able to find her place in 91ֱ’s thriving arts and cultural scene. 

Madi is an international student studying Theatre & Film at The University of Manchester. She has always dreamt of coming to the UK to study, and now she has been able to find her place in 91ֱ’s thriving arts and cultural scene. 

Madi is a part of Universities UK International’s #WeAreInternational: Transforming Lives campaign, dedicated to highlighting the contributions international students are making to the UK and their communities during their studies here. 

“I’ve always had a deep love for drama and film. It was just a case of where to study it” she said. The opportunities to engage with arts and culture on and off-campus in 91ֱ appealed to Madi, who has gone on to launch her own theatre company with a focus on bringing communities together, donating ticket proceeds to help local communities. Madi has been recognised for her achievements, being nominated for Best Director at the National Operatic and Dramatic Association. 

“Madi is an inspiration - she is a great example of someone knowing they wanted to do things differently, then taking the brave decision to study in a different country,” said Paul Govey, Head of Student Marketing at The University of Manchester. “91ֱ has been the perfect choice for her as she has also found a community that has embraced her and given her the freedom to explore her passions. She is a tour de force!” 

As well as making a big difference in their local communities and beyond, international students bring a £41 billion annual contribution to the UK, meaning on average, each of the 650 parliamentary constituencies in the UK is £58 million better off – equivalent to approximately £560 per citizen. In the North West alone, international students contribute £3.04bn to the regional economy.

Jamie Arrowsmith, Director of UUKi said: “It’s never felt more important to acknowledge the important contributions that international students make to their university and local communities, and to the UK more broadly. It’s not just about the economic side of it – international students give back through cultural exchange, volunteering, and so much more. We’re proud to be sharing their stories through the latest phase of the #WeAreInternational campaign.” 

Thu, 16 May 2024 10:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3f5a1c85-46b4-43f4-a825-3f28f058ac76/500_madi.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3f5a1c85-46b4-43f4-a825-3f28f058ac76/madi.jpeg?10000
Summer Solstice Celebrations at Jodrell Bank with Creative 91ֱ /about/news/summer-solstice-celebrations-at-jodrell-bank-with-creative-manchester/ /about/news/summer-solstice-celebrations-at-jodrell-bank-with-creative-manchester/631380Jodrell Bank and Creative 91ֱ are holding two events to mark the Summer Solstice exploring the intersection of art, myth, and science. The events feature panel discussions in celebration of renowned author Alan Garner and novelist Sarah Perry.Jodrell Bank and Creative 91ֱ are delighted to hold two exciting events to mark the Summer Solstice on June 21, 2024. The daytime event explores the intersection of art, myth, and science, in celebration of renowned author Alan Garner and offers engaging panel discussions and lectures for enthusiasts across literature, archaeology and physics. 

In the evening novelist Sarah Perry will discuss her new novel ‘Enlightenment’ in an intimate setting, featuring a reading and a Q&A.

Date:  Friday, 21 June 2024, 10.30am – 5.30pm
Location: Jodrell Bank

The day begins with a variety of panel discussions, a walk of the Jodrell Bank site and a filmed conversation with Alan Garner exploring the themes of his literary work. Alan Garner’s writing is deeply rooted in the history and landscape of Alderley Edge, draws inspiration from the area's archaeology and the cosmic wonders observed at Jodrell Bank Observatory. 

In celebration of his 90th birthday, experts from archaeology, physics, and literature will convene at Jodrell Bank to discuss the impact of Garner's writing on their respective fields, as well as how the sciences have influenced the writer himself. Together, they will explore themes of time and place in his novels, celebrating his contribution to contemporary storytelling.

Purchase your ticket and optional lunch and transport from Oxford Road .

Date:  Friday, 21 June 2024, 6.30pm – 8pm
Location: Jodrell Bank

Later in the day, attendees can enjoy an evening with author Sarah Perry, featuring her latest novel, Enlightenment. Perry's book delves into questions of faith, physics, and human emotion against the backdrop of a small town in Essex. The newest story from award-winning novelist Sarah Perry weaves a web of entangled relationships and emotion, its characters trapped within the conflict between faith and fact. 

Traversing some of the biggest questions on an intimate and captivating level, Enlightenment will stay with you long after closing the final page.

The event offers a chance to hear Perry discuss her creative process, read excerpts from "Enlightenment," and participate in a Q&A session.

Purchase your ticket and optional dinner .

These events promise a thought-provoking exploration of literature and science, set against the backdrop of the Summer Solstice at Jodrell Bank. Tickets are available for both events, with a discounted rate available for the ‘An Evening With Sarah Perry’ event if attending both events.

These events are part of Creative 91ֱ’s ‘Solstice and Equinox series’, a series of events which brings innovative creative artists to The University of Manchester’s four Cultural Institutions. 

Each of our unique cultural institutions – the Whitworth, the John Rylands Research Institute and Library, 91ֱ Museum and Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre – focus on building civic, national and international partnerships to advance the social, environmental and individual wellbeing of our communities.

Fri, 10 May 2024 17:35:04 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/25b15e86-21f2-4c14-9625-d414b0a54cd6/500_creativemanchestersolsticeandequinoxjune2024.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/25b15e86-21f2-4c14-9625-d414b0a54cd6/creativemanchestersolsticeandequinoxjune2024.jpg?10000
Jazz artist leads ‘Music and Migration’ workshops in 91ֱ schools /about/news/jazz-artist-leads-music-and-migration-workshops-in-manchester-schools/ /about/news/jazz-artist-leads-music-and-migration-workshops-in-manchester-schools/629671

Grammy award-winning jazz percussionist and Simon Industrial Fellow Carlos Maldonado recently ran workshops for year 6 classes in two local primary schools.

Pupils from Stanley Grove Primary Academy and Abraham Moss Community School had the opportunity to learn about the origins and traditions of jazz, including an introduction to jazz instruments and how to recognise styles and music from Latin America. The workshops also saw the children experience jazz first-hand, with a live performance from Carlos and the chance for pupils to perform and improvise using traditional instruments such as Maracas, Guido, Claves, Cowbell as well as different drums such as the Bongo drums and Cajón. 

The pupils asked great questions about Carlos’ awards, being a professional musician and his favourite instruments and percussion sounds. They described the workshop as ‘Amazing,’ ‘Fun’ and ‘Unique,’ with teachers commenting on how well the session aligned with their music curriculum and how it engaged and inspired pupils who would typically not engage. 

Watch the video below to see highlights of Carlos’ visit to Abraham Moss Community School:

Carlos has also performed with The University of Manchester’s jazz ensemble. Watch the video here:

Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:46:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/f96260a9-d1b0-4550-bcc2-c3b4f9264bc7/500_screenshot2024-04-24at09.38.20.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/f96260a9-d1b0-4550-bcc2-c3b4f9264bc7/screenshot2024-04-24at09.38.20.png?10000
Turner Prize-winning artist Jeremy Deller to close inaugural PeopleFest conference /about/news/turner-prize-winning-artist-jeremy-deller-to-close-inaugural-peoplefest-conference/ /about/news/turner-prize-winning-artist-jeremy-deller-to-close-inaugural-peoplefest-conference/626828This in-conversation event with Jeremy Deller will explore some of his public collaborations and highlight connections between art and anthropology. The event is presented by Creative 91ֱ and the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology.

To close the inaugural People Fest conference from 5-7 April, the and proudly present '', a free event featuring in conversation with Dr Rupert Cox.

The event will highlight some of Jeremy’s films and collaborations. Dr Katie Smith and students from Social Anthropology at The University of Manchester will ask how his playful explorations of British identity might connect to themes in anthropological research. The discussion promises to be an engaging exploration of Deller's impactful work within the context of contemporary British culture and societal discourse surrounding it.

Jeremy Deller, renowned for his thought-provoking installations, films, and conceptual art, will offer unique insights into his artistic practice, which often navigates the intersections of history, popular culture, and societal issues. We are looking forward to hearing him share his perspectives on creativity, activism, and the role of art in shaping our understanding of the world.

Organized as part of the inaugural , this event underscores the commitment of the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology and Creative 91ֱ to fostering interdisciplinary discussions and celebrating by bringing Jeremy Deller to the festival, attendees will have the opportunity to learn from one of the most influential voices in contemporary art.

Registrations for 'Jeremy Deller in Conversation' are open now, and everyone is welcome to attend. to secure your spot.

Event details:

Date: Sunday, April 7, 3.30 pm-5 pm, followed by a drinks reception
Location: , M1 5BY 

Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:48:55 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/9ff08e67-8569-4353-825b-77b6dccd5a73/500_jeremydellernewspiece.jpg.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/9ff08e67-8569-4353-825b-77b6dccd5a73/jeremydellernewspiece.jpg.jpg?10000
Nat Ogle and Victoria Adukwei Bulley named Centre for New Writing 2024 Burgess Fellows /about/news/nat-ogle-and-victoria-adukwei-bulley-named-centre-for-new-writing-2024-burgess-fellows/ /about/news/nat-ogle-and-victoria-adukwei-bulley-named-centre-for-new-writing-2024-burgess-fellows/625798The Centre for New Writing has unveiled its 2024 Burgess Fellows as authors Nat Ogle and Victoria Adukwei Bulley. Both writers join the Centre, based in the University of Manchester.

The Burgess Fellowships introduce two new, published writers to each year’s new Creative Writing Masters programme at the Centre.

In their role as Writer Fellows, Nat and Victoria read work-in-progress by the MA Creative Writing cohort, and by undergraduate students enrolled on the BA English Literature with Creative Writing, offering feedback and editorial guidance. 

The Fellows make a significant contribution to the Centre for New Writing’s policy to introduce a range of mentors for students and to increase awareness of the practical elements of the publishing industry, as students will work with writers who are publishing new work during their Fellowship.

About the 2024 Burgess Fellows

Nat Ogle is the author of In the Seeing Hands of Others, a novel. He has a PhD in Creative Writing from The University of Manchester. His work was shortlisted for The White Review Poet's Prize in 2021. He grew up in Darlington, County Durham, and lives in London. He works in bookselling.

