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The 6th Annual Workshop on Advances in X-ray Imaging

The 6th annual workshop on Advances in X-ray imaging took place on Thursday 22 June 2022 and it was a great success. This is a collaboration between The University of Manchester at Harwell,  and the  with the aim of bringing together scientists from different fields to discuss developments and applications of a variety of X-Ray imaging and complementary techniques, and to build international collaborations.  The last onsite workshop was in June 2019 just before the Covid 19 pandemic and since then only one workshop took place online in 2021. The workshop attracted scientists from all over the country (DLS, STFC, ICL, UCL, RVC, The University of Manchester, University of Oxford, etc.) and also Belgium, Denmark and France.

Thanks to our excellent speakers, a variety of complementary imaging techniques (contrast-enhanced microCT imaging, ptychographic tomography, combining X-ray and laser light for 3D correlative imaging, hierarchical phase-contrast tomography, X-ray generation through laser-plasma accelerator technology) were highlighted and applied for static/dynamic studies (staining of soft tissues, earth deformation, cellular imaging, failure of batteries, soil and rock engineering, heritage, bone diagenesis, nuclear waste behaviour). With the huge amount of data generated, especially with techniques such as HiP-CT (image of a whole brain at 7.7 碌m ~ 12TB!), the workshop revealed again the problem we are facing with data manipulation and the need to develop new ways to visualise, extract and predict/validate scientific information from the datasets.

Techniques/rigs development and data mining have been a game changer for many applications over the past workshops and we will expand further this growing momentum during the 7th workshop next year. 

Posters and poster prizes 
Thank you to everyone who presented a poster and congratulations to our three poster winners: 

1st Damien Freitas, The University of Manchester 
2nd Sarah Davidson, University of Oxford 
3rd Alissa Parmenter, University College London 

We would like to say a huge thank you to all our speakers, chairs, sponsors and delegates who helped to make the conference a success.

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