<![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> /about/news/ en Tue, 22 Oct 2024 20:09:53 +0200 Tue, 06 Aug 2024 12:26:03 +0200 <![CDATA[Newsroom University of Manchester]]> https://content.presspage.com/clients/150_1369.jpg /about/news/ 144 Bio-inspired ceramics: how DeakinBio are tackling one of the most polluting industries worldwide /about/news/bio-inspired-ceramics/ /about/news/bio-inspired-ceramics/631221From a cellar to a railway arch, this is how Dr Aled Roberts is making more sustainable tiles from everyday ingredients and byproducts from industry.Biotechnology is one of The University of Manchester’s research beacons – exemplars of interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that lead to pioneering discoveries and improve the lives of people around the world. For more information, head to The University of Manchester’s Biotechnology page.

When lockdown started, Dr Aled Roberts headed to his cellar.

Limited to ingredients he could find in his house – baking soda, brick dust, protein powder, and the odd leaf – he picked up a coffee grinder, his microwave, and his KitchenAid mixer and started to turn his basement into a basic laboratory.

“I called it the Cellar of Materials Discovery. I remember thinking that the main benefit of this approach would be that the products I developed would automatically be low cost and commercially feasible, because they would only depend on cheap, everyday materials.”

So, while the rest of us were binge-watching TV series, or learning to hate sourdough, Aled was making an exciting breakthrough. He discovered that the ingredients he was working with held promise; mixed together, they created a strong, concrete-like substance that could make a big difference to the polluting concrete and ceramics industries. Soon after, during another lockdown in January 2021, he founded DeakinBio.

Starting up the production line

After years of publishing papers and filing patents, the 91ֱ-based researcher was becoming impatient with the lack of industrial uptake of his inventions. So, he took DeakinBio on a journey from the (MIB), through the (GEIC) where he benefitted from the industry expertise of the GEIC team to eventually secure his own workshop in a small railway arch just behind Piccadilly train station. This was the chance Aled was waiting for, a chance to make a difference.

DeakinBio’s latest invention is the material Eralith. Eralith is a green alternative to the tiles you usually see in kitchens and bathrooms. It has a recycled content of over 98% and is made almost entirely from recycled plaster, which is combined with other bio-based ingredients (such as byproducts from the brewing industry) to make a durable product with a fraction of the environmental impact of traditional tiles.

Ceramic tiles have a huge carbon footprint at over 16 kg CO2 per square meter. If the world is serious about meeting its emissions reduction targets, and mitigating the worst effects of climate change, then finding low-carbon alternatives to conventional construction materials will have to be part of the solution. Eralith promises just that, with tiles made from the material having a 94% lower CO2 footprint.

What’s more, Eralith does not rely on high-energy kiln firing to produce a usable material. It can simply be baked at the normal temperatures you’d use in your own oven for a Friday-night pizza.

Looking back in time

Much of Aled’s work is inspired by history, how humans have used the natural materials around them to create products, tools, and other daily commodities from what nature provides. By emulating natural materials like seashells, tooth enamel, and pearls, Aled is able to construct his materials in minutes, rather than having to grow them more gradually, combining waste mineral powders with bio-based binders to create bioinspired composites.

But of course, this wasn’t just a history lesson for Aled. As a Research Fellow in the Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub at the 91ֱ Institute of Biotechnology (MIB), when he embarked upon this journey, Aled already had years of biomaterial development experience behind him. He’d previously been involved in developing synthetic biomaterials from spider silk, alongside protein-based bio-adhesives and bio-composites – experience he was determined to put to good use.

Aled made international headlines in 2021 with his first material, AstroCrete, where he experimented with combining a protein from human blood with a compound from urine, sweat or tears, to glue together simulated moon or Mars soil (regolith). This produced a material as strong than ordinary concrete with a compressive strength as high as 25 Megapascals (MPa) – about the same as the 20–32 MPa seen in ordinary concrete – which has the potential to be used in future space colonisation missions.

Out of the kiln and into the oven?