Victoria Adukwei Bulley is a poet, writer, and artist whose work has appeared widely in publications including the London Review of Books, LitHub, and The Atlantic. She is the winner of an Eric Gregory Award, and her critically acclaimed debut poetry book, Quiet, won the Folio Prize for Poetry, the John Pollard International Poetry Prize, and was shortlisted for the T. S. Eliot Prize. Quiet is published by Faber in the UK and in North America by Alfred A. Knopf.

The Burgess Fellows are such a striking addition to the Centre for New Writing every year. They are generally writers at an early stage of their careers, whose prose and poetry is already causing a stir in the publishing world, and they form a vital bridge between the Creative Writing students and the established writers who make up the staff of the Centre. Nat and Victoria are both such daring and dynamic writers – simultaneously pushing formal boundaries and tackling challenging issues around care, justice and structural racism (to name just a few). It’s a pleasure to have them with us through the Spring semester.]]> Tue, 26 Mar 2024 15:45:47 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/23d034d6-df61-4d95-903d-a72289e5c679/500_natandvictoria002.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/23d034d6-df61-4d95-903d-a72289e5c679/natandvictoria002.jpg?10000
Lemn Sissay OBE returns as judge for the 2024 Micropoetry Competition /about/news/lemn-sissay-obe-returns-as-judge-for-the-2024-micropoetry-competition/ /about/news/lemn-sissay-obe-returns-as-judge-for-the-2024-micropoetry-competition/625299Esteemed poet and former Chancellor of the University of Manchester, Lemn Sissay OBE, has been unveiled as a judge in this year’s Micropoetry competition.As the honorary chair of creative writing, Lemn will be one of four judges considering entries around this year’s theme which is ‘200 years of creativity: 91ֱ’s past, present or future’

The other panel members include:

  • Director of Creative 91ֱ and Professor of Poetry, ;
  •  Writer, illustrator and opera-maker, Dr Rebecca Hurst, who was commissioned to write a poem celebrating the University’s 2024 bicentennial year;
  • 91ֱ-based poet and critic, Maryam Hessavi.

Participants are invited to write a micropoem, of no more than 280 characters, and submit via email or on X (formerly Twitter) using the hashtag #micropoem24. Submissions are open to anybody and can explore Greater 91ֱ’s industrial past, dive into the modern-day city and everything it has to offer, or even imagine its blossoming future.

Lemn said: “The University of Manchester’s micropoetry competition sets the challenging task of translating a theme into a short, tweet-like form. It’s a craft to tell a story in such a manner and I’m looking forward to reading the 2024 entries, centred around the chosen theme. As someone who published a book of tweets in the form of quatrains, I urge you to pen your poem and enter our micropoetry competition.”

Entries must be submitted by Wednesday, 10 April 2024, with winners to be announced Friday, 17 May.

Prizes will be awarded for first place (£500) and the two runners-up (£250), with a £25 book token for winner of the under-18s category. Authors of the top three micropoems and the winner of the under-18 category will also be invited to attend the University of Manchester’s Community Festival on Saturday 8 June 2024.

Find out more and try your hand at the #micropoem24 competition at .

Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:21:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/e420358b-7077-4cc2-8c40-da4f3b201ad4/500_lemncraigsugden.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/e420358b-7077-4cc2-8c40-da4f3b201ad4/lemncraigsugden.jpg?10000
Oscars history for late 91ֱ Professor Martin Amis /about/news/oscars-history-for-late-manchester-professor-martin-amis/ /about/news/oscars-history-for-late-manchester-professor-martin-amis/623735The Zone of Interest, based on the novel penned by late University of Manchester creative writing Professor Martin Amis, made Oscars history as the first British film to land ‘Best International Film’.

The Zone of Interest, based on the novel penned by late University of Manchester creative writing Professor Martin Amis, made Oscars history as the first British film to land ‘Best International Film’.

Filmed in the German language, the movie is a UK/Poland co-production directed by Jonathan Glazer which deals with the day-to-day life of Nazi Commandant Rudolf Höss and his wife Hedwig as they go about building their dream home next to Auschwitz. The film also picked up the award for ‘Best Sound’, upsetting favourites ‘Oppenheimer’ to the title.

Amis joined the Centre for New Writing in 2007 to take up his first teaching post at The University of Manchester. 

Famous for a series of novels including his London Trilogy, Martin was highlighted by The Times as one of the 50 greatest British novelists of the late 20th Century. He stepped aside from his teaching post in 2011. Martin passed away from cancer in May 2023 aged 73.

Ѳپ’s The Zone of Interest was published in 2014 and was Ѳپ’s fourteenth novel to be published. The Oscar-winning film of the same name is a loose adaptation of the novel.

Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:58:52 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/cb486e42-9441-4f5c-8b84-6c600093e3fe/500_amis1.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/cb486e42-9441-4f5c-8b84-6c600093e3fe/amis1.jpg?10000
University and BBC co-create exciting Religions and Theology learning tool /about/news/religions-and-theology-learning-tool/ /about/news/religions-and-theology-learning-tool/623683A team of academics from the at The University of Manchester have created ‘’, a new learning resource for A Level students, with the support of the BBC Beyond Belief team.

A team of academics from the at The University of Manchester have created ‘’, a new learning resource for A Level students, with the support of the BBC Beyond Belief team.

The resource has been conceived to support students in schools and colleges to access a collection of innovative research produced by researchers at the University and the rich resource that is the . Designed for students studying Religion, Ethics and Philosophy at A Level, the resource is a collaboration between academics from the Religions and Theology Department and the team behind BBC Radio 4’s ‘Beyond Belief’ programme. 

“It’s an exciting and unique way to learn about Religions and Theology,” said , senior lecturer in Bible, Gender and Culture at The University of Manchester, who has co-ordinated the development of the resource. “Initial discussions about the resource began when I was invited to take part in a beyond belief episode on femininity and religion by the producer at the time, Amanda Hancox. 

“It was after the recording when we began to chat more about the history of Beyond Belief, and the amazing archive of episodes. The more we spoke, the more we felt there was potential for a collaboration between me and my colleagues at The University of Manchester and the team at Beyond Belief, with a focus of opening up the Beyond Belief archive and University of Manchester research to young people interested in studying religion, theology, and ethics, especially A Level students.”

The Going Beyond Belief resource has unique contributions from of university academics with a range of specialisms including Christian theology, Jewish studies, Islamic studies and Biblical Studies, as well as expertise in understanding the complex relationships between religion(s) and philosophy, science, and textual studies, and explorations of highly contemporary issues such environment, sexuality, gender, race relations, and artificial intelligence. 

The webpages are dedicated to supporting students learn more about this research and how it can enrich their own studies. It’s a guide that takes visitors through a range of fascinating topics that also connect the RS A level, offering students a way to  support their learning with the help of the world-leading Beyond Belief radio series and produced at The University of Manchester. 

The team behind the resource hope to inspire the next generation of religions and theology researchers and academics by highlighting to students how important, powerful, and potentially world-changing studying religion can be. 

The design process was collaborative and creative, as the teams involved worked with A level exam board providers, teachers, students to ensure the resource was designed in such a way that it could be both an engaging and exciting source of research on some key issues in the study of religions, ethics and philosophy today, but also valuable for A level work. 

"The resource is a judicious blend of explanation and discussion prompts,” said Richard Barrow, OCR Religious Studies Subject Advisor. “The layout works very nicely, and the links to podcast snippets are great. I could see it working very well either in the classroom or out of the classroom.”

The resource is designed to encourage students to feel empowered to make connections between what is being studied in the classroom and the wider world today, both in terms of major events taking place on the world stage but also lived day-to-day experiences. 

Research and teaching staff at The University of Manchester hosted an in-person launch of the resource with members of the Beyond Belief team: Tim Pemberton - Head of Religion & Ethics, BBC Audio North, Ruth Purser – Beyond Belief Assistant Producer, Dan Tierney – Content Editor for BBC Audio North, Amanda Hancox – former Beyond Belief editor. The event was attended by 60 students from six colleges, who enjoyed an introduction to the learning resource from and Dr Holly Morse, an interactive session trying out our pages on Roboethics with . The students also experienced a careers talk and a reception from the Religions and Theology Department. 

Tue, 12 Mar 2024 12:50:35 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/b929f1ff-5a76-46fe-bcf1-9367fa461fee/500_beyond-belief-podcast-1.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/b929f1ff-5a76-46fe-bcf1-9367fa461fee/beyond-belief-podcast-1.jpg?10000
Creative 91ֱ partnered with 91ֱ Literature Festival and Centre for New Writing for; ‘Bernie Sanders in Conversation with Gary Younge’ /about/news/bernie-sanders-in-conversation-with-gary-younge/ /about/news/bernie-sanders-in-conversation-with-gary-younge/623066

Creative 91ֱ were pleased to partner with , and , for ‘Bernie Sanders in Conversation with Gary Younge’ at theatre on Sunday, 18 February 2024. 

This event discussed Senator Sanders’ new book, the New York Times and Sunday Times Bestseller ‘It’s Okay to Be Angry About Capitalism’.

Senator Sanders, who is an American politician and activist from Vermont and the longest serving independent member in US congressional history, was interviewed by Professor Gary Younge, the award-winning author, broadcaster, and Professor of Sociology here at the University of Manchester.

Sanders and Younge touched on issues in both the UK and US such as the wealth gap, healthcare, the climate crisis, childcare and many more, all in the name of envisioning an alternative path forward where the ‘system is no longer rigged against ordinary people’.

Senator Sanders asked how we can accept an economic order that allows three billionaires to control more wealth than the bottom half of our society. 

He also highlighted the failures of the US political system that allows the super-rich to buy elections and politicians and calls for a change to the energy system that rewards the fossil fuel corporations. 

By calling for fundamental economic and political change in his conversation with Gary Younge he provided useful insights into his book and career, which made for an interesting and engaging event.

