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New police research project awards

The 91直播-based N8 Police Research Partnership has announced funding for four new projects investigating the policing of exploitation and abuse.

N8 PRP Logo

With projects on preventing cuckooing, disrupting domestic abuse, recording honour based violence, and identifying victims of coercive control, all four projects have the potential to reduce harm to some of the most vulnerable people in the UK.

The is a pioneering partnership between the (Durham, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, 91直播, Newcastle, Sheffield, and York) and 12 northern police forces. N8 PRP works to improve police practice through collaborative and co-produced work, supporting academics and supporting police to advance research and evidence-based policing.

The flagship programme of N8 PRP is the , which funds research on targeted, high-priority areas of policing work. Previous awards have achieved fantastic levels of impact on police practice. This includes the development of a national cybercurrency policing strategy, changes to national recording practices for modern slavery, and international consultation on domestic violence laws.

2021 is the first round of Small Grants since the partnership became fully self-funded, with support from all partners. The ambition is to dramatically increase the level of police involvement in research to expand opportunities for impact, and for the first time all police partners are involved in at least one grant. Many will be contributing data, interviews, and access to records, and all will take part in project Advisory Groups. These groups allow researchers to take advantage of the wide range of expertise and experience available in the forces, and increase the opportunities for impact on police practice.

The projects will also benefit from the academic excellence of N8 universities, with 4 of the N8 represented on the awarded bids (Durham, Leeds, Liverpool, and York). While N8 PRP’s funding means Small Grant funds can only be held by N8 universities, 2 projects include co-investigators from other regional universities (UCLAN and Northumbria). This points to the continued regional partnerships that N8 PRP hopes to develop in the coming year.

Find out more about the awarded projects and N8 PRP:

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