With the cement and concrete industries contributing 8% of the global CO2 emissions, it’s easy to understand why Aled’s materials have created such excitement.

But while his goals are noble, his journey out of the Cellar of Materials Discovery hasn’t been easy. As a new start-up, moving away from academia and navigating the business world was no mean feat. Aled had to learn the tricks of the trade while simultaneously developing his material. But, with the launch of the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Catalyst (IBIC) there will be more ways for DeakinBio to benefit from the growing industrial biotechnology ecosystem in the north-west.

“I’m a start-up, rather than a spinout, which means I've done most of the business stuff solo. This has been hard, but it has given me a lot of creative freedom which has been fun.” says Aled. “while I didn't get to benefit from some of the support offered to spinouts, I did benefit from starting within the University's ecosystem. Developing my ideas in an international hub such as the MIB and then taking up labspace in the GEIC were both opportunities that gave me the confidence to take my product out into the world.”

Now, Aled and his team are looking forward to a brighter world of carbon-reduced construction. “We’re hoping to close our first round of pre-seed funding in the next few weeks, which will give us funds to continue development and scale-up our technology. Our aim is for these tiles to become a small piece in the puzzle towards solving this huge global challenge.” And with a new business partner onboard who can help with the paperwork Aled can get back to what he does best, tinkering in his much larger cellar (railway arch), to create the next generation of bioinspired material products.

For Dr Roberts, what began in a 91ֱ basement with baking soda and a dream of making positive changes, may soon lead to a more environmentally-friendly future for humanity, and perhaps even to construction projects far beyond the boundaires of our planet.

Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:52:25 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/15d89100-8d8f-41b0-9300-4f921c01228a/500_deakinbio-erb6405heroimage.png?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/15d89100-8d8f-41b0-9300-4f921c01228a/deakinbio-erb6405heroimage.png?10000
Unlocking the future of biotechnology: ICED revolutionises enzyme design /about/news/revolutionising-enzyme-design/ /about/news/revolutionising-enzyme-design/632010Researchers from the 91ֱ Institute of Biotechnology (MIB) and the Institute for Protein Design (IPD) have launched a groundbreaking initiative poised to transform the landscape of engineering biology for industrial applications. The International Centre for Enzyme Design (ICED) brings together internationally leading research teams to establish a fully integrated computational and experimental platform to develop a new generation of industrial biocatalysts.

Researchers from the 91ֱ Institute of Biotechnology (MIB) and the Institute for Protein Design (IPD) have launched a groundbreaking initiative poised to transform the landscape of engineering biology for industrial applications. The International Centre for Enzyme Design (ICED) brings together internationally leading research teams to establish a fully integrated computational and experimental platform to develop a new generation of industrial biocatalysts.

The centre has been awarded £1.2m through an International Centre to Centre grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, part of UK Research and Innovation. Led by Professor , Interim Director of the MIB, along with Professor and Dr , and in partnership with Professor David Baker from the Institute of Protein Design (IPD) at the University of Washington, ICED will employ the latest deep-learning protein design tools to accelerate the development of new biocatalysts for use across the chemical industry. The centre will deliver customised biocatalysts for sustainable production of a wide range of chemicals and biologics, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, materials, commodity chemicals and advanced synthetic fuels.

Biocatalysis uses natural or engineered enzymes to speed up valuable chemical processes. This technology is now widely recognised as a key enabling technology for developing a greener and more efficient chemical industry. Although powerful, existing experimental methods for developing industrial biocatalysts are costly and time-consuming, and this restricts the potential impact of biocatalysis on many industrial processes. Furthermore, for many desirable chemical transformations there are no known enzymes that can serve as starting templates for experimental engineering. In ICED we will bring together leading computational and experimental teams from across academia and industry to bring about a step-change in the speed of biocatalyst development. The approaches developed will also allow the development of new families of enzymes with catalytic functions that are unknown in nature.

Professor David Baker, lead researcher from the Institute of Protein Design says; “Accurately designing efficient enzymes with new catalytic functions is one of the grand challenges for the protein design field. We are thrilled to be working with Professor Green and his team in the MIB to address this crucial biotechnological challenge.’’