Wed, 06 Mar 2024 17:24:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/38c5782a-d127-4ee3-be82-23dd1bb193c8/500_berniesandersinconversationwithgaryyounge.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/38c5782a-d127-4ee3-be82-23dd1bb193c8/berniesandersinconversationwithgaryyounge.jpg?10000
A glorious celebration of Sudan: See Mohand & Peter live at the Martin Harris Centre /about/news/mohand--peter-live-at-the-martin-harris-centre/ /about/news/mohand--peter-live-at-the-martin-harris-centre/622352A backflip in time, a quick hop back home, with humour and visual poetry, Mohand & Peter will take you on a road trip through Sudan in a special performance at the Martin Harris Centre this March.

Staged by theatre company PSYCHEdelight, Mohand & Peter is a play celebrating refugees' home countries and cross-cultural friendships. 

It’s a thought-provoking production that focuses on promoting social inclusion and diversity.

Sophie Bertrand Besse, Director of PSYCHEdelight theatre company, said:

When and where

It takes place on Thursday, 7 March at the Martin Harris Centre (behind 91ֱ Museum) with doors opening at 7.30pm.

Buying your ticket and a ‘Pay it Forward’ ticket option

We’re offering a unique ticket option for this performance that allows full paying guests the option to purchase a ‘Pay it Forward’ ticket to their booking.

The ‘Pay it Forward’ ticket is to allow people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend the show, the opportunity to secure a seat at the play.

  • Visit our for more information and how to purchase your ticket for Mohand & Peter.
  • Read more about Mohand & Peter on their website .
Thu, 29 Feb 2024 15:17:01 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/843331d7-84f2-4798-90ec-498a334d5ede/500_mohandandpeter.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/843331d7-84f2-4798-90ec-498a334d5ede/mohandandpeter.jpg?10000
CNW’s Tim Price unveils new play at National Theatre /about/news/cnws-tim-price-unveils-new-play-at-national-theatre/ /about/news/cnws-tim-price-unveils-new-play-at-national-theatre/621796Centre for New Writing’s Tim Price opens his new play, ‘Nye’, this February at the National Theatre.

Screenwriter and playwright Tim Price unveils his new play at the National Theatre, with doors opening this February.

Titled 'Nye', it follows one man’s dream of the NHS. Starting tomorrow on Saturday, 24 February, it runs until Saturday, 11 May.

Tim joined the Centre for New Writing in 2015 and teaches on our Screenwriting MA.

Here's an extract from the National Theatre website all about 'Nye':

From campaigning at the coalfield to leading the battle to create the NHS, Aneurin ‘Nye’ Bevan is often referred to as the politician with greatest influence on our country without ever being Prime Minister.

Confronted with death, Nye’s deepest memories lead him on a mind-bending journey back through his life; from childhood to mining underground, Parliament and fights with Churchill in an epic Welsh fantasia.

Michael Sheen (Under Milk Wood) is Nye Bevan in this surreal and spectacular journey through the life and legacy of the man who transformed Britain’s welfare state. It’s written by Tim Price (Teh Internet is Serious Business) and directed by Rufus Norris (Small Island).

When asked about the upcoming play, Tim said:

Discover more about ‘Nye’ and .

Fri, 23 Feb 2024 16:45:02 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/ae5092d2-c5f5-4729-bda1-4c1cf0df6b36/500_michaelsheen.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/ae5092d2-c5f5-4729-bda1-4c1cf0df6b36/michaelsheen.jpg?10000
International Mother Language Day 2024: Museum trail, etymology workshop and comic arts conference /about/news/international-mother-language-day-2024-museum-trail-etymology-workshop-and-comic-arts-conference/ /about/news/international-mother-language-day-2024-museum-trail-etymology-workshop-and-comic-arts-conference/621752 2024 took place last week on 21 February, with an inspiring programme of local celebrations presented by and their partners.

This year was the 8th International Mother Language Day observed in 91ֱ, a celebration of the cultural diversity and the near 200 languages spoken across the city.

collaborated with partners and colleagues to present a series of events to mark the occasion.

In partnership with the and , a workshop and language themed trail offered visitors of all ages a chance to learn about and celebrate languages and multilingualism. The ‘Language of Life’ workshop, led by Dr Nick Weise and Dr Tine Breban, explored the origins of scientific vocabulary and where the terms we use for chemicals in the body come from. 

The ‘Looking for Languages’ trail gave families the chance to explore 91ֱ Museum’s exhibits while thinking about languages along the way. Children who took part commented, ‘I enjoyed it because I learned so many different things,’ ‘It was so good,’ and ‘It was fun exploring.’

In partnership with The University of Manchester and colleagues at hosted the annual ‘Comics Up Close’ conference, this year with the theme ‘Origin Stories’ and featuring keynote speakers Dave Gibbons, Steven Appleby and Karrie Fransman. An exhibition, ‘Collectives for Change’, featuring comics from the Arab world, ran alongside the conference. 

This exhibition is also currently hosted at The University of Manchester, in the Samuel Alexander Building’s glass corridor exhibition space, until Friday, 15 March 2024.

To find out more about International Mother Language day and the local celebrations, visit the .

Fri, 23 Feb 2024 13:57:41 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/4232d61d-0b51-4739-a845-c9c7894c3005/500_internationalmotherlanguageday20241.jpeg?58368 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/4232d61d-0b51-4739-a845-c9c7894c3005/internationalmotherlanguageday20241.jpeg?58368
BBC Radio 4 to broadcast 91ֱ charity appeal from Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien /about/news/bbc-radio-4-to-broadcast-manchester-charity-appeal/ /about/news/bbc-radio-4-to-broadcast-manchester-charity-appeal/619676BBC Radio 4 will broadcast an appeal on behalf of Manchester-based music charity In Place of War from Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien this weekend.

BBC Radio 4 will broadcast an appeal on behalf of Manchester-based music charity In Place of War from Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien this weekend.

In Place of War began in 2004 as a research project by The University of Manchester’s Professor James Thompson which examined the role of arts in places of conflict. It has grown into a global organisation that uses music as a tool for positive social change in areas affected by warfare in 30 countries.

The charity will broadcast the appeal for donations on BBC Radio 4 on Sunday 4th February. Supporters of the charity have committed to match funding donations raised by the appeal to a total of £7,000.

“The Appeal is a unique opportunity for us to reach a huge audience and to bring in donations for our #HackMusic Catalyst Fund initiative,” said the charity’s CEO and Artistic Director, Ruth Daniel. “This campaign supports the development of grassroots music projects in places affected by conflict, where music is used to bring communities together. These projects offer a tangible alternative to violence, provide a platform to marginalised voices, and empower those wanting to create lasting change to use creativity to transform a culture of conflict and suffering into hope, opportunity and freedom."

In Place of War selects projects to receive the #HackMusic Catalyst Fund from its network of more than 130 change-maker partner organisations, where music is used to impact positive social change. Recipients of the Catalyst Fund are chosen via an application and judging process, and the successful organisations are supported with a seed funding grant of £3,000.

This is boosted by the guidance of a carefully selected mentor from the international music industry, matched to the requirements of the local change-maker team running the project on the ground. Music manufacturer partners including Ableton, Native Instruments, Pioneer DJ and Roland, offer additional support in resourcing through equipment donations. 

Current recipients of the Fund include an organisation using music and theatre to rehabilitate former ISIS members in Lebanon; an organisation working to protect the culture of indigenous communities in the Peruvian-Colombian border area affected by climate change; and an organisation using music to provide an alternative to gang violence in Colombia.

Tune in to BBC Radio 4 at these times to hear the appeal:

Sunday 4th February at 07:54 and 21:25
Thursday 8th February at 15:27

See the for further details.

Fri, 02 Feb 2024 15:25:29 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/c8466e50-889d-4c48-8ae2-1afeb3c78815/500_edobrien.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/c8466e50-889d-4c48-8ae2-1afeb3c78815/edobrien.jpg?10000
Celebrating International Mother Language Day 2024 /about/news/celebrating-international-mother-language-day-2024/ /about/news/celebrating-international-mother-language-day-2024/618909 is delighted to present a number of events celebrating 2024, in partnership with .

This year will be the 8th International Mother Language Day observed in 91ֱ, a celebration of the cultural diversity and the near 200 languages spoken across the city.

Creative 91ֱ has coordinated with partners and colleagues from the , , and the to present events including:

  • Wednesday 21 February, all day - at Sheffield Hallam University
  • Wednesday 21 February, 1pm-2pm – at 91ֱ Museum
  • Wednesday 21 February, 1pm-4pm -

Running alongside the Comics Up Close conference at Sheffield Hallam University is the ‘Collectives for Change’ exhibition, showcasing the thriving new comic movement across the Arab world. 

We are delighted to also be hosting this exhibition here at The University of Manchester. 

You can view the exhibition in the Samuel Alexander Building glass corridor exhibition space, between 19 February-18 March 2024.

The full programme of IMLD 2024 events can be found on the website.

Fri, 26 Jan 2024 14:34:06 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/57acbade-309a-42cf-9909-eb5b1693e802/500_internationalmotherlanguageday2024eventbanner.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/57acbade-309a-42cf-9909-eb5b1693e802/internationalmotherlanguageday2024eventbanner.png?10000
Micropoetry Competition 2024 launches and marks University of Manchester’s 200th year /about/news/micropoetry-competition-2024-launches-and-marks-university-of-manchesters-200th-year/ /about/news/micropoetry-competition-2024-launches-and-marks-university-of-manchesters-200th-year/617485In 2024, The University of Manchester is marking its bicentenary. It’s a year to celebrate 200 years of learning, innovation and research. To mark our 200th year, our Micropoetry competition is back with esteemed poet and former Chancellor of the University, Lemn Sissay, returning to the judging panel for 2024.

The competition themed is ‘200 years of creativity: 91ֱ’s past, present or future’. Our theme focuses on 91ֱ, a city with a global reach that celebrates its connections across the world. Entries may be submitted between Wednesday, 17 January 2024 and Wednesday, 10 April 2024.

Participants are invited to write a micropoem, in no more than 280 characters, and include the hashtag #micropoem24. Let your imagination lead your discovery and creativity: your micropoem might explore Greater 91ֱ’s industrial past, or dive into the modern-day 91ֱ and everything it has to offer. As a pioneer in word-leading research for two centuries, we are sure there’s more to come, so maybe pen something you see in 91ֱ’s future.

