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Success for Dr Leszek Majewski

The British Standards Institution (BSI) has appointed Dr Leszek Majewski, a member of Sensors and Electronics Group in the Department of EEE working on sustainable materials for printed electronics, as Head of the UK delegation of IEC TC 119 - “Printed Electronics” for the 88th IEC General Meeting in Edinburgh.

Once a year, during a IEC General Meeting, stakeholders from around the world come together to decide on current issues, as well as future directions and strategies for the IEC. In 2024, the IEC General Meeting is hosted by British Standards Institution (BSI) in Edinburgh from 21 to 25 October which marks the first time in 35 years this event will be happening in the UK. 

As the Head of the UK delegation of IEC Technical Committee 119 – “Printed Electronics” which is responsible for the standardization in the field of printed electronics for terminology, materials, processes, equipment, products and health/safety/environment, Leszek will lead the delegation with the aim to advise and guide the standardisation work in the strategic for the UK area of sustainable printed electronics. 

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Leszek said, "I am delighted to be appointed as Head of UK delegation of IEC Technical Committee 119 – ‘Printed Electronics’. This will allow me to represent the UK interests on the international stage, as well as shape and lead the work of the committee.” 

This appointment not only confirms that Leszek is nationally and internationally recognized as a highly competent, first-rate engineering expert, which strongly evidences a higher-level of achievement, but also reinforces the international reputation of the University of Manchester as a leader in social responsibility. 

Standards guide and normalize almost all areas of our lives. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards provide instructions, guidelines, rules or definitions that are then used to design, manufacture, install, test and certify, maintain and repair electrical and electronic devices and systems. The IEC’s mission is to achieve worldwide use of IEC International Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems to ensure the safety, efficiency, reliability and interoperability of electrical, electronic and information technologies, to enhance international trade, facilitate broad electricity access and enable a more sustainable world. 

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