The design tools developed throughout the project will be readily available to specialists and non-specialists to support their own enzyme engineering and biocatalysis needs. As the centre develops, we expect to grow our partnerships with the wider academic and industrial sector to ensure that we can best serve the needs and ambitions of the global biocatalysis community.

With the chemical and pharmaceutical industries contributing £30.7bn to the UK economy alone, technologies like biocatalysis are poised to revolutionise how every day, essential products are made while also benefitting our health and our environment.

Tue, 21 May 2024 08:37:08 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/45296954-8f0e-4f07-843b-bc0455b100fc/500_mibexterior1.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/45296954-8f0e-4f07-843b-bc0455b100fc/mibexterior1.jpg?10000
The University of Manchester set to put the north-west on the biotech map with coalition launch /about/news/the-university-of-manchester-set-to-put-the-north-west-on-the-biotech-map-with-coalition-launch/ /about/news/the-university-of-manchester-set-to-put-the-north-west-on-the-biotech-map-with-coalition-launch/631338The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Catalyst brings together academics, industry and government to supercharge cutting-edge research and deliver economic benefits to the region.

The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Catalyst (IBIC), launched by The University of Manchester today [9 May] establishes the north-west of England as a global leader in biotechnology innovation, boosting job creation, collaboration, investment and upskilling in the region.

The project leverages a £5 million investment from the ’s Place-Based Impact Acceleration Account to stimulate innovation and commercial growth. The IBIC will give businesses and start-ups a platform to engage with higher education institutions, governmental organisations and researchers in the north-west, and support translating fundamental biotechnology research from the lab to the real world.   

The IBIC launches at a significant time for the UK’s biotechnology market. The UK Government’s on biotechnology and signal increasing interest in the sector, which was valued at £21.8billion in 2023, according to IBISWorld.

Professor Aline Miller, Professor of Biomolecular Engineering and Associate Dean for Business Engagement and Innovation at The University of Manchester, said: "Combine academic research with industrial application, and together we can yield transformative outcomes for both our economy and environment.

“With the launch of the IBIC, we are inviting businesses and startups to join us as we take on global challenges like climate change and sustainability. To do that, we need to create a vibrant ecosystem of interconnected disciplines to help scale businesses, bring research to life and ultimately deliver huge economic benefits to the north-west and beyond.”

This invitation extends particularly to SMEs, high-growth biotech companies, and other businesses interested in contributing to and benefiting from a thriving biotechnology industry in the north-west.

Companies interested in participating or learning more about the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Catalyst can contact the IBIC team at ibic@manchester.ac.uk for more information and to discuss potential collaboration and partnership opportunities.

Thu, 09 May 2024 10:35:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_aline-miller-cropped.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/aline-miller-cropped.jpg?10000
Beer brewed with novel yeast hybrid celebrates 200 years of University research and could lead to a more sustainable future /about/news/beer-brewed-with-novel-yeast-hybrid-celebrates-200-years-of-university/ /about/news/beer-brewed-with-novel-yeast-hybrid-celebrates-200-years-of-university/631521A novel hybrid yeast strain created by researchers at the 91ֱ Institute of Biotechnology, has been used by a local brewer to produce a new beer in time for the University’s festival.

A novel hybrid yeast strain created by researchers at the 91ֱ Institute of Biotechnology, has been used by a local brewer to produce a new beer in time for the University’s festival.

‘Tales From The Past’, created in partnership with 91ֱ’s leading independent brewery Cloudwater Brew Co, celebrates the University’s 200th anniversary and will be launched at its bicentenary festival, where it will be available to buy from the festival bar.

Supported by a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) grant, The University of Manchester team crossed Saccharomyces jurei, a new species of yeast discovered by Delneri in 2017, with a common ale yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisae, to produce a new starter hybrid strain that enhances the aroma and flavour of the beer.