The launch of this year’s competition also marks the University of Manchester’s ‘Light Up’ event that signals the start of our bicentennial activity for 2024.

We are asking you to send us short poems by Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Try your hand in our #micropoem24 competition! 

For the full entry details as well as the terms and conditions, visit the .

Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:15:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/f4ec7cd0-db95-4666-b7e0-70aea88df516/500_micropoetrycompetition2024launchesandmarksuniversityofmanchesterrsquos200thyear.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/f4ec7cd0-db95-4666-b7e0-70aea88df516/micropoetrycompetition2024launchesandmarksuniversityofmanchesterrsquos200thyear.jpg?10000
91ֱ poet wins prestigious TS Eliot Prize /about/news/manchester-poet-wins-prestigious-ts-eliot-prize/ /about/news/manchester-poet-wins-prestigious-ts-eliot-prize/617334The University of Manchester's Jason Allen-Paisant has been named the winner of the UK’s most prestigious poetry award, the TS Eliot Prize.

The University of Manchester's has been named the winner of the UK’s most prestigious poetry award, the TS Eliot Prize.

Jason's collection Self-Portrait As Othello explores Black masculinity and immigrant identity. The Jamaican poet, who is a Senior Lecturer in Critical Theory & Creative Writing at the University's Centre for New Writing, was announced as this year’s winner during last night's ceremony at the Wallace Collection in London.

“Self-Portrait As Othello is a book with large ambitions that are met with great imaginative capacity, freshness and technical flair,” said the judging panel, made up of the poets Paul Muldoon, Sasha Dugdale and Denise Saul.

The award follows on from Jason winning the Forward Prize for Best Collection last October, and the book has also since been shortlisted for the Writers’ Prize.

The TS Eliot Prize shortlist also featured Centre for New Writing graduate Joe Carrick-Varty, who was recognised for his debut collection, More Sky.

Jason’s collection is published by 91ֱ-based Carcanet Press, a publisher with a long association with the University, through the John Rylands Research Institute Library, and is run by and , who also teach at the Centre for New Writing.

His first collection, Thinking With Trees, was . His non-fiction book, Scanning the Bush, will be published later this year.

Tue, 16 Jan 2024 15:50:53 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/75ba40a6-23e8-4f7e-b051-6c3074f76069/500_jason1-2.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/75ba40a6-23e8-4f7e-b051-6c3074f76069/jason1-2.jpg?10000
Solstice and Equinox series continues with Jeanette Winterson CBE and Alice Oswald /about/news/solstice-and-equinox-series-continues-with-jeanette-winterson-cbe-and-alice-oswald/ /about/news/solstice-and-equinox-series-continues-with-jeanette-winterson-cbe-and-alice-oswald/607665Due to unforeseen circumstances, the event with Alice Oswald has been cancelled. Jodrell Bank will be in touch with those who have made bookings in due course. 

We expect to bring you an Evening with Alice Oswald again in 2024. 

The ‘Solstice and Equinox’ series of events, presented by the Research Platform, continues this December with appearances from two high-profile writers in two of the University’s finest cultural institutions.

Award-winning writer, acclaimed author and Professor of New Writing at The University of Manchester, Jeanette Winterson returns to the John Rylands Research Institute and Library on Thursday, 14 December to share her latest chilling collection - Night Side of the River: Ghost Stories.

Ghost stories told at Christmas is a long-held tradition and a popular Victorian pastime, with families sharing spine-tingling tales around a cosy fireplace as the nights lengthened and winter settled in.

While our lives have become digital, exposed and always on, ghosts have been finding new ways to connect to us, to reach us, to haunt us.

Approaching the darkest day of the year and in the atmospheric setting of the Grade-I listed, neo-Gothic library, Jeanette will read from her new collection, talk with poet and Creative 91ֱ Director, Professor John McAuliffe about her work and share some of her real-life encounters with the occult. Entertaining, passionate and highly knowledgeable, Jeanette’s events are not to be missed.

On Sunday, 17 December, prize-winning poet Alice Oswald will read her work at Jodrell Bank as part of its .

Alice Oswald studied Classics at Oxford and then trained as a gardener. She worked in gardens for seven years before publishing her first book of poems, THE THING IN THE GAP-STONE STILE, which won the Forward Prize in 1996. Since then, Alice has released eight highly acclaimed collections for which she has won several awards and prizes.

Jodrell Bank is the perfect place to get into the midwinter mood as the site is transformed to celebrate the Winter Solstice.

’s ‘Solstice and Equinox’ series of events brings innovative creative artists to The University of Manchester’s four Cultural Institutions. Each of our unique cultural institutions – , the , and – focus on building civic, national and international partnerships to advance the social, environmental and individual wellbeing of our communities.

These festive literary evenings are open to all and available to book now:

  • Book for Jeanette Winterson, 14 December
  • Buy for Alice Oswald, 17 December
Fri, 17 Nov 2023 14:48:11 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/e5d691a7-0762-416c-84c6-4e5da34a306b/500_creativemanchestersolsticeandequinox14december2023.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/e5d691a7-0762-416c-84c6-4e5da34a306b/creativemanchestersolsticeandequinox14december2023.jpg?10000
Influencing perception: How can video games shape our understanding of historical events? /about/news/influencing-perception-how-can-video-games-shape-our-understanding-of-historical-events/ /about/news/influencing-perception-how-can-video-games-shape-our-understanding-of-historical-events/605817Dr Nicky Nielsen, an Egyptology academic in the School of Arts, Languages and Culture, recently joined YouTuber and Twitch streamer ‘lionheartx10’ as part of the publicity surrounding the launch of gaming giant SEGA’s launch of Total War: Pharoah.

It’s an industry with an estimated 2.5 billion global players with games played on consoles, mobile devices and VR headsets. How can video games be a tool that offers educational benefits to this worldwide audience?

Following on from the livestream event, Dr Nielsen gave an insight into how video game representation of history can enhance public understanding in an engaging and educational way.

Dr Nielsen said:

The open-world format of such games gives the gamer the opportunity to play the game in a different way to others, interpreting different elements as they play through. How historical accuracy be maintained when creating a game to be played in the modern day continues to be challenge for historians.

Dr Nielsen added:

This billion-dollar, multi-billion player industry has a significant capability to influence historical understanding whilst tackling the need for a clear, in-game structure that can begin to question some of those accuracies. Overall, video games can be a helpful tool in understanding history but there is a challenge in sometimes telling the difference between the real and virtual worlds.

Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:30:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/ea632f49-e375-45fa-9430-fd4b53e2f98c/500_livestreamfornickypiece.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/ea632f49-e375-45fa-9430-fd4b53e2f98c/livestreamfornickypiece.jpg?10000
Albrecht Dürer’s material world at the Whitworth /about/news/albrecht-duerers-material-world-at-the-whitworth/ /about/news/albrecht-duerers-material-world-at-the-whitworth/605454

Art History’s Edward Wouk, together with Professors Sasha Handley and Stefan Hanß, both of History, have co-curated the landmark exhibition at the Whitworth (30 June 2023-10 March 2024), together Whitworth Curator (Historic Fine Art) Imogen Holmes Roe, and an international team of researchers based in 91ֱ, Melbourne, and Europe.

The exhibition, which developed out of a major research project funded by the , reconsiders how a changing Renaissance material world, characterised by increasing globalisation, sparked artistic creativity and major innovations in the production of art and craft in Dürer’s native Nuremberg and beyond.

Generous support from the Getty Foundation’s initiative and other funders underwrote costs associated with conservation, loans from major UK and European partners, and the innovative display of close to one hundred works, bringing visitors face to face with the Whitworth’s outstanding Dürer collection for the first time in over half a century.

Nicholas Wroe, writing in , praises the exhibition as a show of ‘both familiarity and wonder’. ‘It's almost disturbing to see so many of his great printed pictures’, states in another stellar review in The Guardian, praising the balance of between the Whitworth’s ‘selection of some of his greatest prints, with excellent loans’. 

Jones concludes that this exhibition is ‘a mesmerising encounter with an artist so far from us in time, yet so shockingly close’—'the prince of prints’, as Richard Holledge puts it in his exhibition review in . In , Desmond Bullen applauds this ‘magnificent new retrospective’: ‘Beautifully considered, every minute of the five years’ research underpinning the composition of this enthralling exhibition is manifest in its Dürer-like attention to detail’.

Wouk, together with Jennifer Spinks, edited the accompanying , published by 91ֱ University Press.

Mon, 06 Nov 2023 10:21:33 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/1340d9f3-8e2d-4aaa-ba81-77ff894b0a8d/500_albrechtduumlrer039smaterialworld.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/1340d9f3-8e2d-4aaa-ba81-77ff894b0a8d/albrechtduumlrer039smaterialworld.jpg?10000
Black Fell: Combining gaming and opera for a compelling effect /about/news/black-fell-combining-gaming-and-opera-for-a-compelling-effect/ /about/news/black-fell-combining-gaming-and-opera-for-a-compelling-effect/605309University of Manchester’s Senior Lecturer Frances Leviston is launching a new, online interactive digital opera in partnership with Martin Suckling, Head of Music at the University of York.

Inspired by visits to the Kielder Observatory in Northumberland, Black Fell is a game-for-music, a story in song where a psychological landscape of memory, grief and scientific passion unfolds. 

The story explores the thoughts of a central female character, an astronomer, on a cloudy night. Without the use of her telescopes, she turns inwards, where a psychological landscape of memories and scientific passions unfolds.

Funded by DC Labs, the co-creation of the research practice artefact brought musical development, led by Martin, together with Frances who shaped the poetry narrative. Hailed as a new approach to music, Black Fell is designed to bring a gaming-feel to opera storytelling.

Martin Suckling, Head of Music at University of York said:

How does Black Fell work?

Players are situated within a virtual ‘orchestra’ where they can freely move. Where you are positioned gives a unique balance of audio elements coupled with a variation of type of music. This shapes the direction the story takes. Audiences navigate by ear alone, or with the optional aid of a virtual ‘forest’ which provides visual feedback on their movements. Black Fell is designed for solo listening with headphones and is best played using a desktop PC or laptop. The full story only emerges over several iterations and responds to the listener’s choices as to how they move.

Frances Leviston, Senior Lecturer in Centre for New Writing at the University of Manchester said:

Black Fell is available from Friday 3 November 2023 on the . The piece is performed by Loré Lixenberg (voice) and Jonathan Morton (violin), with software development by Marco Ng.

Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:47:13 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/218b8ccb-f15f-42cd-b5e3-0b05f7f7cc64/500_kielderobservatoryinnorthumberlandatnight.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/218b8ccb-f15f-42cd-b5e3-0b05f7f7cc64/kielderobservatoryinnorthumberlandatnight.jpg?10000
Factory International celebrates opening of new home, Aviva Studios, with an electrifying performance of Danny Boyle’s 'Free Your Mind' /about/news/factory-international-celebrates-opening-of-new-home-aviva-studios-with-an-electrifying-performance-of-danny-boyles-free-your-mind/ /about/news/factory-international-celebrates-opening-of-new-home-aviva-studios-with-an-electrifying-performance-of-danny-boyles-free-your-mind/603377The opening of Aviva Studios was celebrated with a spectacular inaugural performance of Danny Boyle’s 'Free Your Mind’, a modern-day adaptation of the 1999 film ‘The Matrix’.On Wednesday, 18 October 2023, Factory International’s new home Aviva Studios opened its doors, an incredibly exciting addition to 91ֱ's vibrant arts scene. The opening was celebrated with a spectacular inaugural performance of Danny Boyle’s 'Free Your Mind’, a modern-day adaptation of the 1999 film ‘The Matrix’.

Aviva Studios, nestled within the heart of Manchester, is set to be a beacon of creativity and innovation for aspiring artists and performers. The University of Manchester is proud to be a Senior Supporter of Factory International, producers of the 91ֱ International Festival, who have found a new home in the highly anticipated, multi-purpose arts venue.

'Free Your Mind' is directed by Danny Boyle, renowned for the cult film ‘Trainspotting’ as well as the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics. The play pushes the boundaries of performance art, combining theatre, dance, music, and technology, with a nod to Mancunian computer scientist Alan Turing.

The University of Manchester provided a dedicated rehearsal space within the Sackville Street building for the ‘Free Your Mind’ ensemble to practise and develop the show. Through the longstanding partnership, spanning over a decade, University of Manchester students have the opportunity to engage in placements, internships, and group research projects with Factory International, and much more.

'Free Your Mind' is a taste of the opportunities Factory International’s programming can bring to a modern and ambitious venue such as Aviva Studios.

'Free Your Mind' will be running at Aviva Studios until Sunday, 5 November 2023, so be sure to book your tickets before they’re gone via .

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 13:04:57 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/af3ccac7-9426-4199-b73e-cf8e3b4bbace/500_freeyourmind-rehearsals-14-09-23-sackvillestreetbuilding-4924-credittristramkenton.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/af3ccac7-9426-4199-b73e-cf8e3b4bbace/freeyourmind-rehearsals-14-09-23-sackvillestreetbuilding-4924-credittristramkenton.jpg?10000
University of Manchester academics named UKRI Policy Fellowships /about/news/university-of-manchester-academics-named-ukri-policy-fellowships/ /about/news/university-of-manchester-academics-named-ukri-policy-fellowships/603371

Four University of Manchester academics have received funding to work across several government departments as part of the programme.

Representing the Faculty of Humanities, the four academics have the aim of helping to fulfil the potential of research and expertise to inform and share effective public policy and its implementation. The four academics are:

From School of Arts, Languages and Cultures:

  • - Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
  • - Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)

From School of Environment, Education and Development:

  • – Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

From School of Social Sciences:

  • - Home Office, National Crime and Justice Lab

Collectively, they will be key in providing policymakers with access to evidence and expertise from a range of research and scientific disciplines. This will enable those policymakers to address major challenges facing the UK and to capitalise on future opportunities.

Professor Dave O’Brien said: 

"I'm delighted to be starting this fellowship at DCMS. Research on the creative workforce, particularly on the question of how to support a more diverse creative economy, is currently central to a range of academic work. I'm excited by the opportunity to share this work with policymakers. At the same time, it is a huge opportunity to learn more about the policy process and to better understand how research and policy can work together."

Dr Abi Gilmore said: 

“The policy fellowship with DCMS on cultural placemaking and levelling up is a fantastic opportunity to consolidate research on place-based policy and cultural infrastructure, whilst learning about how national policy is made and what evidence is required for decision-making. Academic research on creative places comes from a wide range of disciplines, from economics, geography and planning to social sciences; this fellowship is an excellent way to advance arts and humanities research approaches to policy questions which can have real impact, not just on policy but also on what works when putting arts and cultural at the foundation of placemaking strategies”.

The 2023 scheme is funded by:

  • Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
  • Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

This investment is part of a wider UKRI commitment to facilitate deeper and more enduring connections between researchers and policymakers.

Caglar Koksal, Research Associate and Lecturer in Planning said: 

“I am pleased to be joining the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on a fellowship focused on the relationship between urban development and health and wellbeing. Urban planning’s role in promoting health and addressing disparities is of paramount importance. With a rising emphasis on prevention, health creation, and the wider determinants of health in our national discourse, this fellowship offers a unique platform to delve deeper into these areas in collaboration with policy teams. I look forward to the opportunity to bridge academic insights with the nuances of policy-making and contribute to the evolving dialogue on how our built environment impacts our health.”

Dr Eon Kim, Lecturer in Criminology, said:

“I am excited to be selected for the Home Office, National Crime and Justice Lab. The fellowship offers me a valuable opportunity to collaborate with the Home Office’s Crime Strategy and Performance Unit on crime prevention initiatives. Working at the intersection of policy and data analytics, I look forward to contributing to evidence-based policy, and the future of crime reduction.”

The 2023 and 2021 cohorts will also connect, providing a network of active and alumni policy fellows which will grow further over the coming years, providing an ever-stronger connection between academia and policy.

Aligning in this way will enable the fellowships to contribute to achieving these shared goals, which all tackle large-scale, complex challenges, while giving the fellows access to a broad range of new UKRI research investments.

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 12:48:48 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3beb3b49-bc45-42da-a425-f0e2b2043ae5/500_ukresearchandinnovationukri.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3beb3b49-bc45-42da-a425-f0e2b2043ae5/ukresearchandinnovationukri.png?10000
Access to creative Higher Education remains ‘highly unequal’, says new research /about/news/access-to-creative-higher-education-remains-highly-unequal-says-new-research/ /about/news/access-to-creative-higher-education-remains-highly-unequal-says-new-research/602104A new report has found that the creative workforce is still dominated by graduates, with access to creative Higher Education remaining highly unequal.

A new report has found that the creative workforce is still dominated by graduates, with access to creative Higher Education remaining highly unequal.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Creative Diversity collaborated with The University of Manchester, King’s College London, University of the Arts London and the Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (Creative PEC), with support from YouTube and Paul Hamlyn Foundation, in order to understand the effectiveness of pathways to creative Higher Education.

The research found that the creative workforce is still dominated by graduates, there is huge inequality in gender, ethnicity, and social class in applications, offers, acceptances and employment outcomes on creative HE courses, and that apprenticeships are not working for the creative industries. The report looks at ways to support equity, diversity and inclusion in creative education, and identifies critical points for intervention to ensure that the UK’s creative industries can be inclusive and equitable.

Their research found that Higher Education Institutions and government policy interventions currently focus on encouraging underrepresented groups to apply to creative courses, instead of targeting institutional change. The experts advise that a more diverse creative economy will only develop if responsibility shifts back to the government and Higher Education Institutions, and makes key recommendations on how they can achieve this. 

The research project used Census 2021, Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) and Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) data, statistical analysis, roundtables with stakeholders, case studies and a major review of the global literature.

The report outlines a series of targeted recommendations – it calls for the government to embark on a complete revision of creative and cultural education provision (including significant reforms of creative education delivery within primary and secondary schools as well as local community provision), and for Higher Education Institutions to urgently reconsider the relationship between creative education and access to creative and cultural work. They say that for too long, the focus has been on encouraging people from underrepresented groups to apply without sufficient scrutiny of the barriers to entry.

"Our University is delighted to be part of the Creative Diversity APPG’s new research on creative education,” said Professor Fiona Devine, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at The University of Manchester. “Alongside our research on the subject, we are currently pioneering new approaches to creative education, including new BA and MA programmes in Creative and Cultural Industries and Digital Media, Culture and Society. As a result, the APPG’s work is important for 91ֱ’s approach to widening participation in creative education.”


“This APPG report’s findings illuminate not just the challenges but also the opportunities that lie ahead. The underrepresentation of individuals from global majority backgrounds, the clear class crisis, and gender disparities highlight an urgent call to action,” said Chi Onwurah MP, Co-Chair of the APPG for Creative Diversity. “This report critically sets out ‘What Works’ to begin building a more equitable creative education system for those aged 16+ and to dismantling the obstacles facing the next generation of creative talent. If we are to remain a creative nation, systemic change is not just necessary but absolutely vital.”

For more information on this report, visit

Mon, 23 Oct 2023 10:52:08 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/1fa75a15-d435-4fbe-b137-416678d44a4b/500_istock-1162566214.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/1fa75a15-d435-4fbe-b137-416678d44a4b/istock-1162566214.jpg?10000
Forward Prize top award for Centre for New Writing’s Jason Allen-Paisant /about/news/forward-prize-top-award-for-centre-for-new-writings-jason-allen-paisant/ /about/news/forward-prize-top-award-for-centre-for-new-writings-jason-allen-paisant/601652

Writer Jason Allen-Paisant has won the Best Collection award 2023 at the Forward Prize for Poetry.

The University of Manchester Senior Lecturer’s ‘Self-Portrait as Othello’ is a dazzling poetic memoir, which imaginatively places the figure of Othello in the urban landscapes of modern London, Paris and Venice, inventing the kinds of narrative he might tell about his intersecting identities. 

Allen-Paisant collected the Forward Prize for Best Collection on Monday night at an awards ceremony in Leeds hosted by Poet Laureate and 91ֱ graduate Simon Armitage.