This new hybrid has several advantages over similar brewing yeasts; it has the ability to thrive at lower temperatures, adds a different flavour profile, and is able to ferment maltose and maltotriose, two abundant sugars present in the wort. These capabilities provide a range of new opportunities for brewers, with the potential for a multitude of hybrids with different fermentation characteristics.

Paul Jones, CEO of Cloudwater Brew Co, said; “It is exciting to be able to brew a beer with a brand new species of yeast and to explore the range of flavours we can create. This beer represents the possibilities of joining academia with industry and we are lucky to have access to this fount of knowledge right on our doorstep.”

The University team has also been developing new hybridisation techniques. Typically, yeast hybrids grow by budding, where a new cell grows from an original ‘parent’, but they are sterile. Now, using a genetic method which doubles the content of the hybrid genome, researchers have overcome infertility allowing the creation of future hybrid generations with diverse traits. These offspring can then be screened for desirable biotechnological characteristics, allowing the team to select and combine beneficial traits from different yeast species using multigenerational breeding.

As yeasts play a major role in many industrial biotechnology applications, different hybrids bred in this way pave the way for creating bespoke microbial factories that can be used to create sustainable products.

As well as their familiar roles in brewing and baking, scientists use yeasts as model organisms to study how cells work. This role has placed them at the forefront of engineering biology, an emerging area of science that seeks to use nature’s own biological mechanisms to replace current, unsustainable industrial processes. As a result, the team’s novel yeast could lead to future breakthroughs in new, green pharmaceuticals and more sustainable fuels.

To launch the beer and share more about her pioneering work, Professor Delneri will give a talk at the Universally 91ֱ festival on Friday 7 June at 5.45pm. Tickets can be

Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_stock-photo-barman-hands-pouring-a-lager-beer-in-a-glass-411117343.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/stock-photo-barman-hands-pouring-a-lager-beer-in-a-glass-411117343.jpg?10000
Postdoctoral researcher wins prestigious Women in Science award for sustainable development /about/news/postdoctoral-researcher-wins-prestigious-women-in-science-award-for-sustainable-development/ /about/news/postdoctoral-researcher-wins-prestigious-women-in-science-award-for-sustainable-development/625448Dr Reem Swidah, a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Manchester, has been awarded the prestigious L'Oréal UNESCO Award for Women in Science for her work in sustainable development.

Dr Reem Swidah, a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Manchester, has been awarded the prestigious L'Oréal UNESCO Award for Women in Science for her work in sustainable development.

The awards celebrate outstanding women post-doctoral scientists, and forms part of the L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science UK & Ireland Rising Talent Programme, which offers awards to promote, enhance and encourage the contribution of women pursuing their scientific research careers in the UK or Ireland.

Dr Swidah, a postdoctoral researcher at the 91ֱ Institute of Biotechnology, was one of five winners at the award at a ceremony at the House of Commons in London on Monday, 18 March.

Other winners were awarded in the categories of engineering, life sciences, mathematics and computing and physical science.

Reem said: “I am honoured to announce that I have been awarded the prestigious L'Oréal UNESCO Award for Women in Science in the category of Sustainable Development.  

“These awards are vital for supporting and celebrating women in science, offering recognition and inspiration. It provides financial research support, fosters networking and collaboration among recipients, and contributes to reducing gender disparities in STEM fields. By highlighting the achievements of women scientists, the award inspires future generations and advocates for gender equality in science.

“Programs like L'Oréal UNESCO  for women in science are critically important, providing vital recognition and support for women scientists while challenging prevailing stereotypes and biases.  Believe in yourself, defy stereotypes, continuously enhance your professional skills, and persist in pursuing your dreams. If opportunities don't come your way, create your own path. Seek mentors, embrace learning, take risks, step out of your comfort zone, and surround yourself with supportive peers. Remember, diversity in STEM drives progress and innovation.

“This award will enable me to balance motherhood and research while gaining the necessary support to make a meaningful impact in my field.”

Reem received a £25,000 grant that is fully flexible and tenable at any UK or Irish university or research institute to support 12 months of research. Her work currently focuses on the genome minimization project (part of the Sc3.0 project initiative), focusing on genome minimization within the synthetic yeast strain (Sc2.0).