John McAuliffe, Professor of Poetry and Director of Creative 91ֱ, said:

The news also celebrates the success of University of Manchester-affiliated Carcanet Press: ‘Self-Portrait as Othello’ is the Jamaican poet’s second book with Carcanet and has also been shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Prize 2023.

Chair of Judges for the Best Collections panel, Bernardine Evaristo said:

Tue, 17 Oct 2023 15:54:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/7de699b2-9053-454c-ad1b-fe1f6fba49ac/500_jasonallen-paisant.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/7de699b2-9053-454c-ad1b-fe1f6fba49ac/jasonallen-paisant.jpeg?10000
New research looks behind the scenes at social class in TV production /about/news/new-research-looks-behind-the-scenes-at-social-class-in-tv-production/ /about/news/new-research-looks-behind-the-scenes-at-social-class-in-tv-production/596330A team of experts has teamed up with the BBC, Channel 4 and Candour Productions to analyse the role of social class, both on screen and behind the scenes of TV production.

A team of experts has teamed up with the BBC, Channel 4 and Candour Productions to analyse the role of social class, both on screen and behind the scenes of TV production.

Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the broadcasters will work with the research team to support access to two drama productions, where the academics will analyse the series from production to reception.

The researchers will consider the backgrounds of people who produce TV, how social class is represented in each TV show, and how each series is understood by the public. They will also collaborate with , a Leeds-based, BAFTA-winning production company, to create a film based on the findings.

The ambitious new project, titled ‘What’s on? Rethinking class in television’, is the first of its kind to consider how inequalities such as race, gender and sexuality intersect with social class.

Led by Professor Beth Johnson from the University of Leeds’ School of Media and Communication, the research team – which includes Professor Dave O’Brien from The University of Manchester, Dr Laura Minor from the University of Salford and a two-year post-doctoral researcher - will conduct interviews with commissioners, producers, on-screen talent and crew members while the programmes are made.

As they are broadcast and made available on streaming services, the researchers will closely analyse how each show represents social class. 

After the dramas have been aired, focus groups with audience members and viewership data from the project partners will be used to understand how viewers respond to the representations of class.

The results will be used to find ways of addressing and reducing intersectional class inequalities in the television industry, aiming to change policy, practice and discourse.  

“Research shows that class is crucial in shaping what gets commissioned for television, who gets roles on and off screen, and the sorts of representations of social class that are broadcast and made available to download or stream. Despite efforts to level the playing field, the TV workforce remains dominated by those from professional and managerial backgrounds; labour market structures and pay rates advantage those with economic and social resources; and experiences of working class individuals are misunderstood and misrepresented.”

Channel 4 Creative Diversity Lead, Neila Butt said: “We are really pleased to be taking part in this project as it lies at the heart of the work of the creative diversity team. This gives us an opportunity to explore and help in the research of the socio-economic backgrounds of on and off-screen representation within our programmes and the wider industry. It helps focus on an area in the evolving landscape of diversity, equity and inclusion.”

BBC Head of Creative Diversity, Jessica Schibli said: “As a public service broadcaster, we’re committed to providing value for all audiences, so we’re pleased to be supporting this project. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of how social class helps shape the television industry from commissioning to production, especially in the genre of television drama. The research will also provide insights on how audiences respond to socio-economic diversity on screen.”

Anna Hall, Creative Director at Candour Productions, said: “Candour are delighted to be involved in this piece of crucial research. We surveyed all our team recently and found that 67% of our staff came from a lower socio-economic background. This is virtually unheard of in TV and we are so proud that we can continue to champion film-makers and TV professionals from a range of diverse backgrounds to work with us. But more still needs to be done and this research will play a huge role in understanding why there continue to be so many barriers.”

Fri, 13 Oct 2023 17:17:17 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/46671c89-f377-460f-87fe-603bae91b42a/500_istock-1345405858.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/46671c89-f377-460f-87fe-603bae91b42a/istock-1345405858.jpg?10000
Obituary: Professor David Mayer 1928 - 2023 /about/news/obituary-professor-david-mayer-1928---2023/ /about/news/obituary-professor-david-mayer-1928---2023/595459The Department of Drama and Film is saddened to hear of the recent passing of Professor David Mayer.

The Department of Drama and Film in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures is saddened to hear of the recent passing of Professor David Mayer, Emeritus and Honorary Research Professor and a foundational member of the Drama department.

Having spent a brief term as Lecturer at the University of Bristol and in the English department at Warwick University, David came to the University of Manchester in 1972. 

He retired in 1996 but continued to lecture across Europe and the US as well as authoring key academic works on theatre, performance and on early film and screen cultures. 

David was co-editor of Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film from 2002 to 2008. He was Head of Department from 1991 to 1994 and was the recipient of numerous research grants and awards, receiving the Distinguished Scholar Award, from the American Society for Theatre Research, in 2012.

David’s enthusiasm for and scholarly expertise in early cinema history and practice shaped the original film teaching and research in the Department, as well as the international academic debates on early cinema and its relation to our understanding of theatre and performance, from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century in Europe and the US. 

An avid collector of theatre and film memorabilia, David and his wife Helen Day-Mayer gave generous philanthropic donations to the John Rylands Special Collections at the University of Manchester, as well as to other archives and film related festivals across the globe. 

David was a formidable intellectual, with an acute critical eye and acerbic wit, and he is remembered by those he taught and those whose research he supervised, as a generous, thoughtful and inspiring teacher, and an original and international agenda-setting academic. He will be greatly missed by those knew him at the University of Manchester and by the international scholarly community more widely. 

Fri, 06 Oct 2023 12:53:32 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/7ba59197-4022-4e27-8be9-a71696606efe/500_professordavidmayer.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/7ba59197-4022-4e27-8be9-a71696606efe/professordavidmayer.jpg?10000
Centre for New Writing’s Gareth Gavin named in Goldsmith Prize shortlist /about/news/centre-for-new-writings-gareth-gavin-named-in-goldsmith-prize-shortlist/ /about/news/centre-for-new-writings-gareth-gavin-named-in-goldsmith-prize-shortlist/595458Congratulations to University of Manchester Senior Lecturer Gareth Gavin who has been recognised in the shortlist for this year’s Goldsmiths prize.Published in April 2023, Gareth’s Never Was: A Novel Without a World has made this year’s six-book shortlist from 107 entries.

Director for Creative 91ֱ’s Professor John McAuliffe wrote:

Never Was takes the reader from a limbo of lost dreams to a small salt-mining town in the North, exploring transness alongside class, addiction and grief, and examining the way identity is both inherited and re-invented.

Judge Ellen Peirson-Hagger, assistant culture editor at the New Statesman, the prize’s partner, said:

The Prize, which celebrates “fiction that breaks the mould”, carries a prize of £10,000.

The Goldsmith’s Prize winner will be announced on 8 November 2023.

Fri, 06 Oct 2023 12:43:46 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/07962482-0480-4f1b-8ea9-bd540ae7838e/500_neverwas.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/07962482-0480-4f1b-8ea9-bd540ae7838e/neverwas.png?10000
Jason Allen-Paisant shortlisted for T.S Eliot Prize 2023 /about/news/jason-allen-paisant-shortlisted-for-ts-eliot-prize-2023/ /about/news/jason-allen-paisant-shortlisted-for-ts-eliot-prize-2023/594924University of Manchester Senior Lecturer and writer Jason Allen-Paisant is celebrating another shortlisting today for his second collection of poems, Self-Portrait as Othello.

University of Manchester Senior Lecturer and writer Jason Allen-Paisant is celebrating another shortlisting today for his second collection of poems, Self-Portrait as Othello.

Self-Portrait as Othello is a dazzling poetic memoir, which imaginatively places the figure of Othello in the urban landscapes of modern London, Paris and Venice, inventing the kinds of narrative he might tell about his intersecting identities. The collection has also been shortlisted for the 2023 for best poetry collection.

Also making the 2023 shortlist is More Sky, the debut collection by Joe Carrick-Varty. The British-Irish poet is a graduate of the Centre for New Writing’s MA in Creative Writing, and was named as a Burgess Writer Fellow at the Centre in 2023.

Director of the CNW, Dr. Kaye Mitchell, writes:

91ֱ-based and University of Manchester affiliated Carcanet Press is also celebrating a triple shortlist award in the T.S Eliot Prize 2023. In addition to Jason and Joe, poet and novelist Kit Fan’s work The Ink Cloud Reader has completed the trio of accolades for Carcanet.

The winner, to be announced in January, will receive £25,000, while each shortlisted poet will receive £1,500.

“We are confident that all 10 shortlisted titles not only meet the high standards they set themselves but speak most effectively to, and of, their moment,” said Irish poet and judging chair , a past winner of the prize. “If there’s a single word for that moment it is surely ‘disrupted’, and all these poets properly reflect that disruption.”

“Shot through though they are with images of grief, migration, and conflict, they are nonetheless imbued with energy and joy,” he continued. “The names of some poets will be familiar, others less so; all will find a place in your head and heart.”

Tue, 03 Oct 2023 17:39:23 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3f084803-1e50-4fdd-a2bd-2120303cbb9b/500_jasonallen-paisant.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3f084803-1e50-4fdd-a2bd-2120303cbb9b/jasonallen-paisant.jpg?10000
Creative 91ֱ co-sponsors pro-manchester’s Creative Conference 2023 /about/news/creative-manchester-co-sponsors-pro-manchesters-creative-conference-2023/ /about/news/creative-manchester-co-sponsors-pro-manchesters-creative-conference-2023/594846Industry experts, academics and pro-manchester members came together to acknowledge the strength of the creative sector in Greater 91ֱ and learn about opportunities and challenges facing the industry in 2023 and beyond.Creative 91ֱ were delighted to be a premium sponsor of the Creative Conference 2023, organised by business development organisation .

Taking place in the heart of Media City at the Innovation Hub on 22 September, the conference provided a day of informative key notes and panels discussing the environment in which creative businesses operate, challenges such as a lack of diversity in the workforce as well as opportunities brought on by the advance of generative AI and data-driven analytics and marketing.

Newly appointed University of Manchester Professor of Creative and Cultural Industries contributed to the panel ‘Skills Issues & Challenges within the Creative, Digital & Media Sector’ drawing from his research into the prevalent challenges of inequality within the creative sector and highlighted the urgency of transforming hiring practices and organizational cultures to foster diversity and inclusion.

Speaking about the relevance of pro-manchester’s Creative Conference and his involvement on the panel, Professor O’Brien says that: 

We’d like to thank pro-manchester for organising a thought-provoking and informative event as well as the other conference sponsors , , and for their contributions.

Tue, 03 Oct 2023 10:13:44 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3c67c5b6-42f0-468e-a17f-a04433696c3e/500_pro-manchesterrsquoscreativeconference2023.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3c67c5b6-42f0-468e-a17f-a04433696c3e/pro-manchesterrsquoscreativeconference2023.jpg?10000
Spotlight on: Rebecca Parnell /about/news/spotlight-on-rebecca-parnell/ /about/news/spotlight-on-rebecca-parnell/594069Former Creative Producer embarks on PhD.Until August 2023, Rebecca Parnell worked as a Creative Producer – a joint role with one of The University of Manchester’s four Research Platforms, , and . Rebecca’s PhD – with the Department of Music - examines the dynamics of collaboration in the community work undertaken by 91ֱ Camerata, specifically as it relates to the ways in which place and community mediate classical music, memory and belonging. 

The project will take advantage of, and research, Camerata's move to The Monastery in Gorton and will ask the following overarching question: what factors underpin the ways in which those who work for Camerata, with Camerata, and/or participate in its projects respond to The Monastery and to Gorton as a place? 

To find out more about Rebecca and her work, we sent her some questions.

Tell us a bit about yourself, your areas of interest and your work

Prior to beginning the PhD I worked as Creative Producer in a joint role with Creative 91ֱ and 91ֱ Camerata. This incredibly varied role involved producing concerts (both live and digital), as well as teaching and knowledge exchange with the University. 

I have always been interested in barriers to the orchestral world, as well as issues of taste, class, education, and the role played by family in musical preferences. 

My MA dissertation explored motivations of younger classical concert attendees, and prior to the Creative Producer role I worked at the Royal Northern College of Music organising concerts and working with students on their professional development. My first introduction to the music world was as a classical guitarist, which I studied in Western Australia and the UK.

Tell us about 91ֱ Camerata, its work in the community and its partnership with The University of Manchester

91ֱ Camerata is an organisation which is always looking forward. This can be seen not only in its eclectic programming and presentation on the concert stage, but also in its internationally recognised community work. Camerata puts collaboration at the heart of all its work, whether this be collaborating with a world-class soloist or a person living with dementia.

Each collaborator is given equal importance and attention, and the organisation is always looking for opportunities to bridge the gap between the Community and Concerts departments, which highlights the view that the concert stage is no more important than work which takes place in community settings.

The partnership between 91ֱ Camerata and the University of Manchester began over 10 years ago, with discussions leading to the co-supervision of Dr Robyn Dowlen’s PhD on the ‘in the moment’ musical experiences of people living with dementia. Camerata’s association with Creative 91ֱ began in 2018, resulting in the collaborative role of Creative Producer.

Your PhD looks at the dynamics of collaboration in the community work undertaken by 91ֱ Camerata and the ways in which place and community mediate classical music, memory and belonging. Why is this topic important to you?

In my role as Creative Producer I was fortunate enough to work on projects which brought communities together, performing music written by participants with support from Camerata musicians. Historically, the ‘outreach’ of the past often placed emphasis on an arts organisation entering a community’s space and dictating to them, rather than working with them. 

Camerata’s approach to empower participants to write and perform alongside the orchestra has produced some truly magical moments of joy and connection, and it is this which I am keen to explore.

Looking to the future, do you have any plans, goals or dreams that your current work might help you achieve?

I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have had a wide range of experiences over the past 4 years of the Creative Producer role, including working at a concert in New Delhi, producing films during the pandemic, organising recording sessions, and chairing conference panels. A definite highlight was co-writing and co-teaching the MA Creative Producing module with the which cemented my desire to move into lecturing. I really enjoy working with students and have always strived to incorporate some aspect of mentoring in each of my jobs.

Finally, what music has been keeping you inspired this year?

Well I have a toddler so I mostly listen to whatever she enjoys! Thankfully she seems to have good taste and we like listening to The Beatles and flamenco together. When I get the chance to listen to music on my own I love soundtracks, particularly Michael Nyman’s work on Peter Greenaway’s films, or Peter Gabriel’s soundtrack to The Last Temptation of Christ. Film is my other great love and I’m always ready to bore anyone talking about it.

Find out more about 91ֱ Camerata and their relationship with the Gorton community by watching their video, ‘’.

Fri, 29 Sep 2023 14:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/5816d064-7719-4038-83f7-cf556af6e102/500_thechoir.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/5816d064-7719-4038-83f7-cf556af6e102/thechoir.jpg?10000
Kick off your entrepreneurial journey with the Masood Entrepreneurship Centre /about/news/kick-off-your-entrepreneurial-journey-with-the-masood-entrepreneurship-centre/ /about/news/kick-off-your-entrepreneurial-journey-with-the-masood-entrepreneurship-centre/590949The Masood Entrepreneurship Centre welcomes you to the 23/24 academic year.

Welcome to the 23/24 academic year!

We are the Masood Entrepreneurship Centre (MEC), the main hub for enterprise and entrepreneurship at The University of Manchester. Our goal is to help students like you understand the importance of entrepreneurial skills in today's world, and to provide you with numerous opportunities to gain valuable experience that will help you to spot opportunities, fast-track your career and secure your desired job, innovate and develop new projects or launch your own business.

We're passionate about creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem that nurtures the next generation of outstanding innovators and supports the development of start-up businesses that benefit both the economy and society worldwide. We're here to add value to your experience of being part of The University of Manchester, and to encourage and support you in creating your future and making a difference.

In addition to our extensive range of (the majority of which are open electives available to all students), we offer a range of extracurricular activities that we think you'll gain a lot of value from, especially in terms of building your confidence and developing your networks. These include competitions (with total awards exceeding £180,000 per annum), speaker events and interactions with leading entrepreneurs, workshops, and start-up support programs for students who have ambitions to learn or launch their ideas. We can't wait to see what you'll achieve!

You can find us in the following locations during Welcome Week:

  • Monday 18 September - Stopford Building (9am-12pm); Humanities Bridgeford Street Building (1-4pm)
  • Tuesday 19 September - Stopford Building (9am-12pm); Alliance 91ֱ Business School Fair (1-4pm)
  • Wednesday 20 September - SU Fair (10am-4pm)
  • Thursday 21 September SU Fair (10am-4pm) 
  • Friday 22 September - 91ֱ Engineering Campus Development (MECDCommunity Fair (1-4pm)

We'd love to meet you at our stalls and share more about the Masood Entrepreneurship Centre!

If you’re passionate about entrepreneurship, we’re also recruiting for our Entrepreneurship Champions role, 

The MEC Team 🐝&Բ;

Fri, 15 Sep 2023 14:42:49 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/c71dcabc-e24d-4675-a964-b618e3f7589f/500_bee-mec-sept23.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/c71dcabc-e24d-4675-a964-b618e3f7589f/bee-mec-sept23.jpg?10000
University of Manchester award Keisha Thompson an Honorary Research Fellowship /about/news/university-of-manchester-award-keisha-thompson-an-honorary-research-fellowship/ /about/news/university-of-manchester-award-keisha-thompson-an-honorary-research-fellowship/58828091ֱ-based Keisha Thompson became the first Black woman, the first Mancunian and youngest person to be named Artistic Director and CEO of Contact in 2022.To add to a growing list of recognition for the writer, performance artist and producer, Keisha has been awarded an Honorary Research Fellowship in the Drama department at the University of Manchester.

The fellowship recognises the outstanding contribution Keisha makes to the performing arts scene here 91ֱ, her home city.

John McAuliffe, Director of Creative 91ֱ, said:

Felicia Chan, Head of Drama and Film at the University of Manchester said:

Keisha Thompson, CEO of Contact Theatre and recipient of the Honorary Research fellowship said:

Tue, 05 Sep 2023 10:21:09 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/dcf6afcf-79e2-4ef2-bf5b-a0b643887b5b/500_keishathompson.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/dcf6afcf-79e2-4ef2-bf5b-a0b643887b5b/keishathompson.jpg?10000
University of Manchester celebrates upcoming launch of Manchester Literature Festival 2023 /about/news/university-of-manchester-celebrates-upcoming-launch-of-manchester-literature-festival-2023/ /about/news/university-of-manchester-celebrates-upcoming-launch-of-manchester-literature-festival-2023/587971

2023 will take place 7-22 October, featuring a programme of exciting events marking the city’s contribution to literature.

The University of Manchester is proud to be the Festival’s official Higher Education Partner, working closely with the MLF team and offering several events in partnership with the University’s and research platform.

This year’s Festival begins with a , where lucky audience members will join award-winning poet, author and honorary Chair of Creative Writing at The University of Manchester Lemn Sissay as he launches his new collection of morning poems, ‘Let the Light Pour In.’

Other partnership events showcase new publications by celebrated authors – including renowned contemporary novelist , bestselling American author , classicist and BBC Radio 4 broadcaster and prize-winning Icelandic novelist, playwright and poet .

On 7 October, cult author with a live electronic score by musician Roly Porter, followed by a conversation about his work.

On 19 October, join us for the annual Rylands Poetry Reading and raise a toast to of publishing some of the most vital, diverse and provocative poetry, essays, interviews and reviews from around the globe. Contributing editors Anthony Vahni Capildeo, Sasha Dugdale and Will Harris will be sharing their own poems alongside some of their favourite discoveries from PN Review.

Professor of New Writing and prolific author returns to MLF on 22 October to launch her new book Night Side of the River: Ghost Stories. She will read from her new collection and share some of her real-life encounters with the occult.

Lecturers from the Centre for New Writing feature in two events: Poet Jason Allen-Paisant is to premiere a new co-commission inspired by work in the Gallery and author Beth Underdown hosts on 7 October at Central Library. , an author event with Wen Zhen and Gu Shi on 15 October is presented by the University’s alongside Comma Press.