Reem was selected for the award for her drive and ambition to leverage her skills in synthetic biology to address global challenges and her work to harness the exceptional evolutionary abilities of synthetic yeast strains to develop innovative and cost-effective technologies to produce biofuels.

She believes that these advancements hold the potential to combat climate change and play a pivotal role in achieving the ambitious goal of Net Zero emissions by 2050, a key strategic objective of The University of Manchester.

She added: “This award will enhance childcare support for my baby and will afford me the time and financial resources to develop my professional skills. I intend to engage in one-to-one career coaching programs and leadership training, which will help me unlock my full potential and excel in my role, which I currently cannot do.

“The grant will also enable me to attend international conferences, where I can engage with scientists and stay updated on global challenges and solutions and it will help me to enhance my research independence by using the grant to purchase small equipment and to conduct essential experiments to boost my research objectives.”

The Women in Science National Rising Talents  is run in partnership between L’Oréal UK and Ireland, the UK National Commission for UNESCO and the Irish National Commission for UNESCO, with the support of the Royal Society.

Thierry Cheval, L'Oréal UK and Ireland, Managing Director said: “As a company founded by a scientist over 100 years ago, L’Oréal, together with UNESCO, is committed to driving gender equality in STEM and recognising the exceptional work of female scientists who are vitally contributing to solving the challenges of tomorrow.

“Congratulations to this year’s Fellows who are a true inspiration for generations to come.”

Professor Anne Anderson, Chair of the UK National Commission for UNESCO's Board of Directors, added: “Congratulations to the 2024 Rising Talents. As we stand at a pivotal moment in time for scientific advancement, UNESCO continues to highlight the importance of true gender equality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and the vital role women play in a more equitable scientific society.

“The United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO is proud to support these young women in STEM from the UK & Ireland and celebrate their achievements as researchers paving the way for a brighter global future.”

Fri, 22 Mar 2024 11:40:53 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/66317f2a-17f5-46c7-a947-b67169ce0bf7/500_reem.jpeg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/66317f2a-17f5-46c7-a947-b67169ce0bf7/reem.jpeg?10000
The University of Manchester and Shell partner to bring more sustainable chemical manufacturing to market /about/news/bringing-more-sustainable-chemical-manufacturing-to-market/ /about/news/bringing-more-sustainable-chemical-manufacturing-to-market/612285The University of Manchester (UoM) and Shell Research Limited (Shell) have come together in a Prosperity Partnership worth over £9 million to find new sustainable routes to manufacturing commodity chemicals, while also de-risking the process for industry.

The University of Manchester (UoM) and Shell Research Limited (Shell) have come together in a Prosperity Partnership worth over £9 million to find new sustainable routes to manufacturing commodity chemicals, while also de-risking the process for industry. 

The Sustainable Commodity Chemicals through Enzyme Engineering and Design (SuCCEED) project will look to find new ways of manufacturing the chemicals needed for many every-day products through industrial biotechnology routes. By doing this, it will help the chemical manufacturing industry move away from fossil-based feedstocks and reduce their carbon footprint. 

Bio-based manufacturing routes are not currently widespread as they are difficult to scale up and don’t operate at the profit margins required for commodity chemicals. This poses a barrier to moving the chemicals industry away from petrochemicals and creating a greener industry. 

To help address this, the Prosperity Partnerships bring together industry and academia to find workable solutions to industry-based problems. The 91ֱ Institute of Biotechnology (MIB) and Shell have assembled an interdisciplinary team, led by , of biochemists, protein engineers, synthetic biologists, chemists, and chemical engineers to create a proof-of-principle, scalable, biorefinery. 

If successful, this 5-year project could help reshape the chemicals industry and support the UK delivering on its clean growth strategy.


Jeremy Shears, Chief Scientist for Biosciences at Shell said: “Shell aims to transition to a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050 and our work with the 91ֱ Institute of Biotechnology is important to unlock a more commercial route to sustainably produced chemicals. If we can demonstrate an effective route to bio-production, we hope this will be the catalyst for industrial change across the sector.”