For those looking for more literature events after the main Festival period, there will be two partnership Bookend events in November. Beloved actor, comedian and writer joins us to discuss her memoir My Lady Parts: A Life Fighting Stereotypes, on 20 November, and on 29 November winner of the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2017 joins us to discuss her superb new novel The Future.



Dr H. Gareth Gavin, Director of the Centre for New Writing said:

Cathy Bolton and Sarah-Jane Roberts, Co-Directors of Manchester Literature Festival  

Find out more about 91ֱ Literature Festival and view the full programme .

Fri, 01 Sep 2023 15:30:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/59877078-e6f6-4f76-8095-beefb217acf1/500_universityofmanchestercelebratesupcominglaunchofmanchesterliteraturefestival2023.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/59877078-e6f6-4f76-8095-beefb217acf1/universityofmanchestercelebratesupcominglaunchofmanchesterliteraturefestival2023.jpeg?10000
New research network launched to continue the development of queer theory /about/news/new-research-network-launched-to-continue-the-development-of-queer-theory/ /about/news/new-research-network-launched-to-continue-the-development-of-queer-theory/585760This academic year will see SALC host a new research network funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council: ‘’.

A diverse body of scholarship that has developed over more than 30 years, ‘queer theory’ has provided many important and influential ways to think about gender and sexuality. It has given us concepts such as ‘heteronormativity’ and ‘performativity’ that have transformed many scholarly fields, but it is also associated with some of the highest profile intellectuals of the twentieth century such as Judith Butler and Michel Foucault.

‘Beyond Radical’ will be the first formal network for UK-based academics, activists and artists dedicated to the continued development of queer theory. Over one academic year, the network will host a range of symposia, public engagement events and workshops that will each address one important aspect of queer theory that has been central to its past and will be central to its future development.

The network comes at a time when the word ‘queer’ is used in more and more public contexts. PI Dr Ben Nichols explains how this reflects the timeliness of the project: “We see ‘queer’ used more and more these days: from Queer Eye on TV, to the ‘Q’ in LGBTQ+. This network will connect the increasing public interest in ‘queer’ as an idea with the word’s complex history in the context of queer theory. Our aim is to get people thinking in new ways about this word and its histories”

Hosted by SALC’s Centre for the 91ֱ of Sexuality and Culture, ‘Beyond Radical’ solidifies the Centre’s reputation for gender and sexuality studies research nationally. Alongside a programme of events, the Centre hosts the yearly Sexuality Summer School and the popular MA in Gender, Sexuality and Culture.

Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:53:05 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/8ca4a8e7-7f4c-4668-a3ca-ed9cdd54f038/500_beyondradical-queertheoryandtheukbannerimage.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/8ca4a8e7-7f4c-4668-a3ca-ed9cdd54f038/beyondradical-queertheoryandtheukbannerimage.jpg?10000
New archaeological discoveries set to transform understanding of Arthur’s Stone /about/news/new-archaeological-discoveries-arthurs-stone/ /about/news/new-archaeological-discoveries-arthurs-stone/585689Archaeological excavations at the Neolithic site of Arthur’s Stone in Herefordshire have uncovered unprecedented remains that will transform understanding of the monument, and of the first farming communities in Britain nearly 6000 years ago.

Archaeological excavations at the Neolithic site of Arthur’s Stone in Herefordshire have uncovered unprecedented remains that will transform understanding of the monument, and of the first farming communities in Britain nearly 6000 years ago.

The project - led by The University of Manchester, University of Cardiff and Herefordshire Council’s Archaeology Section - represents the first investigation of the site, which is a Scheduled Ancient Monument cared for by the charity English Heritage.  Professor Julian Thomas from The University of Manchester, one of the excavation directors, says “Arthur’s Stone is a well-known and much-loved monument, it has become tied up with Arthurian legend, and provided the inspiration for Aslan’s table in C.S. Lewis’ ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’.  However, it has never been excavated before, so we have not clearly understood how the stones visible today relate to the monument in the Neolithic, until now.”

The team expected the site to be poorly preserved, as many upstanding monuments like this were targeted by antiquarians and looters in the 18th and 19th century. But to their surprise, the excavations, permitted by English Heritage and Historic England, uncovered substantial new parts of the monument inches below the surface, and completely undisturbed Neolithic deposits.

Dr Nick Overton from The University of Manchester, another of the project directors, said “The stone-build architecture found in our excavations reveal a complex history of construction. The stone monument began as a ‘dolmen’, made up of the giant capstone sitting on upright stones that is visible today, surrounded by a circular bank of stone with a single entrance at the north end, marked by two large upright stones. There are other dolmens from the period in Britain, mainly in the west, but this is, to our knowledge, the first with a bank and entrance. Interestingly, there may be similar examples in Denmark. This was then surrounded by a larger trapezoid-shaped long cairn bounded by dry-stone walling. On the western side of the cairn was an entrance to a passage, leading to a small stone chamber, formed in part by the entrance stones of the earlier phase. After a period of time, the floor of the chamber and passageway was sealed by stoney deposits, and the entrance was blocked up. 

Excavations around the entrance, and within the passageway and chamber recovered Neolithic pottery and stone tools, including a piece of worked rock crystal, most likely from North Wales, and a piece of pitchstone, from the Isle of Arran in Scotland. The excavations also recovered deposits of human bone containing multiple individuals; they were most likely introduced to the monument as fleshed cadavers, and later re-arranged, mixed together, and deposited in discrete piles. The local geology is acidic, so the recovery of well-preserved human bone was not expected, and very exciting.

Professor Keith Ray from the University of Cardiff, the third project director said “Collaborative work like this between our institutions, Historic England and English Heritage is so important; it has uncovered evidence that will radically re-write our understanding of the monument, and contribute to new understandings of the Neolithic in Britain. The human remains offer an enormous potential to think about the life and death of these early farming communities in this part of the world, nearly 6000 years ago. The changing styles of the earlier and later stone monuments tells a story of new communities doing things in specific local ways, before becoming wrapped up in broader regional practices. But at the same time, the presence of rock crystal and pitchstone tells a story of communities with networks of long-distance connections. These are all fascinating insights into a dynamic period of Britain’s prehistory.”

Over the course of July, over 2000 members of the public attended local lectures, daily guided tours led by English Heritage volunteers, and the project’s open day, giving visitors the chance to learn about new discoveries at the monument as they happened. Work is now underway to analyse all of the material recovered, with specialist assistance from Historic England, which will further expand our understanding of the monument and the people that built and used it, and guide the future management and presentation of the monument, ensuring the monument continues to be enjoyed for generations to come. 

Bill Klemperer, Principal Inspector of Ancient Monuments for Historic England, said “The results of the carefully planned and highly targeted excavation, and the ongoing analysis, will inform future safeguarding and interpretation for the wider public of this site, and also the understanding and potential of similar sites in England.”

Fri, 25 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/978e61c1-45e2-4698-9671-fd2d04a0e211/500_arthurdig.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/978e61c1-45e2-4698-9671-fd2d04a0e211/arthurdig.jpg?10000
Discovery at Arthur’s Stone led by University of Manchester team /about/news/discovery-at-arthurs-stone-led-by-university-of-manchester-team/ /about/news/discovery-at-arthurs-stone-led-by-university-of-manchester-team/584128Archaeologists from the University of Manchester and Cardiff University continue to excavate the King Arthur-linked site where cremated remains of bones were recently discovered.

A team from the universities have been excavating at Arthur's Stone in Herefordshire, and continue to make exciting discoveries at the site, believed to date to 3700BC. 

Professor Julian Thomas, Director of Archaeology at the University of Manchester, is leading the project with Professor Keith Ray of Cardiff University. 91ֱ colleague Dr Nick Overton is Associate Director. 

When asked about the recent work undertaken by the team, Professor Thomas said:

Members of the public are now able to visit the site and see the work undertaken by the team. Since the BBC’s news story regarding the discovery of the cremated remains, the site has become a popular destination for enthusiasts.

Professor Thomas added:

The project is an important research excavation that acts as a training exercise for British and overseas students. As well as academics, the project is staffed by professional archaeologists taking leave of absence from commercial archaeology units, most of whom are graduates from 91ֱ and Cardiff. It also brings together 38 current and recently graduated 91ֱ students, who are taking Archaeology-related degrees. There were also 10 students from Cardiff University and five students from a variety of American universities.

Tue, 15 Aug 2023 13:29:09 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3e92bf18-2872-48b5-860b-50c54bf60592/500_jbsalc.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/3e92bf18-2872-48b5-860b-50c54bf60592/jbsalc.jpg?10000
91ֱ Schools Writing Trail 2023 /about/news/manchester-schools-writing-trail-2023/ /about/news/manchester-schools-writing-trail-2023/584321The took place 1-15 June 2023 in six 91ֱ City Centre venues - including The University of Manchester campus in the Samuel Alexander Building’s glass corridor exhibition space.

The trail – overseen by research fellow, Dr Chad Campbell – ran in conjunction with and showcased over 100 young writers with work in 12 different languages.

91ֱ City of Literature describes the trail as, “a walkable constellation of young voices connecting community arts centres, schools, universities, and libraries with over 40 schools in Greater 91ֱ. The Schools Writing Trail project is a celebration of the young writers who are a vibrant part of what makes 91ֱ a UNESCO City of Literature.”

Project manager Dr Chad Campbell commented:

Miss Kirk, a teacher at the East 91ֱ Academy, felt equally positively about the impact of the project on her pupils: “Young writers have been able to see buildings they have never seen before, right on their doorstep in 91ֱ.”

Watch the film below, produced by 91ֱ City of Literature, to see students visiting the Schools Writing Trail and hear more from those involved:

Find out more about the Schools Writing Trail, including an archive of some of the work, on the .

Tue, 15 Aug 2023 11:51:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/e0e674f2-912a-4dca-9e59-2546ef978bd6/500_manchesterschoolswritingtrail20231.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/e0e674f2-912a-4dca-9e59-2546ef978bd6/manchesterschoolswritingtrail20231.png?10000