Science, Research and Innovation Minister, Andrew Griffith, said:

“Our new bioscience prosperity partnerships are a valuable opportunity for government, business and academia to come together and help unleash world-class, pioneering discoveries across the UK while growing our local economies.

“More than £17m of Government funding is backing vital projects including work in Belfast to unearth life-saving drugs, in 91ֱ to improve skin health research and in Cambridge to tackle a major source of global pollution – enhancing the health and wellbeing of people across our country and beyond.”

Dr Lee Beniston FRSB, Associate Director for Industry Partnerships and Collaborative R&D at BBSRC, said:

“The inaugural round of the BBSRC prosperity partnerships programme has been a huge success. Led by BBSRC, with investment from our colleagues at MRC and EPSRC, we will invest more than £17 million in ten projects.

“This investment will support outstanding, long-term collaborative partnerships between businesses and academic researchers across the UK. Through the BBSRC prosperity partnerships programme, the businesses involved are investing over £21 million into research and development.

“The projects supported will deliver on UK ambitions for private sector investment in research and innovation as outlined in the Science and Technology Framework, helping to drive economic growth and societal impact through key bioscience and biotechnology sectors and industries.”

Industrial biotechnology uses nature’s own processes to produce value-added products, it is currently used to produce high-value chemicals such as pharmaceuticals. Enzymes and bacteria are the staple workhorses of biocatalysis – a process that speeds up chemical reactions – and can produce target chemicals by using anything from biomass to anthropogenic waste as a feedstock. Industrial biotechnology holds huge potential for creating a sustainable manufacturing environment and supporting the world’s transition to net zero.

The University was also successful in securing a second Prosperity Partnership with Boots, and co-leading a third with University College London.

Wed, 29 Nov 2023 11:24:00 +0000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/1678d417-1464-4394-bbe9-46cc7fd9926e/500_mib11-02-22-06246.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/1678d417-1464-4394-bbe9-46cc7fd9926e/mib11-02-22-06246.jpg?10000
First RAF drone flight using a synthetic fuel /about/news/first-raf-drone-flight-using-a-synthetic-fuel/ /about/news/first-raf-drone-flight-using-a-synthetic-fuel/514491MIB spin-out company, C3 BIOTECH, in collaboration with the Royal Air Force and the US Navy, have successfully flown a drone using synthetic kerosene.

Synthetic kerosene is made from raw materials with high sugar levels, such as food waste, and so is completely fossil fuel-free. These waste materials are mixed with bacteria to produce an oil-like substance that can be converted into fuel for aeroplanes using chemicals and heat.

Fuels such as this could be a way to bridge the gap between petrochemical derived fuels and cleaner energy sources. In industries such as aviation and shipping, where electrically powered vessels are currently impractical, advanced synthetic fuels offer a more sustainable alternative.

While not yet developed at an industrial scale, the team behind this advancement, which included colleagues from the Chemistry Department at The University of Manchester, were able to produce 15 litres of synthetic kerosene, enough to power a 4-meter drone for 20 minutes. Additionally, the process does not require any large-scale infrastructure and so can be made anywhere. This makes it an appealing prospect for companies and other stakeholders, including the RAF, as it could be rolled out across supply chains around the world.

With net zero and carbon emissions targets at the top of the global agenda, synthetic fuels will have a key part to play in countries achieving these goals. The RAF recently committed to finding more sustainable alternatives to fossil-derived aviation fuels, and with support from companies like C3 BIOTECH, they are one step closer to this. Eventually, similar fuel technologies will be available for commercial, as well as military applications which will further help to reduce the world’s carbon emissions.

This RAF drone flight is an early demonstration of the potential suitability of synthetic kerosene as a high-performance synthetic fuel. These are early and important steps in defining routes to net zero high performance fuels and the drone flight is therefore an important milestone on this journey]]> Tue, 14 Jun 2022 16:29:00 +0100 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/500_drone.jpg?10000 https://content.presspage.com/uploads/1369/drone.jpg?10000